In this chapter there are no pick-ups or items to gain and there is only one enemy - Raziel (Defiance boss).
Kain has the main objective "Prevent Raziel from raising Janos Audron". The official guide lists this objective and the chapter title as "Stop Raziel".
Stop Raziel is notably the shortest chapter of Defiance - consisting solely of Kain's perspective and boss battle againstRaziel. Defiance scripts do contain excerpts which suggest the chapter may have been planned to have been longer - with Raziel and Kain originally mentioned as battling at Mortanius's chamber rather than the Main Avernus Cathedral area. This could imply a section following Kain's journey down through the Avernus Catacombs was cut and would also explain Kain's location change between Battle Kain and Return to the Guardian Citadel.