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Denis Dyack[]

Hello All![]

Hi Everyone,

I can't believe I have never seen this site until recently. I read over the posts and it is exciting to see so many people excited about the world we created so long ago. We have been so buried with Eternal Darkness I have not done a search on Legacy of Kain in a long time.

This was a nice surprise.

Silicon Knights

(Just realized I should probably ID myself ;) )
―Denis Dyack, 9:42 PM - Jun 26, 2001[1]
Hey there all!

I assure you that I am Denis. I will pop by when I can but these days time is very short. After GameCube Launch I will try to come by more and chat.
Could you tell us more about your new Eternal Darkness project?
I sure could. http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/smile.gif

First here is a screen shot:


Here are some links that I think everyone will like:

Our News Section - Updates from E3 etc...

Our ED Section

E3 Press Links - more then enough info about ED here http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/wink.gif

Finally our Kain FAQ which many of you probably already know about. Those who don't will probably like it alot.

Hope this helps,
―Denis Dyack, 1:02 AM - Jun 27, 2001[2]

game politics[]

Hennig is there as a design manager, but I always associated her with the conception of the story.
―The Vault Dweller
You should not; she had nothing to with the LOK story.
If Dyack and McColluch gave birth to LOK why are they no longer working on any of the games?
―The Vault Dweller
Ken and I wrote the story but we are only part of Silicon Knights. Silicon Knights gave birth to LOK.
why was hennig's name the only one, besides the voice actors, to be constant in the credits from BO to SR?
―The Vault Dweller
This is because Silicon Knights made the game and Crystal Dynamics did not.
was there some kind of ugly parting of the ways between SK and CD?
―The Vault Dweller
I have often thought about talking about the details and I will when I get the time.

Once I get more time, I hope to come back and shed some light on this issue if people still want to hear it.

―Denis Dyack, 3:43 AM - May 03, 2002[3]


Answers to the Simon and Michael questions![]

Hey everybody.

Unfortunately there wasn't time for Amy to get all of the questions answered by Simon and Michael, but most of
them she was able to provide herself! Thanks Amy!! These are paraphrased (by request) from an email she sent me
after she got back from the recording sessions:

- Where is Simon Templeman originally from, like what part of England? And does he know COkney Rhyming SLang [sic]?

Simon is from Sussex. Amy says they're hoping to include some candid bits of Simon on the Defiance disc, that
way everybody would get a chance to hear what he sounds like normally. She describes his voice as less formal
than Kain's, and that when he's not playing Kain he drops his t's. No word on the rhyming slang, whatever that
might be.

- How many characters are they going to be doing voices for in Defiance?

Since their voices are so recognizable, Simon is *only* playing Kain this time, and Michael
will be voicing Raziel and one or two minor characters.

- Has Simon played any of the games?

Apparently not. Amy also thinks he doesn't want to expose his kids to them =).

- Are Ren and Richard that funny all the time? Michael obviously is.

Some of them are sillier than the others, but they all have senses of humour and joke around a lot. Again,
they are hoping to include some of this on the Defiance disc.

- How do they feel about the fandom? Simon, Michael, Amy, everyone?

All of the actors are flattered by the fandom, and most of them have even had people come up and ask
them about the games. Amy says they think it's sweet, and that they're all nice people.

- Which characters (not exclusively Legacy of Kain) that they've played are they the most attached to?

Simon's favourite roles have been Hamlet and Romeo.
―blincoln, 1:59 AM - Jul 13, 2003[4]

Kory "koryhz" Heinzen[]

the art of defiance[]

Ha you probably thought this tread was going to show you how to be a angst ridden teenager that talks back to authority figures.
Well no.
I figured that you already had that one down pat!

I am writing to tell you that I finally got around to posting some of my work done on LoK[1]. I came here first because I knew you would be interested.
The stuff on the Eidos site is a bit embarrassing and not at all indicative of what we did on the project. (he he I said dick) well here is the link. let me know what yo think and what other kind of things you would like to see. I literally have hundreds of files. I am just too lazy to sift through them or scan all my drawings.

take care,

―koryhz, 10:21 AM - Feb 20, 2004[5]
Ok I'man idiot...
here is the link..

―koryhz, 10:29 AM - Feb 20, 2004[6]
Thanks guys, I am glad you liked 'em
I will try to post some more. I can't promise how soon.
Anyway, firsts things first. This is not fan art, sonofraziel. Besides have you really looked at raziel?
I don't think he is going to have any children. That is ofcourse he dropped some thing off at the sperm bank before he got pitched in to the abyss! HA.
Yes, I was part of the Defiance team and SR 2.
And yes I painted the picture of human Kain.

I won't claim to be an authority, but I can clarify somethings if you want.
OK back to work.

―koryhz, 6:58 PM - Feb 20, 2004[7]
thanks again for the support.

As for perspective grids? I don't use them. But that's not saying I don't plan out the perspective in a painting
I also use Photoshop and not painter, and yes, painter has a perspective grid.

The mist tree picture was an early idea for the cemetery. It was going to be in a different time zone
and have different game play. It was one of the earlier things that I did, so had little to do with the final design of the game.
It's like that for most of the concept stuff that is done
―koryhz, 2:14 AM - Feb 21, 2004[8]
once again, thanks for the kind words.
I have always been amazed by the passion of the fans here and elsewhere for these games.
It just goes to show how a little story and hard work pays off.
For anyone wanting originals, well they just don't exist. a vast majority of them are digital. and the rest of the pencil sketches of mine are the property of CD and Eidos. I got nice copies of them for myself and my mom and stuff when I left the company, but no origionals. Sorry.
Maybe I can start doing fan art now that that is all I am now. he he he.
As for the picture of Morty. I have some drawings of him that even look like Kevin Costner. Now THAT would have been scary! For reference I looked a lot different things and people, but what stayed with me the most was Davis Bowie from Labyrinth.
As to Posting more more more... I can't promise anything But I will do my best. Not all of it is pretty. some of it is quite utilitarian or just quick visual notes to myself or other artists. I can see why fans would be interested but anyone not intimate with the games would not care or be impressed. The main reason I posted the pictures was to prove that I actually was doing something the last few years.
And finally to "The Hylden"...
One of the coolest things about being a concept designer is seeing how the early works are translated in to the final game. I was fortunate enough to work with some amazing artists. As well as sneaking in my own mesh and textures in from time to time. It is especially gratifying to see a part of the game look exactly the way I drew it. It is not vanity it is just cool.
I hope I covered everything for now. a special thanks also goes out to the people who have taken the time to write me directly. I do my best to answer all mail in a timely fashion but I am pretty busy these days. I have not forgotten!

See Ya,
―koryhz, 9:01 AM - Feb 23, 2004[9]
OK there are some new ones I put up. per some requests. These are more everydat type of quick level visualzations. More of an insight to the process.

Thanks for all the support and kind words.

BTW I think Amy will be much happier in a new evironments after such a long time livung and breathing Nosgoth air. With all that muck in the air its hard on the lungs.[2]

Anyway have a good one. If you think of anything else let me know. hmmm maybe some old Chronoplast stuff. really old school.

―koryhz, 12:43 AM - Mar 17, 2004[10]

Andez "dez" Gaston[]

LoK: Dark Prophecy - More information unearthed (Malek & Devolved/Wolf Kain & Ancient Hylden)[]

Took me a while to read this. All of these sketches of the hylden were really just idea sketches. Though personally my favorite is the one with wings and hand feet(due to it being drawn while playing defiance and looking at the murals in the game.). Everyone has very valid points on the subjects that were brought up and I agree with some and disagree with others. Tenaya had a very valid concern. As someone who has played Soul Reaver 1 and Defiance. The Series has never really relied on sex appeal as a tool for selling games.Instead trading it all in for a great story plot and Narrative. I remember sitting at my desk sketching possible hylden designs and my art director tells me give them bigger boobs.lol! I also remember writing busty on a sheet of paper and then drawing the character(with busty written on the paper jokingly in a meeting it was accepted go figure). None of these were to be solid designs due to none of the characters really being defined personality wise.

It's awesome to see how much the kain series is supported and I hope you guys will get a new one someday. If kain were to have one last game it should be epic in scale to other game legends(kratos and snake).Not a rushed product.

Sorry for all the run-on ect ect. A bit tired

~Gaston bro no02.
―dez, 10:54 AM - Jul 10, 2010[11]
Well that's a long story. Let's just say they were for another unrelated game idea. Hope that answers that question.
―dez, 11:13 AM - Jul 10, 2010,[12]
As far as i can recall from 6 years ago. A story had not been written so the characters were never given actual names or personalities. As far as why the pre-banished hylden are tossed around. It's proven that people relate more to characters that are able to show emotion(especially since LOK is a story and narrative driven game). You can't really relate to a character if they were all in the demonform or mangled. Unfortunately I can't recall too much more than that. sorry
―dez, 12:59 PM - Jul 10, 2010[13]

George "Monkeythumbz" Kelion[]

The 10 Cancelled Legacy of Kains[]

Hi, I'm George and I'm the Community Manager for Nosgoth here at Square Enix's London office.

I’ve seen the post on NeoGAF about Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun and I thought you might want a bit more information. I can confirm that this was a project which had been in development - but which was cancelled.

I know it’s disappointing to hear about these things out of context, and whilst some of the details released are accurate - some details are not. You know game projects can be cancelled for a variety of different reasons and, I know it’s very hard to tell from images and info alone, but in the end LoK: Dead Sun just wasn’t the right game, at the right time… but you’ll have to take me at my word on that, I’m afraid.

Obviously, it’s not usual for assets from cancelled games to be released, but given that there’s a lot out there already I thought you might appreciate seeing a few more images that were taken from the previously in-progress game.

As you’ll be aware, we’re currently working on a multiplayer game firmly set within the Legacy of Kain universe called Nosgoth, which we’re very proud of. It’s grown in size and scope since its initial conception and we’ll be talking more about it in the future. While we’re not working on a single-player Legacy of Kain game right now, that doesn’t mean it’s not something we’d look at making in the future.










―Monkeythumbz, 1:13 PM - Jun 19, 2013[14]
Hey, no worries - you're most welcome. Full credit should go to Divine Shadow, though.
―Monkeythumbz, 3:47 PM - Jun 19, 2013[15]
So I’ve seen some comments in some areas of the games media interpreting Nosgoth’s existence as something that was somehow ‘pulled’ from the cancelled Dead Sun game. Obviously it’s always fun to try and suggest conclusions, and that's completely understandable when there’s not a lot of information around (which will always be the case with something like a cancelled game).

But I can categorically confirm that Nosgoth was a separate game from the beginning and is very much a unique game in its own right. It was related to the single-player game in terms of a shared art direction, but was always set in an entirely different time period and features different mechanics, characters, levels and gameplay. It isn’t and never was just a multiplayer version of the single-player game.

Personally, I can’t wait to show you exactly what we’ve been working on.

EDIT: Just for clarity, had Dead Sun shipped then Nosgoth would have been its multiplayer companion game. However, to categorize it as the "the multiplayer component of Dead Sun pulled out and fleshed out" isn't really accurate, nor does it do the game justice IMHO.
―Monkeythumbz, 6:16 PM - Jun 20, 2013[16]

Nosgoth... hopefully[]

Personally, I find all of the eras unexplored in the games to be interesting. The 500 years around the Hylden war. The 500 years before and the 500 after the raising of the six lieutenants. And the one you mentioned: the 500 between Raziel's execution and return. They're all centered around large monumental events that change the landscape and shift the power bases.
I agree wholeheartedly https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/nosgoth/forum_data/forums.no/nosg/nosgoth/smilies/929.gif
―Monkeythumbz, 6:35 PM - Sep 09, 2013[17]

Official announcement of Nosgoth.[]

Wow, thanks for the words of support LordOnatu - can't tell you how much I appreciate your sentiments! I'll pass this on to the team straight away.
―Monkeythumbz, 1:52 PM - Nov 12, 2013[18]
Well, this *has* been quite the thread, hasn't it?

I read a few pages back that a few of you are based in the UK and/or London, some even near the Square Enix HQ. With that in mind, why don't we arrange a little get together early next year? If that sounds good to you, the best way of reaching me is a PM via Nosgoth's official forum or direct messaging me via Nosgoth's Facebook page.

I don't think another international excursion is on the cards just at the moment though. Sorry!

Oh, and just for the record, I *haven't* played all the LoK games - I got into the series with Soul Reaver and completed that and every game released subsequently, so I've still not played the original Blood Omen by Silicon Knights. That's not say that I haven't studied it very thoroughly, watched all the cut-scenes, listened to all the VO and researched fan theories. In fact, a fan very recently lent me an original copy so with Xmas coming up, I might dust off the old PSOne and have a crack. Too bad the Sega Saturn version was never released, though - I *loved* Soul Reaver on the Dreamcast!https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/nosgoth/forum_data/forums.no/nosg/nosgoth/smilies/934.gif

Point is, my passion for the series is genuine and that should be pretty self-evident. Y'know, "objectively" speaking https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/nosgoth/forum_data/forums.no/nosg/nosgoth/smilies/939.gif
―Monkeythumbz, 8:36 PM - Dec 02, 2013[19]
Now I'm just excited that someone of international importance read my words on the interwebs! Yay Monkeythumbz!
Ha! Let's not go overboard... I think the "one of us, one of us" comment was more accurate than me being of international importance!
―Monkeythumbz, 10:24 AM - Dec 03, 2013[20]
Hi Monkeythumbz, I am an old member of the forum although I have been all but dead for many a long year, re-awakened now on hearing about Nosgoth.

I thought it a good time to pop on (having re-discovered my password today) and say that having read through the back stories and explanations given on the blog of the main website I am impressed at the attention to detail and how you have tried to tie things together nicely and thought it would be nice for you to hear that in the face of the amount of initial negativity from us. It is also wonderful to see you right in the heart of the communities continuing a long standing tradition in the LOK world of the developers being really hands on with the fans.

I am withholding judgement until learning more however as I already wrote I love the fact you are trying to be faithful and being involved with the communities and am beginning to become excited for Nosgoth.

It may be worth mentioning that I was sceptical of Defiance while that was being developed and did my fair share of complaining and was a naysayer back then. How silly did I feel when I finally got the game! I want to remind the forum of one that I remember which was our dismay that the studio that created the CGI in previous titles would not be working on Defiance and indeed there would be no new CGI - a first in the series. We really thought this was a terrible idea but like yourself the Defiance team had people that interacted with us Realmers and ensured us that the in game graphics would be more than enough and in the end they were absolutely right!

I bring it up as I want to say to my fellow Realmers to give the idea of Nosgoth a chance and remember how negative we were about Defiance and how wrong we were back then, so this time I am just going to trust you. You are a fan of the games, as you said you have done your research and I think you have also discovered how vocal Realmers and LOK fans in general can be ;-) You are already making changes based on the feedback and I hope this will be an ongoing thing but that like the Defiance team you know when you are right and stand your ground letting the fan inside you tell you if you are right.

Anyway I wish you all the best for the testing, hope all goes well and I will continue to watch with interest.

Happy to be alive in the realm once more and may other sleeping Realmers awaken unto Nosgoth!
―oO0 Inrezairo 0Oo
Wow, thanks for the kind words! I really appreciate the encouragement. Let me assure you, being the CM on an LoK-related game is an enormous honour and a genuine privilege - it's very much like a dream come true for me and I feel very lucky to be in my position.

We will, of course, continue to adapt the game to reflect fan feedback but yes, we do have a specific creative vision in mind and we look forward to sharing more about it next year. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/nosgoth/forum_data/forums.no/nosg/nosgoth/smilies/929.gif
―Monkeythumbz, 3:28 PM - Dec 12, 2013[21]
I think that Gk was very, very rude towards the fans and I find the gameplay of Nosgoth to be in a major conflict with the original lore.
Those are your opinions and you're entitled to them - I regret that you feel this way and all I can say is that I'm grateful these opinions aren't held universally by all LoK afficionados. I only hope that one day we produce content to change your mind about Nosgoth, after all we are still only in Closed Alpha (at time of writing).
―Monkeythumbz, 1:05 AM - Feb 11, 2014[22]
Btw, I'm planning on hosting the LoK community meet-up I mentioned earlier in this thread on Tuesday 25th February from 4pm. Anyone who lives in/near London and would like to attend should PM me (Monkeythumbz) via the official Nosgoth forum please, so that I can register your attendance.
―Monkeythumbz, 2:31 AM - Feb 11, 2014[23]
As far as I'm concerned, the Nosgoth devs should just keep on keeping on.
Thanks for your kind words of support, we appreciate them enormously! Really cheering, much obliged!
―Monkeythumbz, 10:53 AM - Mar 06, 2014[24]

Razielim to appear in Nosgoth.[]

Also the clan's description from Nosgoth.com -

"The Sentinels are devolved descendants and represent the last remnants of the once-proud Clan Razielim. Sentinels have developed large wings that allow them limited flight abilities and they use this mobility to scout and strike unsuspecting enemies from above. Dark, twisted, and prone to decay, Sentinels are haters of Humanity."

Prone to decay. That bothers me since they were once the strongest clan out there while Melchiah-the one born last-and his kin are the ones who are supposed to have that problem. Doesn't seem right.

...I'd still play as one though. .__.'
―Evelin The Winged
We've removed the "prone to decay" line... we're developing this Clan is a slightly different direction now. And yes, that better suits the Melchahim
―Monkeythumbz, 4:59 PM - Dec 02, 2013[25]

Happy New Years Guys and Gals[]

Ultra-Informal LoK/Nosgoth Community Meet-up w/ Square Enix in London[]

Hey everyone,

I've noticed that a few people live in mainland Britain and have expressed a desire to pop along to our HQ in Wimbledon and meet the Nosgoth team here, have a quick peek at what we're currently working on, get some hands-on time with the latest build of the game and maybe go out for a drink afterwards.

Well, all that sounds ruddy-bloody fantastic to us too! So, we're inviting nearby LoK aficionados to come round our offices on Tuesday 25th February.

If you're local and you'd like to come visit us, please would you e-mail me via legacyofkain(at)square-enix.com so that I can register your attendance and share further details?

Looking forward to it!
―Monkeythumbz, 3:29 PM - Jan 08, 2014[27]
I am so incredibly jealous of everyone who lives in and/or around London.
We'll be doing grander events in future, this really is just a very informal catch up and chance to go for a drink - it's not as big a deal of an event as the one we held last year.
―Monkeythumbz, 12:17 PM - Feb 12, 2014[28]
Just to let everyone know, we're expanding this out a bit to cover the whole of mainland Britain. I'll update the original post.
―Monkeythumbz, 10:37 AM - Feb 13, 2014[29]
Awesome, glad to hear it! I'll be sharing more details about the event via e-mail soon.
―Monkeythumbz, 11:39 AM - Feb 17, 2014[30]
Please would you check your spam filters for an e-mail originating from legacyofkain(at)square-enix.com? Just want to make sure that I managed to reach everyone I intended to.
―Monkeythumbz, 6:02 PM - Feb 18, 2014[31]
Looking forward to seeing all this event's attendees tomorrow!
―Monkeythumbz, 4:35 PM - Feb 24, 2014[32]
Screw permission! Tell us, anyway!
―Hash Ak Gik666
All will be revealed in due course on Nosgoth's blog :-)
―Monkeythumbz, 4:01 PM - Feb 26, 2014[33]

The (almost) definitive Legacy of Kain Maps thread[]

I probably use this map for reference more than any other:


Aside from [i}Nosgoth[/i]'s own, that is (but it doesn't cover the entire known land... yet https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/nosgoth/forum_data/forums.no/nosg/nosgoth/smilies/939.gif ):

―Monkeythumbz, 5:11 PM - Feb 26, 2014[34]

Arguments for / against Nosgoth mmotps[]

I don't want to write about things which are incorrect.
This is all I wrote about the plants on the blog:

“Journeying by sea to the heartlands, the Red Sisters brought with them exotic supplies and materials previously unseen in northern climates.”

That’s all the lore we have for them. Everything else is conjecture. I never said they were “cultivated for alchemical purposes”, nor did I say that “it grows on magic for alchemy”. I didn't say say that this applied to all plants, I was specifically referring to the palm trees.

Just FYI.

Have a great weekend, everybody!
―Monkeythumbz, 5:09 PM - Feb 28, 2014[35]
...GK's... who pretty much is SE's lackey, correct?
―Nick Tsiou
I can only speak for myself, but on me you're 100% correct. I'm a full-time Square Enix employee on the Nosgoth team.
―Monkeythumbz, 8:10 PM - Mar 03, 2014[36]
For all the noise in here, this experimental little game is going to be released, and it will or won't perform. I say again, let's not try to set ourselves up as the ones to blame; enjoy that path if you go down it, just don't expect everyone to follow you. All this passionate energy on walls of text could go into a protest site devoted to proving the series has legs and demanding that Phil Rogers greenlight LoK 6, while still respecting the point that LoK's IP is being used and hasn't been forgotten. That's how we make things happen, either that or we see how this free of charge game we are being given turns out and hope for the best.
^This. 250,000 signatures would be a good start (although still far short of total projected unit sales needed for an LoK 6).
―Monkeythumbz, 11:20 AM - Mar 04, 2014[37]
I want to ask Monkeythumbz a question without any predispositions and stuff, as honestly all I want is the saga to continue in its proper way and not make Nosgoth a failure.

I think we all know 250.000 signatures at this moment seems unachievable, but why not making an HD collection of the games with extra features? Making SR this way with Daniel with whom you are currently in collaboration would also attract many newcomers and please the already existing fans. I am sure all of us would pay the 60 euros for this game and with the right advertisement (which as far as I can see you have the skills to achieve) there would be less complaints (to none) and probably more profits; this way the continuation of the saga wont be impossible as you are presenting it with those numbers would it?

It is merely a question nothing else.

―Nick Tsiou
On second thoughts, this info is too sensitive and could be twisted by people who would potentially cause me personal misfortune. I'm more than happy to discus this via e-mail, please e-mail me via Nosgoth@square-enix.com and I'd be happy to answer your enquiries there.
―Monkeythumbz, 4:37 PM - Mar 04, 2014[38]

Nosgoth Comic Tie-In Series?[]

Please vote!
―Monkeythumbz, 2:34 PM - Feb 13, 2014[39]
Glad I use the same password on everything.. nearly forgot what my account name was. lol

This was posted on another forum I follow and just figured I'd pass it along:

"What is this about? Evan Stanley, Archie Sonic artist and maker of the webcomic Ghosts of the Future, and her pal who helps co-write GOTF pitched a comic tie-in to the upcoming game in the Legacy of Kain series, Nosgoth.

The pitch was well received, but here's the thing: It has to be 10,000 signatures for this to become a reality. Should it become a reality, it could help Evan and her pal out in their careers.

The petition is here: https://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/george-kelion-create-a-tie-in-comic-series-for-nosgoth-the-upcoming-legacy-of-kain-multiplayer
It won't take long to sign, so please, do so."

It's already up to 300 signatures. I wasn't too impressed with what little I got a chance to play of the game (mostly just not a multiplayer action-y game player), but I'd sure support a comic... So, Go! Go! Go!
―Reaver Raziel
Just FYI, it's not like if we received 10,000 signatures we'd suddenly get to green-light the comic. It would, however, mean we'd have something to show the powers-that-be that there's credible support for this proposition.
―Monkeythumbz, 11:05 AM - Mar 11, 2014[40]
The comic is a fan-devised initiative and until such a time as Square Enix can materialise support for it, it needs to remain a wholly separate endeavour.
―Monkeythumbz, 7:47 PM - Mar 11, 2014[41]

Amy Hennig left Naughty Dog[]

Does she have any idea of her fan base?
Given the amount of people who follow her on Twitter? Almost certainly, I'd say.
―Monkeythumbz, 10:55 AM - Mar 06, 2014[42]


  1. Icon Nosgothic Realm Hello All! at Nosgothic Realm (by Denis Dyack)
  2. Icon Nosgothic Realm Hello All! at Nosgothic Realm (by Denis Dyack), post #14 (by Denis Dyack)
  3. Icon Nosgothic Realm game politics at Nosgothic Realm (by The Vault Dweller), post #3 (by Denis Dyack)
  4. Icon Nosgothic Realm Answers to the Simon and Michael questions! at Nosgothic Realm (by blincoln)
  5. Icon Nosgothic Realm the art of defiance at Nosgothic Realm (by koryhz)
  6. Icon Nosgothic Realm the art of defiance at Nosgothic Realm (by koryhz), post #2 (by koryhz)
  7. Icon Nosgothic Realm the art of defiance at Nosgothic Realm (by koryhz), post #13 ("reply" by koryhz)
  8. Icon Nosgothic Realm the art of defiance at Nosgothic Realm (by koryhz), post #18 ("reply" by koryhz)
  9. Icon Nosgothic Realm the art of defiance at Nosgothic Realm (by koryhz), post #35 (by koryhz)
  10. Icon Nosgothic Realm the art of defiance at Nosgothic Realm (by koryhz), post #41 ("some new stuff" by koryhz)
  11. Icon Nosgothic Realm LoK: Dark Prophecy - More information unearthed (Malek & Devolved/Wolf Kain & Ancient Hylden) at Nosgothic Realm (by Divine Shadow), post #93 (by dez)
  12. Icon Nosgothic Realm LoK: Dark Prophecy - More information unearthed (Malek & Devolved/Wolf Kain & Ancient Hylden) at Nosgothic Realm (by Divine Shadow), post #95 ("the hylden" by dez)
  13. Icon Nosgothic Realm LoK: Dark Prophecy - More information unearthed (Malek & Devolved/Wolf Kain & Ancient Hylden) at Nosgothic Realm (by Divine Shadow), post #97 (by dez)
  14. Icon Nosgothic Realm The 10 Cancelled Legacy of Kains at Nosgothic Realm (by Divine Shadow), post #7 (by Monkeythumbz)
  15. Icon Nosgothic Realm The 10 Cancelled Legacy of Kains at Nosgothic Realm (by Divine Shadow), post #11 (by Monkeythumbz)
  16. Icon Nosgothic Realm The 10 Cancelled Legacy of Kains at Nosgothic Realm (by Divine Shadow), post #12 (by Monkeythumbz)
  17. Icon Nosgothic Realm Nosgoth... hopefully at Nosgothic Realm (by Lord Onatu), post #3 (by Monkeythumbz)
  18. Icon Nosgothic Realm Official announcement of Nosgoth. at Nosgothic Realm (by Hash Ak Gik666), post #69 (by Monkeythumbz)
  19. Icon Nosgothic Realm Official announcement of Nosgoth. at Nosgothic Realm (by Hash Ak Gik666), post #90 (by Monkeythumbz)
  20. Icon Nosgothic Realm Official announcement of Nosgoth. at Nosgothic Realm (by Hash Ak Gik666), post #93 (by Monkeythumbz)
  21. Icon Nosgothic Realm Official announcement of Nosgoth. at Nosgothic Realm (by Hash Ak Gik666), post #95 (by Monkeythumbz)
  22. Icon Nosgothic Realm Official announcement of Nosgoth. at Nosgothic Realm (by Hash Ak Gik666), post #131 (by Monkeythumbz)
  23. Icon Nosgothic Realm Official announcement of Nosgoth. at Nosgothic Realm (by Hash Ak Gik666), post #133 (by Monkeythumbz)
  24. Icon Nosgothic Realm Official announcement of Nosgoth. at Nosgothic Realm (by Hash Ak Gik666), post #143 (by Monkeythumbz)
  25. Icon Nosgothic Realm Razielim to appear in Nosgoth. at Nosgothic Realm (by robo37), post #4 (by Monkeythumbz)
  26. Icon Nosgothic Realm Happy New Years Guys and Gals at Nosgothic Realm (by Lord Onatu), post #9 (by Monkeythumbz)
  27. Icon Nosgothic Realm Ultra-Informal LoK/Nosgoth Community Meet-up w/ Square Enix in London at Nosgothic Realm (by Monkeythumbz)
  28. Icon Nosgothic Realm Ultra-Informal LoK/Nosgoth Community Meet-up w/ Square Enix in London at Nosgothic Realm (by Monkeythumbz), post #3 (by Monkeythumbz)
  29. Icon Nosgothic Realm Ultra-Informal LoK/Nosgoth Community Meet-up w/ Square Enix in London at Nosgothic Realm (by Monkeythumbz), post #7 (by Monkeythumbz)
  30. Icon Nosgothic Realm Ultra-Informal LoK/Nosgoth Community Meet-up w/ Square Enix in London at Nosgothic Realm (by Monkeythumbz), post #12 (by Monkeythumbz)
  31. Icon Nosgothic Realm Ultra-Informal LoK/Nosgoth Community Meet-up w/ Square Enix in London at Nosgothic Realm (by Monkeythumbz), post #13 (by Monkeythumbz)
  32. Icon Nosgothic Realm Ultra-Informal LoK/Nosgoth Community Meet-up w/ Square Enix in London at Nosgothic Realm (by Monkeythumbz), post #14 (by Monkeythumbz)
  33. Icon Nosgothic Realm Ultra-Informal LoK/Nosgoth Community Meet-up w/ Square Enix in London at Nosgothic Realm (by Monkeythumbz), post #19 (by Monkeythumbz)
  34. Icon Nosgothic Realm The (almost) definitive Legacy of Kain Maps thread at Nosgothic Realm (by Bazielim), post #7 (by Monkeythumbz)
  35. Icon Nosgothic Realm Arguments for / against Nosgoth mmotps at Nosgothic Realm (by UranSag), post #16 (by Monkeythumbz)
  36. Icon Nosgothic Realm Arguments for / against Nosgoth mmotps at Nosgothic Realm (by UranSag), post #31 (by Monkeythumbz)
  37. Icon Nosgothic Realm Arguments for / against Nosgoth mmotps at Nosgothic Realm (by UranSag), post #51 (by Monkeythumbz)
  38. Icon Nosgothic Realm Arguments for / against Nosgoth mmotps at Nosgothic Realm (by UranSag), post #53 (by Monkeythumbz)
  39. Icon Nosgothic Realm Nosgoth Comic Tie-In Series? at Nosgothic Realm (by TomCampbell), post #2 (by Monkeythumbz)
  40. Icon Nosgothic Realm Nosgoth Comic Tie-In Series? at Nosgothic Realm (by TomCampbell), post #12 (by Monkeythumbz)
  41. Icon Nosgothic Realm Nosgoth Comic Tie-In Series? at Nosgothic Realm (by TomCampbell), post #14 (by Monkeythumbz)
  42. Icon Nosgothic Realm Amy Hennig left Naughty Dog at Nosgothic Realm (by Raina Audron), post #5 (by Monkeythumbz)

