Legacy of Kain Wiki

File:Wiki-Icon-SR2.pngFile:Wiki-Icon-BO2.pngFile:Wiki-Icon-DEF.png Known events in the fourth timeline

Before Nosgoth's recorded history

(Accountable span of several millennia; minimum of 3000 years)[annotation 1]

    • The Hylden oppose the Elder God, and refuse to submit to the Wheel.[Defiance/10]
    • Vorador is sired as a vampire by Janos Audron, and becomes the first human in Nosgoth to whom the blood curse is passed.[Defiance/6][Defiance/8]
  • The seminal events of vampire history are recorded in murals throughout the Vampire Citadel.[Defiance]
  • (Over further thousands of years subsequent to the ancient vampires' near-extinction) Over the millennia, Janos Audron continues to guard the Reaver alone, awaiting the arrival of the prophesied vampire messiah.[Soul Reaver 2/8]

Nosgoth's early history

(Span of ~450 years)

  • Nosgoth's vampire population increases, incurring the attention of the Circle.[2][Blood Omen/6]
    • The Elder Kain also emerges from the post-Blood Omen era.[Soul Reaver 2/Epilogue]
    • Dumah, Melchiah, Raziel, Turel and Zephon silently pursue the wraith Raziel as he progresses.[Soul Reaver 2/8]
    • Raziel scales the Retreat, and meets Janos for the first time. They discuss the history of Nosgoth, and Janos tries to present Raziel with the physical Reaver.[Soul Reaver 2/8]
    • The Sarafan commanders reach Janos's chamber. Janos teleports the wraith Raziel to the Fire Forge before confronting the Sarafan. As they battle, Raziel solves the forge and obtains the Fire Reaver.[Soul Reaver 2/8]
    • Janos Audron is murdered by the Sarafan Raziel, who extracts his heart, the Heart of Darkness. As the Retreat collapses, Dumah retrieves the Reaver, and the commanders flee back to the Sarafan Stronghold. The wraith Raziel chases them south across Nosgoth, determined to avenge Janos.[3][Blood Omen/Miscellaneous][Soul Reaver 2/9][Soul Reaver 2/1]
    • "Unseen forces" unleash Demons against the wraith Raziel to impede his progress. In the Subterranean Pillars Chamber, Raziel meets the Elder God, who proclaims him a failure.[Soul Reaver 2/9]
    • Moebius retrieves his staff and the Reaver from the commanders, and - aware of impending events - co-ordinates an ambush against the wraith Raziel. He dispatches the commanders, unaware of Raziel's identity, throughout the Stronghold to prepare for battle against him.[Soul Reaver 2/9][Soul Reaver 2/9]
    • The wraith Raziel returns to the Stronghold, and discovers the Reaver, laid out for him in an antechamber. Moebius and Malek confront him, and Moebius's Staff disables the Wraith Blade, forcing Raziel to wield the physical Reaver. He prepares to fight Malek, but is distracted by sounds of another disturbance nearby.[Soul Reaver 2/9]
    • The slaughter of the Circle: Vorador fights back against the human Circle of Nine for their sponsorship of the Sarafan and the murder of Janos, infiltrating the Sarafan Stronghold and killing the Balance, Dimension, Energy, Mind, Nature and States Guardians. Malek attempts to rush to the Circle's protection, but is delayed by Moebius's instruction to keep Raziel at bay. Malek and Moebius trap Raziel, and Malek runs to confront Vorador, but is too late. Vorador defeats and humiliates him in combat.[3][Blood Omen/5][Blood Omen/6][Soul Reaver 2/9][Soul Reaver 2/1]
    • Six new Guardians are born (variously Anarcrothe, Ariel, Azimuth, Bane, DeJoule and Nupraptor, or unseen predecessors to them).[3][Blood Omen/9][Blood Omen/5]
    • Forced to proceed through the Stronghold, the wraith Raziel uses the Reaver to systematically slay Melchiah, Zephon, Rahab, Dumah and Turel respectively.[Soul Reaver 2/9]
    • Raziel confronts and kills his former, Sarafan self with the Reaver in the Chapter House.[Soul Reaver 2/Epilogue]
    • The third paradox: The Wraith Blade returns, embracing the Reaver, and exerts its own will, turning on Raziel. Raziel is impaled on the Reaver, his soul being drawn into the physical weapon.[Soul Reaver 2/Epilogue]
    • Soul Reaver 2, Epilogue The Elder Kain emerges, and tears the Reaver from Raziel's chest just before it can fully consume him. Kain frantically warns Raziel not to resurrect Janos Audron, but Raziel sinks into the Spectral Realm, and remains in the Underworld for five centuries.[Soul Reaver 2/Epilogue][Defiance/2]
  • ("A few years" after ~0) Now armed with the unimbued Reaver, the Elder Kain searches for Raziel. Reflecting on his own history, he slaughters a number of Sarafan troops in a field near the Stronghold, and begins his infiltration of the building.[Defiance comic][9]
  • ("Centuries" before the Blood Omen era) Janos Audron's heart is taken to Avernus Cathedral, where it is formally christened "the Heart of Darkness". The vampires' enemies hide it away. Vorador repeatedly tries to recover the Heart over the centuries, but never succeeds.[Defiance/8]
  • Vorador retrieves Janos's body from the rubble of the Retreat, and takes it to his mansion, where it is enshrined and protected in a dedicated crypt.[Defiance/8]

Pre-Blood Omen era

(Span of ~50 years)

    • Kain travels to William's kingdom, intending to kill William on advice from the Oracle (Moebius).[Soul Reaver 2/1]
    • In the stronghold of William the Just, Kain watches as Moebius provides William with the Soul Reaver and other weapons, and warns William of a vampire sent to slay him.[Blood Omen/10]
    • The first paradox: Kain attempts to slay William in battle. Both combatants are armed with incarnations of the Soul Reaver.[Soul Reaver 2/5][Blood Omen/10]
    • Kain succeeds in slaying William, and drinks his Blood. Kain's Soul Reaver breaks William's in the battle. After being discovered as the assassin, Kain finds a second time-streaming device, and returns to his own time in the Blood Omen era.[2][3][Soul Reaver 2/5][Blood Omen/10]
  • Devastated by William's murder, the people of William's realm swear a vengeful covenant to their fallen king, promising to eradicate Nosgoth's vampires once and for all.[Blood Omen/Miscellaneous]
    • Moebius snatches Raziel from the time-stream, and conveys him to the time-streaming chamber in the Sarafan Stronghold. Moebius attempts to fuel Raziel's hatred for Kain and the vampires.[Soul Reaver 2/1]
    • In William's chapel, Raziel discovers the broken Soul Reaver, causing a Reaver-convergence. The Wraith Blade leeches Raziel's soul energy to restore the damaged physical sword. Raziel threatens Moebius with the Soul Reaver, but stays his hand, and leaves the reconstituted weapon behind.[Soul Reaver 2/1]
    • Before leaving the Stronghold to meet Kain at the Pillars, Raziel encounters a mural recording the life of Janos Audron, demonizing him as a predator who terrorized Uschtenheim's population.[Soul Reaver 2/1]
    • Possessing Mortanius's body, the Hylden Lord murders Ariel. Kain, her successor as Guardian of Balance, is born to an aristocratic family.[2][3][5][10]
    • The corruption of the Pillars: Nupraptor, Ariel's lover, finds her corpse and realises that Mortanius was responsible for her death. Overwhelmed with grief and suspicions of treachery, Nupraptor plunges into madness, unleashing a psychic onslaught directed at the entire Circle of Nine. Throughout all Nosgoth, the minds of the sensitive and intellectual are blasted by waves of hatred. The Circle is permanently left mentally corrupted, and the Pillars physically crack and corrode.[2][8][Blood Omen/2] Raziel and the Elder Kain both witness this event from the Pillars' clearing.[Soul Reaver 2/2]
    • Using the Wraith Blade, Raziel unlocks the Subterranean Pillars Chamber for the first time in centuries, and discovers the ancient vampires' murals within. He meets the Elder God again, who insists that he destroy Kain and the vampires.[Soul Reaver 2/2][Soul Reaver 2/2]
    • In the Swamp, Raziel solves the Dark Forge to obtain the Dark Reaver, and meets Vorador. They discuss the vampire purges, the corruption of the Pillars, the Reaver, and Janos Audron.[Soul Reaver 2/3][Soul Reaver 2/2]
    • On his return journey to the Stronghold, Raziel begins to denounce the Elder God. He solves the Light Forge, and obtains the Light Reaver.[Soul Reaver 2/3]
    • The second paradox: At William's chapel, Raziel meets the Elder Kain, and takes up the Soul Reaver.[Soul Reaver 2/5]
    • Describing the first timeline and the story of the Nemesis, Kain convinces Raziel not to kill him. The pull of history almost forces Raziel to impale Kain, but he succeeds in narrowly diverting the Reaver's course, instead fracturing William's sarcophagus.[Soul Reaver 2/5]
    • Raziel surprises Moebius in the Circle's gathering-room, and forces him to operate the second time-streaming chamber, intending to travel back to a time before the Sarafan vampire purge began. Moebius deceives Raziel, sending him forward to the post-Blood Omen era instead.[Soul Reaver 2/5]
    • The Elder Kain pursues Raziel to the post-Blood Omen era.[Soul Reaver 2/5]
  • At an indeterminate point between the slaughter of the Circle and now, Azimuth is possessed by the Hylden. Using her powers over Dimension in conjunction with a time-streaming device stolen from Moebius, the Hylden summon the devolved vampire Turel back through time from the Soul Reaver era. Serving as a vessel for the Hylden, Turel is placed in captivity in the Avernus Catacombs, and worshipped as a god under the name Hash'ak'gik by the Hash'ak'gik cult and Avernus's cenobites.[Defiance/10][5][Blood Omen/Miscellaneous][11]
  • The insane and deranged Guardians unleash their powers against Nosgoth, with malicious intent. Anarcrothe, Bane and DeJoule create the Dark Eden. Azimuth begins indiscriminately summoning malevolent demons and creatures in numerous cities, leaving the populace at their mercy. Nupraptor practices self-mutilation, sewing his own eyes and lips shut, and terrorizes pilgrims who journey to his retreat near Vasserbünde.[3][8][12][13][Blood Omen/7][Blood Omen/3]
  • King Ottmar of Willendorf holds a contest to celebrate his daughter's birthday, offering a royal favor to the creator of the finest doll in the realm. Among hundreds of submissions, Elzevir the Dollmaker's entry is proclaimed the winner. Elzevir takes a lock of the Princess' hair in payment.[Blood Omen/9][14]
  • By now, the vampire race has been devastated by the crusades of Moebius's mercenary army, and Vorador is among the last survivors of his kind.[Blood Omen/11]
  • (~50) Kain departs Coorhagen, embarking on a journey across Nosgoth.[3][13]

Blood Omen era

(Span of ~1 year)

Post-Blood Omen era

(Span of ~500 years)

  • (~100) Raziel emerges from the pre-Blood Omen era, arriving in the Sarafan Stronghold. He discovers a statue commemorating Moebius, holding aloft the severed head of Vorador.[Soul Reaver 2/5]
    • After discovering Moebius's statue, Raziel encounters and taunts an illusion conjured by Moebius - posing as his martyred spirit - intended to influence Raziel into destroying Kain.[15][Soul Reaver 2/Epilogue]
    • Raziel encounters the specter of Ariel at the Pillars of Nosgoth, who laments Kain's decision, and her own fate. He challenges her regarding the integrity of the Circle.[Soul Reaver 2/5]
    • Passing north through the Subterranean Pillars Chamber, Raziel finds that the Elder God has physically thrived since the Pillars' collapse. He and the Elder acrimoniously debate Kain's survival and its repercussions.[Soul Reaver 2/5]
    • The Elder Kain of the pre-Blood Omen era, spared by Raziel in this timeline, emerges in the past and pursues Raziel.[Soul Reaver 2/5]
    • After speaking with Ariel, Raziel encounters the Elder Kain outside the ruins of Janos Audron's Retreat, who discusses the nature of time, paradoxes and the malevolent forces subverting their destinies before departing.[Soul Reaver 2/5]
    • Raziel obtains the Air Reaver from the Air Forge.[Soul Reaver 2/5]
    • Using the time-streaming chamber in the Swamp, Raziel travels back in time to Nosgoth's early history, hoping to meet Janos Audron.[Soul Reaver 2/5]
  • Umah is sired by Vorador at an indeterminate point between now and Kain's awakening in Meridian.[Blood Omen 2/9]
  • Kain asks Marcus to join the vampire army, but Marcus declines. In response, Kain breaches Marcus's haven and tries to kill him. Unbeknownst to Kain, Marcus narrowly survives, and flees into hiding.[Blood Omen 2/4]
  • (~200) Sebastian betrays the vampire army to side with the Hylden Lord and the Sarafan, orchestrating an ambush which devastates Kain's forces.[5][Blood Omen 2/6]

Soul Reaver era

(Accountable span of ~2000 years)[annotation 4]

    • The vampires begin to destroy Nosgoth's major human kingdoms. Vampire hunters rise to counter their menace.[24]
    • At an indeterminate point during or after its construction, the vampires (chiefly Zephon and the Zephonim) slaughter the Cathedral's inhabitants and take it for their own.[Soul Reaver/6][Soul Reaver/7]
  • Growing increasingly bored over time, Kain and the lieutenants pit the lesser vampires of the empire against each other for their own amusement. The Council is formally founded.[24]
    • Kain's descendants utilize the Abyss as an execution ground for traitors and weaklings in their society.[Soul Reaver/1]
  • ("Centuries" before ~2000, and most likely before ~1000)[annotation 4] Dumah and the Dumahim retreat into Nosgoth's northern wilderness. The mountain stronghold which will later become known as the Ruined City is constructed, and becomes home to the Dumahim.[Soul Reaver/12][Soul Reaver/13]
  • (~1000) While feeding on a female, Raziel suddenly realizes his captive is not human. She reveals herself to be a construct of the elder gods, and tells Raziel of his imminent destiny to be destroyed in the Abyss and reborn to exact revenge on Kain. Raziel slaughters the construct and burns her remains.[Soul Reaver comic]
    • Kain and the Council meet at the Sanctuary of the Clans. Raziel reveals his wings. Deducing that Raziel's temporary destruction will allow him to claim his own role as Scion of Balance, Kain brutally rips Raziel's wings from his body.[2][3][Soul Reaver/1][15]
    • Raziel's execution: The members of the Council travel to the Lake of the Dead, where, on Kain's orders, Dumah and Turel cast Raziel into the Abyss. Turel assumes Raziel's former position as the empire's second-in-command.[2][Soul Reaver/1][15][Defiance/13][Defiance/1][Soul Reaver manual (UK)]
    • Kain abandons his empire searching for a way to restore Nosgoth. The leaderless empire fragments as the Vampire clans turn on each other.
  • (By "Centuries" after ~1000)The Razielim, heavily persecuted by the other clans evolve wings, but quickly begin to devolve.
    • The humans seize their opportunity to strike back and attempt to free their race from vampire rule. Cities are rebuilt, skills are relearned and humanity progresses to the point where it becomes a potent threat, launching a devastating attack on the empire itself.
    • Realizing the threat they are faced with, the warring vampire clans band together once again and a new War for Nosgoth begins...
  • Whether eradicated by Kain or absented for other reasons, Raziel's clan ostensibly disappears from Nosgoth. Raziel's Clan Territory becomes derelict.[Soul Reaver/2][Soul Reaver/3]
  • Nosgoth is increasingly wracked by cataclysms as a result of the Pillars' destruction and the vampires' practices, and its landscape becomes significantly warped over time. As part of these upheavals, the Abbey is drowned by deluges, and the Tomb of the Sarafan is exposed and becomes accessible.[Soul Reaver/2][Soul Reaver/9][Soul Reaver/10]
  • Kain's surviving lieutenants and their clans continue to devolve. They become practically unrecognizable as the centuries pass.[Soul Reaver/1][Soul Reaver/2]
    • Becoming increasingly ghoul-like to their own displeasure, Melchiah and the Melchahim relocate to the Necropolis, and begin replenishing their ranks from the long-dead corpses therein.[Soul Reaver/4]
    • Becoming increasingly spider-like, Zephon's body gradually becomes one with the Silenced Cathedral.[Soul Reaver/8]
    • Becoming increasingly piscatorial, Rahab and the Rahabim gradually overcome their natural vulnerability to water, gaining the ability to swim. They retreat from the surface to dwell in the Drowned Abbey.[Soul Reaver/10]
  • ("Centuries" before ~2000, but after ~1000)[annotation 4] The vampire hunters launch a successful surprise attack on Dumah's mountain stronghold, decimating the Dumahim, and slaying Dumah himself.[Soul Reaver/10]
    • Leaderless, the few surviving Dumahim are reduced to roving scavengers.[Soul Reaver/10]
  • Rahab is personally informed by Kain that he is destined to die at Raziel's hands.[Soul Reaver/11]
  • (During, or shortly before, ~2000)[annotation 4] Vampire hunters attack the Silenced Cathedral, and are repelled by the Zephonim. One makes it to Zephon's lair with a flamethrower, but is severed in half by Zephon.[Soul Reaver/8]
  • (~2000)[annotation 4] After suffering relentless agony in the Abyss, Raziel is resurrected as a wraith by the Elder God. Now the Elder's symbiotic agent, he is obliged to destroy Kain and his brethren in his quest for vengeance.[2][Soul Reaver/1][15][25]
    • Guided out of the Underworld by the Elder God, Raziel explores the wasteland of Nosgoth. Beyond the Sanctuary of the Clans and the Abyss, he is enraged to discover his clan territory desolate, his clan apparently dead.[15][Soul Reaver/3]
    • Witnessing Melchahim murdering a human, Raziel pervades the Necropolis, and reaches Melchiah's lair. He kills Melchiah and devours his soul, attaining the ability to phase through gates.[15][Soul Reaver/4][Soul Reaver/5]
    • At the Elder God's urging, Raziel infiltrates the Sanctuary of the Clans, and encounters Kain awaiting him at the Pillars of Nosgoth. They battle, and Kain strikes Raziel with the Soul Reaver. The Soul Reaver shatters on impact. Satisfied at this outcome, Kain departs.[2][15][Soul Reaver/6]
    • Raziel succumbs to his wounds and slips into the Spectral Realm, where he inextricably bonds with the spirit liberated from the Soul Reaver - the Wraith Blade. He meets Ariel, who agrees to conspire with him in ensuring Kain's destruction.[2][15][Soul Reaver/6]
    • Raziel ascends the Silenced Cathedral and reaches Zephon's lair. Using the deceased vampire hunter's flamethrower and Zephon's eggs, he immolates Zephon. By consuming Zephon's soul, he gains the ability to scale walls.[15][Soul Reaver/7][Soul Reaver/8]
    • Raziel infiltrates the Tomb of the Sarafan, and rediscovers the Council's forgotten heritage as the former leaders of the Sarafan brotherhood. Beneath the Tomb, he destroys the Tomb Guardian and obtains the telekinetic force projectile ability.[Soul Reaver/9][15]
    • In the Drowned Abbey, Raziel makes use of sunlight to destroy Rahab, and gains the ability to swim from devouring his brother's soul.[15][Soul Reaver/10][Soul Reaver/11]
    • Raziel reaches Dumah's throne room, and pulls the stakes from Dumah's chest, reviving him. Luring Dumah to a Furnace, Raziel destroys him and devours his soul, attaining the constrict ability.[15][Soul Reaver/12][Soul Reaver/13]
    • In pursuit of Kain, Raziel journeys through the Oracle's Cave and into the Chronoplast. He witnesses his own recent past and potential future in the Chronoplast visions.[15][Soul Reaver/13]
    • Raziel reaches the heart of the Chronoplast complex, where Kain awaits. He battles, but fails to defeat, Kain, who activates the Chronoplast's portal, and passes through to the pre-Blood Omen era. Raziel follows.[2][Soul Reaver 2/Prologue][15][Defiance/1][Soul Reaver/15]
  • (After ~1000, and possibly after ~2000)[annotation 4] From this era, Turel is summoned backwards through time by Azimuth to the Avernus Catacombs, where he will act as the deity worshipped by the Hash'ak'gik cult.
  • (After ~2000)[annotation 4] Ariel's specter is presumably drawn backwards through time from this era to the Blood Omen era, where it will unite with the souls of her predecessors in the Spirit Forge, and become the Spirit Reaver.[15][26]

(Total span of at least ~6000 years)[annotation 1][annotation 4]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Janos Audron reveals in Blood Omen 2 that the Vampire-Hylden war lasted at least 1000 years, and states in Soul Reaver 2 that, ever since his race died out, he had been guarding the Reaver alone for "thousands of years" (minimum of 2000), accumulating to a minimum 3000 year span for the era before Nosgoth's recorded history. The remaining eras add up to roughly 3000 years. If both of Janos's estimates also apply to other timelines, this results in a calculable minimum total of 6000 accountable years of Nosgothic history.
  2. In Blood Omen 2 (fourth timeline), Kain expresses a belief that "the curse of vampirism is no mark of divinity", contrary to his epiphany at the end of Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (second timeline). As such, his motives for refusing the sacrifice may have been altered in this timeline.
  3. This event was cut from Legacy of Kain: Defiance, and although it does take place in this timeline nevertheless, it is uncertain when. It has been tentatively positioned after ~100 based on Kain's Soul Reaver 2 narrative assertion that history adheres to "the path of least resistance". Had Vorador's resurrection occurred later than ~100, Raziel could not have encountered his head in the Sarafan Stronghold.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 No direct informations is given in game for the length of time Raziel was imprisoned in the Abyss, however in deleted dialogue, the Elder God is directly questioned by Raziel on the subject and responds "A millennium, or a moment? We who stand outside the rim of time dwell not in past or future ages; there is only the now" - perhaps suggesting a figure close to a thousand years. Subsequently a Blood Omen 2 developer interview suggested that the main gameplay events of that title occurred "1600 years before Raziel emerges from the void to begin LOK:SR" - indirectly implying that Raziel was in the Abyss for 500 years. The developers of Nosgoth have since indicated that the cut dialogue is the more valid figure for the time-frame and that the true figure is closer to 1000 years than 500.

References (fourth timeline)

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Template:Icon-Eidos Chris@Crystal's Greatest Hits at the Eidos Forums (by Divine Shadow)
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 2.39 2.40 File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png Soul Reaver 2: Historical Timeline at Dark Chronicle (by Marie Tryhorn)
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 3.29 3.30 3.31 3.32 3.33 3.34 3.35 3.36 File:Wiki-Icon-NR.png GLoK Interviews with Amy Hennig at Nosgothic Realm (by Raziel Fan), post #5 (by RazielFan)
  4. The Pillars at the Soul Reaver 2 official site
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 File:Wiki-Icon-TLW.png Question and Answer with Amy Hennig at The Lost Worlds (by Ben Lincoln)
  6. Template:Icon-IGN Interview With a Vampire: Blood Omen 2 at IGN (by Douglass C. Perry)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Template:Icon-DCab Some questions about SR2 Sarafan at DCabDesign (by Lexy), post #3 (by Daniel Cabuco)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png The Players at SK: The Complete Guide To Legacy of Kain (archived at Dark Chronicle)
  9. Defiance Sarafan Warrior at spectraljin.com (by Daniel Cabuco)
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png Miscellaneous Questions & Answers at SK: The Complete Guide To Legacy of Kain (archived at Dark Chronicle)
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 Template:Icon-Eidos Answers to questions from the Defiance team at the Eidos forums (by Chris@Crystal)
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png Legacy of Kain: The Plot at SK: The Complete Guide To Legacy of Kain (archived at Dark Chronicle)
  13. 13.0 13.1 File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png Soul Reaver 2: Background Story at Dark Chronicle (by Marie Tryhorn)
  14. 14.0 14.1 Template:Icon-Eidos Warp's answers from Amy at the Eidos Forums (by blincoln)
  15. 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.06 15.07 15.08 15.09 15.10 15.11 15.12 15.13 15.14 15.15 File:Wiki-Icon-TLW.png Question and Answer with Jen, Richard, and Kyle at The Lost Worlds (by Ben Lincoln)
  16. File:Wiki-Icon-TLW.png FAQ at The Lost Worlds (by Ben Lincoln)
  17. File:Wiki-Icon-TLW.png The Resurrection of Vorador at The Lost Worlds (by Ben Lincoln)
  18. File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png Bloodomen 2 (Story) (archived at Dark Chronicle)
  19. File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png Faustus at Dark Chronicle (by Marie Tryhorn)
  20. File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png Magnus at Dark Chronicle (by Marie Tryhorn)
  21. File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png Marcus at Dark Chronicle (by Marie Tryhorn)
  22. File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png Sebastian at Dark Chronicle (by Marie Tryhorn)
  23. File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png Blood Omen 2: Background Story at Dark Chronicle (by Marie Tryhorn)
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png Soul Reaver: Background Story at Dark Chronicle (by Marie Tryhorn)
  25. Template:Icon-GS Blood Omen 2 Q&A at GameSpot (by Sam Newman)
  26. File:Wiki-Icon-DC.png Ariel at Dark Chronicle (by Marie Tryhorn)