Legacy of Kain Wiki


Vampire Scourge[]




You are worthy.


The Underworld[]

You are reborn.

The Sanctuary of the Clans[]


The Necropolis[]

The Silenced Cathedral[]

The Silenced Cathedral[]

Soul Reaver[]

The Sanctuary of the Clans[]

Tomb of Sarafan[]

The Tomb of the Sarafan[]

The Drowned Abbey[]

The Drowned Abbey[]

Ruined City of the Dumahim[]

Ruined City of the Dumahim[]

Oracle's Cave[]

The Oracle's Cave[]


Showdown With Kain[]

The Chronoplast[]

Raziel enters the Chronoplast chamber, and surveys its tiered walkways and arcane dials, noting both the mysterious device suspended from the domed ceiling, and the undulating portal on the far side of the chamber. None of this interests him. He is looking for Kain.
Raziel hears a voice, and Kain reveals himself as he steps out from the shadows of the upper tier.

Raziel keeps his eyes locked on Kain.

Kain descends to the floor of the chamber.

Raziel glares down at him from the second tier of the chamber.

Furious, Raziel drops down to the lower floor of the chamber himself.

Raziel is enraged and humiliated.

Kain is unfazed – he is composed, even slightly amused. He continues to taunt Raziel, their faces inches apart.

Raziel wheels on Kain. He launches himself at him.
Kain moves back toward one of the arcane dials and prepares to turn it. He throws the switch, and the Chronoplast device responds.

Raziel lunges at Kain.
Kain moves toward the second-tier dials. He throws the second switch.

Raziel attacks again.
Kain moves toward the final dial. He throws the final switch. He vanishes in a flash of light, and reappears on the upper tier, in front of the portal.

Raziel races up. Kain laughs.

Kain turns and strides deliberately through the portal.

Raziel pauses briefly, then leaps through the portal to pursue Kain.

Raziel finds himself in darkness, and hears an unfamiliar voice calling to him out of the ether. Moebius the Time Streamer steps out of the mist to greet him.

To Be Continued...

Cut story[]

The Chronoplast[]

The Undercity[]

Turel's Clan Territory[]

Kain's Mountain Retreat[]



Reaver forges[]


Eldritch energy[]



Cut dialogue, alt takes, regular dialogue, noises/screams

000. 00:07 Raziel: “Kain!”

001. 00:10 Raziel: “Melchiah?!”

002. 00:14 Kain: “Cast him in!”

003. 00:18 Kain: “Raziel!”

004. 00:21 Elder God: “It is done.”

005. 00:25 Raziel: “What more did he tell you?” (alt take)

006. 00:29 Zephon: “Aaargh!”

007. 00:33 Raziel: “More of your lies!” (cut dialogue)

008. 00:38 Raziel: “I am destroyed!”

009. 00:40 Raziel: “More of your lies!” (alt take)

010. 00:44 Raziel: “Show yourself, creature!”

011. 00:48 Raziel: “I am destroyed!” (alt take)

012. 00:52 Turel: “Hahahaha!” (cut dialogue)

013. 00:56 Dumah: “Aaargh!”

014. 00:59 Rahab: “Human.”

015. 01:03 Vampire: “Raaaawr!”

016. 01:07 Raziel: “You? Speak with Kain?” (alt take)

017. 01:11 Vampire: “Raaawr!”

018. 01:16 Elder God: “Raziel!”

019. 01:19 Rahab: “When it pleases him.” (cut dialogue)

020. 01:23 Raziel: “What creatures are these?” (alt take)

021.01:28 Vampire: “Aaaaa!”

022. 01:32 Elder God: “You are worthy!”

023. 01:38 Kain: “The abyss has been unkind.”

024. 01:40 Raziel: “What scabrous wretches are these?”

025. 01:46 Dumah: “Raaaaaagh!”

026. 01:52 Rahab: “From ourselves!” (alt take)

027. 01:57: Raziel: “And now, you will meet them.” (cut dialogue)

028. 02:02 Elder God: “The choice is not yours.”

029. 02:06 Raziel: “Your thanks are premature, Dumah.”

030. 02:11 Rahab: “That you would destroy me.”

031. 02:16 Vampire: “Ooooaaaah”

032. 02:21 Raziel: “Saved us? From what?”

033. 02:25 Vampire: “Baaaaaah!” (cut dialogue)

034. 02:31 Raziel: “Did it trouble you when you ordered me into the abyss?”

035. 02:37 Raziel: “Enough riddles! What are you saying?”

036. 02:42 Raziel: “Even the strongest vampire is vulnerable.”

037. 02:47 Zephon: “Aaaaaaah!”

038. 02:52 Raziel: “Do you know what we where before Kain spawned us?”

039. 02:57 Dumah: “You are persistent, Raziel.”

040. 03:02 Elder God: “You are weak, you must feed.”

041. 03:08 Raziel: “That bastard can claim no allegiance from me.”

042. 03:11 Raziel: “I would choose oblivion over this existence.” (alt take)

043. 03:16 Dumah: “You cannot escape me, Raziel.” (cut dialogue)

044. 03:22 Raziel: “Sarafan, Rahab, Sarafan.”(alt take)

045. 03:27 Elder God: “You are... reborn.” (alt take)

046. 03:32 Kain: “My wayward son returns.”

047. 03:38 Raziel: “Lies! You cannot have foreseen all of this!”

048. 03:42 Turel: “You try my patience, Raziel!” (alt take) (cut dialogue)

049. 03:48 Dumah: “Hahahahah!”

050. 03:52 Turel: “You try my patience, Raziel!” (cut dialogue)

051. 03:58 Raziel: “I would choose oblivion over this existence!”

052. 04:03 Raziel: “Until I had the honour of surpassing my lord.”

053. 04:09 Vampire: “Hahahahah!”

054. 04:14 Kain: “Have you returned to embrace your destiny, Raziel?”

055. 04:19 Kain: “What I have made, I can also destroy, child.”

056. 04:25 Vampire: “Aaaaaah!”

057. 04:32 Dumah: “We shall test your thesis, Raziel.”

058. 04:36 Elder God: “I know you, Raziel, you are worthy.”

059. 04:42 Rahab: “Does it matter? We were lost, he saved us.”

060. 04:49 Raziel: “My faith in destiny is all I need to prevail.”

061. 04:54 Kain: “Hahahahah!”

062. 05:00 Vampire: “Hahahahah!”

063. 05:06 Rahab: “Raziel, He said you would come.”

064. 05:12 Dumah: “Hahahahah!”

065. 05:19 Zephon: “Hahahahah!”

066. 05:25 Raziel: “These Pillars, do they have any function in a time such as ours?” (cut dialogue)

067. 05:32 Raziel: “Some years, after our master, our evolution would follow.”

068. 05:37 Zephon: “Nooooooo!”

069. 05:45 Raziel: “I would choose integrity and balance over this… madness.” (alt take)

070. 05:52 Raziel: “Spirit! I did not mean to disturb your rest.” (alt take)

071. 06:00 Raziel: “The old hunger has left me, I have no desire for blood.”

072. 06:05 Raziel: “The Sarafan were saviours, defending Nosgoth from the likes of us!” (alt take)

073. 06:13 Vampire: “Raaaawr!”

074. 06:19 Raziel: “The descent had destroyed me, and yet, I lived.”

075. 06:27 Elder God: “Do you not recognize them? They are the children of your brother, Dumah.”

076. 06:34 Raziel: “I was executed, not excommunicated! You will learn the difference.” (cut dialogue)

077. 06:40 Zephon: “Nooooooooooooooooooooo!”

078. 06:47 Zephon: “The prodigal son! There is no returning for you, Raziel!”

079. 06:54 Raziel: “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” (alt take)

080. 07:01 Melchiah: “You are the last... to die!”

081. 07:08 Raziel: “There was only one possible outcome, my eternal damnation.”

082. 07:16 Rahab: “Roooooaaaawr!”

083. 07:24 Rahab: “Your petty sorceries have no power here, Raziel.” (alt take)

084. 07:31 Dumah: “Unbound at last! I thank you, brother.”

085. 07:38 Ariel: “Only truth, believe me, Raziel, believe.” (cut dialogue)

086. 07:46 Raziel: “Not to save it, but to take it. Your only salvation is release.”

087. 07:52 Raziel: “This place, these portents. What game are you playing now, Kain?” (alt take)

088. 08:00 Raziel: “For my transgression, I've earned a new kind of reward – agony.”

089. 08:08 Vampire: “Raaaawr….raaaaawr!”

090. 08:17 Raziel: “That's impossible! These foul, scuttling beasts could not be kin of our high blood?”

091. 08:25 Raziel: “I grew wings and earned a new kind of reward – agony.” (alt take)

092. 08:36: Raziel: “Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah”

093. 08:45: Ariel: “What are you, little soul? Another of Kain's creatures come to taunt this bound spectre?”

094. 08:53: Rahab: “Raziel returns! Do you still think you can best me?”

095. 09:02: Raziel: “For my transgression, I earned a new kind of reward – agony.”

096. 09:10: Zephon: “Hahahahah!”

097. 09:19: Dumah: “Hahahah! Come to save my soul, prodigal brother?”

098. 09:28: Zephon: “Come to test me again, brother? I grow weary of your meddling!”

099. 09:36: Vampire: “Raaaawr….raaaaawr!”

100. 09:46: Turel: “Your insults will do nothing to blunt the agonies of your demise.”(cut dialogue)

101. 09:54 Kain: “Destiny is a game, is it not? And now, you await my latest move.”

102. 10:03 Elder God: “You were Sarafan, Raziel, born of the same force that all but destroyed your race.”

103. 10:12 Priestess: “Faith? Hah! Faith left you when you were excommunicated by our lord Kain.”(cut dialogue)

104. 10:21 Raziel: “Zephon, your visage becomes you. It's an appropriate reflection of your soul.”

105. 10:32 Raziel: “Let me pass, Turel, I have enough blood on my hands today. My quarrel lies with Kain!” (cut dialogue)

106. 10:41 Dumah: “Aaaah!”

107. 10:52 Elder God: “These gates twist space, laying a path across great spans.” (alt take)

108. 11:00 Kain: “Destiny is a game, is it not? And now, you await my latest move!” (alt take)

109. 11:11 Melchiah: “Do you not recognize me, brother? Am I so changed?” (alt take)

110. 11:20 Melchiah: “Do you not recognize me, brother? Am I so changed?”

111. 11:28 Rahab: “I am undone!”

112. 11:38 Raziel: “What has become of my clan? Answer me, little brother, or I will beat an answer from your horrid lips!”

113. 11:48 Raziel: “Such ruin and decay, damn you! How many ages did you bind me in your grap?” (cut dialogue)

114. 11:57 Priestess: “Heretic! Welcome to your undoing. Your sorcery is useless in this holy place.” (cut dialogue)

115. 12:07 Dumah: “Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh!”

116. 12:17 Elder God: “You did not survive the abyss, Raziel. I have only spared you from total dissolution.”

117. 12:27 Turel: “Poor Raziel, your rage blinds you to the bond of gratitude that we owe our master.” (cut dialogue)

118. 12:38 Raziel: “An eternity passed and my torment receded. Bringing me back from the precipice of madness.”

119. 12: 49 Zephon: “Hahahahhahah!”

120. 13:00 Dumah: “These centuries in limbo have honed my strength, not even Kain is my equal.”

121. 13:11 Zephon: “Hahahahhahah!”

122. 13:23 Raziel: “Your faith has failed you. Where are your precious vampires now? Where is your holy Kain?” (cut dialogue)

123. 13:32 Priestess: “You are the one who has betrayed his faith, his brethren. I have served my gods.” (cut dialogue)

124. 13:42 Raziel: “Though the city was well fortified against vampires, the human architects hadn't considered a breach by a creature such as myself.”

125. 13:53 Rahab: “Hahahahhahah…hahahahhah!”

126. 14:04 Elder God: “Do you suppose that time stood still only for you, Raziel? Much has changed since you've passed from the world of men.”

127. 14:15 Raziel: “My blood thirst has been superseded by even a darker hunger – I will consume your soul before this day is done!”

128. 14:25 Kain: “No, I had faith in you. In your ability to hate, in your self-righteous indignation.”

129. 14:36 Raziel: “I have been to the tomb of the Sarafan, Kain. How could you transform a Sarafan warrior into a vampire?” (alt take)

130. 14:48 Kain: “Hahahahhahah, hahahahhah, hahahhaha!”

131. 15:00 Kain: “The blade is vanquished, so it unfolds. And we are step closer to our destinies.”

132. 15:10 Kain: “Listen to her, Raziel. Strike me down if you can but without her essence the blow will barely sting.” (cut dialogue)

133. 15:21 Zephon: “Aaaaaaaah!”

134. 15:33 Raziel: “I didn't recognize these flayed wrecks of flesh. Their scent was vampiric but they gnawed upon their victim's carcass like dogs.

135. 15:45 Raziel: “I, Raziel, was to suffer the fate of traitors and weaklings and to burn forever in the bowels of the Lake of the Dead.”

136. 15:57 Raziel: “My brother, Dumah, a powerful warrior in life. He would have burned with shame to have me find him here like a stuck pig.”

137. 16:10 Elder God: “Take heed, Raziel. A forgotten history lies within. Know thyself, though, it may destroy you.”

138. 16:22 Ariel: “Then we share a common foe, Raziel. Return here when you have need. Ariel remembers what others have forgotten.” (alt take)

139. 16:35 Raziel: “Such a dire fate. Their souls commingling, fettered eternally. Just as Kain´s refusal had bound them together centuries before.” (cut dialogue)

140. 16:47 Raziel: “What madness is this? What pitiful form is this that I have come to inhabit? Death would be a release next to this travesty.”

141. 17:00 Raziel: “As I pulled the stone free, a sigh of sepulchral air escaped the inner chamber. I was not prepared for what lay beyond this threshold.”

142. 17:12 Elder God: “Sluagh, the scavengers of the Underworld. Their feral hunger has claimed countless souls, spirits who now shall never find their rest.”

143. 17:25 Dumah: “Gaaah!”

144. 17:39 Raziel: “This at least had remained constant. The endlessly swirling vortex of the abyss. My tomb and the womb of my rebirth.”

145. 17:52 Raziel: “This at least had remained constant. The endlessly swirling vortex of the abyss. My tomb and the womb of my rebirth.”

146. 18:05 Raziel: “Utter desolation. My once proud kin wiped from this world like excrement from a boot. I knew the hand that brought this deed.”

147. 18:17 Raziel: “Perhaps things have not changed as much as you'd like to believe. You were always weak, Zephon, and once again, you will bend to my will.” (cut dialogue)

148. 18:31 Raziel: “I watched unseen as shadowy figures slipped down the temple walls. The city slumbered, oblivious to the danger creeping just outside.” (cut dialogue)

149. 18:44 Elder God: “A moment? An epoch? An aeon? We who stand outside the rim of time dwell not in past or future ages, there is only the now.” (cut dialogue)

150. 18:58 Raziel: “I've thought I understood you, Kain. That your jealous hatred was the root of the wounds you have inflicted… but this, this genocide of your own kind is unconscionable.” (cut dialogue)

151. 19:13 Raziel: “You killed me once, behold the result. I have no more to fear from you. I smell water. Have you learned to swim in all these aeons?” (cut dialogue)

152. 19:43 Raziel: “I am your creation, Kain. Now, as before. You criticise your own work. What have you done with my clan, degenerate? You have no right!”

153. 19:57 Kain: “At last. I must say I’m disappointed in your progress. I imagined you’d be here sooner. Tell me, did it trouble you to murder your brothers?”

154. 20:13 Ariel: “I am your only hope. Only my spirit can empower the Soul Reaver to destroy Kain and restore balance to Nosgoth. You know this is true.” (cut dialogue)

155. 20:28 Elder God: “Sustain your strength to prolong your manifestation in the physical world. If you fail to feed or absorb too many wounds, this fragile matter will dissolve.”

156. 20:43 Melchiah: “Yes, brother, you should have stayed where the master sent you, Raziel. You will find Nosgoth less pleasant than you remember.”

157. 20:56 Kain: “You nearly had me, Raziel, but this is not where or how it ends. Fate promises more twists before this drama unfolds completely.”

158. 21:11 Raziel: “This city once teemed with the life of my kind. Could it be that other clans had suffered the same fate as mine? In his madness, could Kain spare none of his brood?”

159. 21:26 Raziel: “The gift continued to evolve. We became less human and more… divine. Kain would enter the state of change and emerge with a new gift.”(alt take)

160. 21:41 Raziel: “I swore I saw a glint of satisfaction in Kain's eye when the Soul Reaver was destroyed. I did not understand the game that Kain was playing, but I knew the finishing move.”

161. 21:58 Raziel: “Gratitude? Toward one who would have you grovel at his gate like a dog? You once had noble aspirations, Turel. Now, how humbled are your goals? Do you prosper on the scraps he casts you?” (cut dialogue)

162. 22:14 Raziel: “Mysterious figures moved under the cover of darkness, their robes betraying occult intent. This temple seemed to be a source of contagion. I would find a way to infiltrate this vampire lair.” (cut dialogue)

163. 22:30 Raziel: “Though much of Nosgoth's landscape had changed, these cliffs gave me my bearings. My clan territory was to the West, I was anxious to see how my descendants had fared during the centuries of my absence.”

164. 22:46 Kain: “You and I have both been to Moebius' chamber, Raziel. The future has always been written. You've served me well. Even now, you fail to disappoint. Shall we see if you pass the final test?” (cut dialogue)

165. 23:10 Kain: “You may have uncovered your past but you know nothing of it. You think the Sarafan were noble, altruistic? Haha, don't be simple. Their agenda was the same as ours.”

166. 23:10 Kain: “Agh! Aaah! Hahahah, hahahah!”

167. 23:43 Kain: “Look around you, Raziel, see what has become of our empire. Witness the end of an age. The clans scattered to the corners of Nosgoth. This place has outlasted its usefulness. As have you.”

168. 24:05 Ariel: “Kain refused the sacrifice. The pillar of balance corrupted to its core stands as a monument to his blind ambition. Now these Pillars serve only to bind me here, my prison and eternal home, thanks to the avarice of your master, Kain.”(alt take)

169. 24:26 Elder God: “Beware, Raziel. These wraiths are vampire spirits fettered too long in the spectral realm. When their vampire nature's adapt to this plane, they become eaters of souls. Do not allow these spirits to re-inhabit their corpses.”

170. 24:47 Tumbling, burning with white hot fire, I plunged into the depths of the abyss. Unspeakable pain, relentless agony. Time ceased to exist, only this torture and a deepening hatred of the hypocrisy that damned me to this hell.”

171. 25:09 Zephon: “Will, instinct, reflex, action. The insect mind finds little difference. I warn you, brother, as my stature has grown, so it is matched by my appetite. Step forward, morsel.”

172. 25:30 Raziel: “Were my hands not as bloody as these? Worse, I had spilled the blood of my brothers. These very comrades whose tombs lay ravaged before me. The irony of Kain's blasphemous act rushed in on me with a crushing force of revelation.”

173. 25:55 Elder God: “You are changed, your blood thirst is replaced by a deeper need. You have become a devourer of souls. To sustain your strength you must hunt the lost souls of the Underworld and consume the souls of your enemies.”

174. 26:17 Elder God: You are young yet, Raziel. You still retain many of your vampiric weaknesses. Immersion in water, while not fatal, will dissolve your physical body, forcing you to return to the spirit world. Be aware that in this realm water has neither heft nor lift, it stands as thin as air.” (alt take)

175. 26:42 Raziel: “Kain is deified. The clans tell tales of him. Few know the truth. He was mortal once, as we were all. I am Raziel, first born of his Lieutenants. I have served Kain a millennium. I stood with him and my brothers at the dawn of the empire.”(alt take)

176. 27:10 Raziel: “My brother, Melchiah, was made last and therefore received the poorest portion of Kain's gift. Although immortal, his soul could not sustain the flesh which retained much of its previous human frailty. This weakness, it seemed, was passed onto his offspring. Their fragile skins barely contained the underlying decay.”

177. 27:35 Raziel: “My brother, Melchiah, was made last and therefore received the poorest portion of Kain's gift. Although immortal, his soul could not sustain the flesh which retained much of its previous human frailty. This weakness it seemed, was passed onto his offspring. Their fragile skins barely contained the underlying decay.” (alt take)

178. 28:03 Elder God: “It is done, Raziel, your destiny is fulfilled. Though you have destroyed every creature who might call you kin, the world is born anew. The cycle of birth and death, stalled and stagnant these long years, once again begins to flow. You have done well, my servant.” (cut dialogue)

179. 28:31 Raziel: “I knew my opponent's weaknesses, having suffered them myself. Physical wounds are fleeting – vampire's immortal flesh begins to close as soon as it is cleaved. Vampires need only fear those wounds that impale or inflame. Water, scorches like acid, and fledglings are devastated by sunlight's touch. I would have to modify my tactics to suit my foes.”

180. 29:00 Elder God: “These portals are your conduit between the spectral and material realms. With their aid you might gather matter and will yourself to become manifest in the physical world. This is taxing, however, your strength must first be fully restored. You require no conduit to return to this plane, you may abandon your physical body at any time.”

181. 29:29 Melchiah: “Everyone is afraid, dear sibling. You awake to a world of fear. These times of changes are so… unsettling. Do you think I feel no revulsion for this form? Do you believe for a moment that our lord would risk his empire upon an upstart inheritance?”

182. 29:57 Kain: “How could I not? One must keep his friends close, Raziel, and his enemies even closer. Can you grasp the absurd beauty of the paradox? We're the same! Sarafan and vampire. With our holy wars, our obsession with Nosgoth's domination... Who better to serve me than those whose passion transcends all notions of good and evil?”

183. 30:28 Zephon: “And you are not his handsome son any more. His precious firstborn son turned betrayer. You have missed so many changes, little Raziel. Look around you, see how the human's weapon of destruction has become my home, indeed my body. A cocoon of brick and granite from which to watch a pupating world.”

184. 30:59 Kain: “These chambers offer enough insight for those patient enough to look. In your haste to find me, perhaps you have not gazed deeply enough. Our futures are predestined. Moebius foretold mine a millennium ago. We each play out the parts the fate has written for us. We are compelled ineluctably down pre-ordained paths. Free will is an illusion.”

185. 31:31 Raziel: “Kain is deified. The clans tell tales of him. Few know the truth. He was mortal once, as we were all. However, his contempt for humanity drove him to create me and my brethren. I am Raziel, first born of his Lieutenants. I have served Kain a millennium. I stood with him and my brothers at the dawn of the empire. Together we forged the legions that subjugated Nosgoth.” (alt take)

186. 32:09 Vampire: “Rawwwr…..rawwwr….hwaaaar….aaaaaaargh…rawwwr.”

187. 32:52 Kain: “Conscience? You dare to speak to me of conscience? Only when you have felt the full gravity of choice should you dare question my judgement. Your life span is a flicker compared to the mass of doubt and regret that I have born since Mortanius first turned me from the light. To know that the fate of the world hangs dependent on the advisedness of my every deed? Can you even begin to conceive what action you would take in my position?”

188. 33:30 Ariel: “Aaah, rest, a body is needed to sleep. Flesh and bones are required to recline. No child, all I may do is watch and remember, ceaselessly conscious as this wretched world's history unfolds. Ghastly past, insufferable future, are they one and the same? Am I always here?” *Sobbing* (alt take)

189. 34:12 Raziel: “The ancient tomb of the Sarafan, once impenetrably sealed. Now, ravaged by Nosgoth's upheavals, its mysteries lay exposed. In the time of Vorador, centuries before Kain was made, the Sarafan warrior priests waged a merciless war against the vampire tribes of Nosgoth. Emboldened by righteousness, they committed unspeakable and indiscriminate acts of violence. Massacring fledglings and ancients alike, they decimated entire bloodlines in mere decades. Now their husks lay here – murderers enshrined.”

190. 34:56: Various vampires: “Aaaaah….*Melchiah's growl* *gutteral sounds* grrrrr, uaaaargh…”

191. 35:52 Elder God: “The birth of one of Kain's abominations traps the essence of life. It is this soul that animates the corpse you lived in. And that, Raziel, is the demise of Nosgoth. There is no balance, the souls of the dead remain trapped, I cannot spin them in the wheel of fate, they cannot complete their destinies. Redeem yourself, or if you prefer, avenge yourself. Settle your dispute with Kain, destroy him and your brethren. Free their souls and let the wheel of fate churn again. Use your hatred to reave their souls. I can make it possible. Become my soul reaver, my angel of death.”

192. 36:53 Elder God: “The birth of one of Kain's abominations traps the essence of life. It is this soul that animates the corpse you lived in. And that, Raziel, is the demise of Nosgoth. There is no balance, the souls of the dead remain trapped, I cannot spin them in the wheel of fate, they cannot complete their destinies. Redeem yourself, or if you prefer, avenge yourself. Settle your dispute with Kain, destroy him and your brethren. Free their souls and let the wheel of fate churn again. Use your hatred to reave their souls. I can make it possible. Become my soul reaver, my angel of death.” (alt take)

193. 37:55 As they swarmed after me, I felt the terror that must have filled their wizened hearts. They knew what I had to do here. That it would spell their downfall and that I too might perish in the very act. This tower had stood too long as a grotesque symbol of Kain's perverse intent. The time was ripe, indeed past due, for me to exploit my newborn talents and send a hymn of death across this land. Enough to banish sanity, enough to send the children of the night plucking at their eyes, tearing open their own throats. Enough to destroy every vampiric creature on the face of this bruised and bleeding land. My goal was within reach. All that remained was to open each and every sounding pipe. (cut dialogue)

194. 38:54 Kain: “Eternity is relentless, Raziel. When I first stole into this chamber centuries ago, I did not fathom the true power of knowledge. To know the future, Raziel, to see its paths and streams tracing out into the infinite. As a man, I could never have contained such forbidden truths. But each of us is so much more than we once were. Gazing across the planes of possibility, do you not feel with all your soul how we have become like gods? And as such, are we not indivisible? As long as a single one of us stands, we are legion. That is why, when I must sacrifice my children to the void, I can do so with a clear heart.”

195. 39:58 Michael Bell: “The gift continued to evolve. We became less human and more divine. I am Raziel, first born of his lieutenants. I have served Kain a millennium. *in different accents*”
