Kain is the youngest son of an aristocratic family, seeking gold and glory in the hinterlands of Nosgoth. His haughty arrogance has won him no allies. In the mud-wallow, pathetic excuse of a village, Ziegstruhl, Kain is ambushed and slain by a band of brigands. He awakens to a painful reality in the bowels of Hell. The Necromancer Mortanious offers him an opportunity for vengeance. Kain, his judgment clouded by his hunger for revenge, accepts without considering the cost.
Kain ventures from his crypt and begins stalking the brigands. He discovers the he is somehow changed. Water burns. The light of the sun weakens him. Villagers flee when they see him. Yet only after he has slaughtered the bandits that killed him does he realize the full extent of his curse. Driven mad with hunger by the warm rich scent of the blood coursing from their fresh wounds, Kain gorges himself. Sickened by his frenzy, he vows not to spend eternity as a vampire feasting, tick like, on the blood of the living.
To have any hope of release from the curse of vampirism Kain must destroy the Circle and restore the Pillars of Nosgoth. To do so Kain must destroy all members of the Circle.