Phasing was retained as an innate ability in Soul Reaver 2 and could be used at any time by Raziel. Phasing again allowing Raziel to briefly "dissolve" his physical form to pass through gates, fences and other permeable barriers. The ability had much of the same functionality as before, requiring only that Raziel moved towards the barrier in the Spectral Realm to pass through it. Phasing would only work on completely permeable barriers and would be aborted if Raziel was struck whilst attempting to perform it.[Soul Reaver 2][Soul Reaver 2 manual][Soul Reaver 2 strategy guide (Prima)]
Raziel's first acquired move is the ability to pass through gates in the spectral plane. Raziel can now phase through otherwise impassable barriers like fences, gates and grates by going into the spectral plane and pushing against them. After a moment, Raziel will "dematerialize" a bit and phase through to the other side. To get this ability, Raziel must defeat the leader of the Skinner clan, named Melchiah. He can be found deep in the area known as Melchahim.
―PSM issue 19
Raziel's first acquired mechanic is the ability to pass through gates, in the spectral plane. Raziel can now phase through otherwise impassable barriers like fences, gates and grates, by going into spectral and pushing against them. After a moment, Raziel will "dematerialize" a bit and phase through to the other side.
The animation used when Raziel phases through bars changes between titles. In Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver and Soul Reaver 2, Raziel used a method which resembled a crucifix, with his arms outstretched. In Legacy of Kain: Defiance, Raziel's movements were changed, becoming a more forceful 'step through' phasing animation.[Soul Reaver][Soul Reaver 2][Defiance] In the alpha builds of Soul Reaver Phasing uses an animation based on Raziel's 'walk into walls' and does not have the sparkle effect.