Legacy of Kain Wiki
Legacy of Kain Wiki



  • In this chapter, Kain can collect 2 Health talismans, 1 Telekinesis rune and 2 Arcane tomes. Kain can also collect the Time Reaver enhancement. Kain also finds the Quest Items the Earth Globe and the Sphere of Energy.
  • Enemies in this level include the returning Lesser shades, Greater shades, Feral humans (male), Feral humans (female), Guardian constructs and Vampire Golems - for the first time in Defiance no new enemies are introduced in this chapter.
  • Kain has the main objectives "Recover the last fragment of the Balance Emblem", "Seek power source for disabled warp gate", "Recover the last fragment of the Balance Emblem", "Open the chamber at the center of the Citadel", "Use the time portal" and "Depart for Avernus" and the minor objectives "Find the warp gate to Earth area", "Find Earth relic to unlock door", "Use Earth Globe to open door", "Find warp gate to Dark area", "Find orb to power warp gate", "Return to Earth via warp gate", "Activate warp gate to Air area", "Use warp gate to Air area", "Find warp gate to Light area", "Acquire the Time Emblem", "Unlock the Balance Emblem door", "Jump into portal to travel in time", "Find vista to Avernus" and "Use bat form to travel". The Prima Guide identifies the main objective (and chapter title) as "Open the Spirit Forge Chamber" and lists the other objectives as "Traverse to the Dimensional Portal of Dark", "Traverse to the Dimensional Portal of Earth","Traverse to the Dimensional Portal of Light", "Enter the Spirit Forge chamber" and "Bat flight to Avernus".



