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The Spectral Reaver was the Wraith-blade's energy manifestation in the Spectral Realm. Featured in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2 and Legacy of Kain: Defiance.



The Spectral Reaver in the Defiance artifact room

When Raziel originally gained the Wraith Blade in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, it effectively had two companion enhancements; the blue Material Reaver and the green Spectral Reaver, with the Spectral Reaver the default manifestation of the blade in the Spectral Realm. Once gained, the blade was always present in the Spectral Realm and was the only weapon, save Raziel's Claws that could be used in combat against the inhabitants of that realm. In combat, the blade was more powerful than other standard weaponry and could also be enhanced with the Telekinetic force projectile relic to produce Reaver bolts[Soul Reaver][Soul Reaver manual (UK)][Soul Reaver manual (US)][Soul Reaver strategy guide (Prima)].


The Spectral Reaver in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

The blade returned in Soul Reaver 2, where it acted in much the same manner initially; being a constant presence in the Spectral Realm and the only weapon (besides Claws) that could be used in combat against Spectral enemies. Shortly into the game however, the Wraith blade grew in strength after meeting its former self in William's chapel. After this incident, attacks using the Reaver would gradually fill the Reaver bar which encircled Raziel's Health spiral, increasing the power of the blade tremendously but devouring the Souls of its victims before Raziel could feed and eventually turning its hunger on Raziel when completely filled. As in Soul Reaver, the blade could also fire Reaver bolts[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2 manual][Soul Reaver 2 strategy guide (Prima)].


The Spectral Reaver in the Defiance inventory

The Spectral Reaver featured again in Legacy of Kain: Defiance where it was for the first time identified as a distinct version of the Wraith Blade, separate from the Material Reaver. The Spectral Reaver was now permanently present as Raziel's default Wraith blade manifestation in the Spectral Realm. Similar to Soul Reaver 2, the Material Reaver could be fed on enemies Souls to fill the Reaver charge and allow Raziel to use Charged attacks (which increased attack damage) and Reaver spells (which included splash damage on nearby enemies) in combat. Both the Spectral and Material Reaver would ultimately be superseded late in the game by the Spirit Reaver[Defiance][Defiance manual][Defiance strategy guide].

Behind the scenes[]


The invisible alpha Spectral Reaver

In the Soul Reaver alphas the Spectral Reaver is yet to be properly implemented. The blade is present in menus and can be used as a weapon but is invisible.



See also[]


