Legacy of Kain Wiki
Legacy of Kain Wiki



  • In this chapter there are no pick-ups or items to gain and there is only one enemy - Raziel (Defiance boss).
  • Kain has the main objective "Prevent Raziel from raising Janos Audron". The official guide lists this objective and the chapter title as "Stop Raziel".
  • Stop Raziel is notably the shortest chapter of Defiance - consisting solely of Kain's perspective and boss battle against Raziel. Defiance scripts do contain excerpts which suggest the chapter may have been planned to have been longer - with Raziel and Kain originally mentioned as battling at Mortanius's chamber rather than the Main Avernus Cathedral area. This could imply a section following Kain's journey down through the Avernus Catacombs was cut and would also explain Kain's location change between Battle Kain and Return to the Guardian Citadel.


