"My path ended here, offering only this empty vista. Was this another of Moebius's little jokes? ...or a puzzle for which I had not yet found the answer?"
Originally advised by Moebius to "go west of the Pillars" in the chapter Pursue Moebius, Kain travelled to the Pillars of Nosgoth and nearby the stronghold vista he found an interestingly marked plinth and podium beside a sealed gate. Following the trail westward beyond the Pillars led Kain to an empty vista overlooking the Lake of Tears which contained only an unusual obelisk marked with the symbol of the Balance Emblem and a small stone podium bearing a circular stone disc.[Defiance][Defiance/3][Defiance/5][Defiance strategy guide]
The object itself was a grey circular disc apparently constructed from stone material. On one face a raised pattern was embossed with three points giving an inverted 'Y' pattern of a faded brown-red color. At the center of this pattern was a central 'eye' design consisting of an oval with a black vertical slit resembling a pupil in the middle. on each arm on the 'Y' was a small gray circle.[Defiance][Defiance/5]
Two podiums can be seen in game which appear to be 'holders' of a sort for the stone disc. One on the lake vista is holding the stone disc when Kain finds it. Another somewhat broken podium is present at the Stronghold vista next to the Stone disc receptacle plinth - although it is not actually used for placement of the disc in the course of the game. Interestingly the two podiums themselves move between the two time periods with the lake podium entirely missing in the Blood Omen era and the plinth podium moving to the other side of the doorway.[Defiance][Defiance/5][Defiance/6]
The Stone Disc is labelled in game files as "pi_key". A brighter duplicate is used for its appearance in the events of Blood Omen labelled as "dupe_pi_key". Duplicated textures "pi_keyshrine" and "pi_keyshrine_fake" represent the stone disc lock 'pillar' and its already completed counterpart on the other side of the gate in Nosgoth's early history - these are replaced with identical textures "pillars_sconce" and "pillars_sconce_b" in the Blood Omen era. Several background environmental textures also relate to the stone disc - with the textures "pillars10a-0030" and "snow_pillars10a-0015" relating to the 'lock' plinth in different eras, and the textures "pillars10a-0009"/"pillars10a-0010", "snow_pillars6a-0016"/"snow_pillars6a-0017" and "snow_pillars10a-0020"/"snow_pillars10a-0021" all relating to the holder for the disc in various locations and eras. A further duplicate of the item, labelled "snow_pillars10a-0015" is used for the disc after it has been inserted into its lock.
The small picture in the inventory viewer window appears to show the more colorful future variant of the stone disc rather then the plainer version picked up by Kain.[Defiance][Defiance/5]