Legacy of Kain Wiki
Legacy of Kain Wiki

The Shotgun was the default weapon of the Beastmaster class in Nosgoth.

Behind the scenes[]

The Shotgun was described as "a powerful short range weapon designed for hunting dangerous prey."[NOS]

The alternatives to the Shotgun were:

The Shotgun, the Heavy Shotgun, and the Splinter Bow were the only weapons in Nosgoth which had no variations. No founder's or unique variation of the Shotgun existed, and unlike other classes' weapons (but like other Beastmaster weapons), no Shotgun variations with visual effects had been produced by the time of the game's cancellation.

Although the icon for Hunter's Gold depicts a golden variation of the default Shotgun, the weapon's model is instead a golden variation of the Hunter's Shotgun, from which it derives its statistics.

The Shotgun is referred to as "Weapon_Shotgun" in the Nosgoth game data. Concept art portraying five Beastmaster weapons labelled it #2.


See also[]

