Legacy of Kain Wiki

Archive Legacy of Kain: Defiance in PSM issue 133

  • June 2003
  • By PSM
  • Transcribed by Aevum

"A new legacy begins..."[1]


Since its birth on the original PlayStation, way back in 1996, the Legacy of Kain series has definitely risen to make a serious bite mark on the action/adventure genre. Its compelling storylines, RPG-ish elements, and challenging puzzles have drawn in a large number of gamers, all of whom were looking for something a bit different to sink their teeth into. Now, it seems they're going to get a real mouthful...

Over the years, the series has seen its share of changes, both good and bad, and matured into two different series: Blood Omen and Soul Reaver. Yet, while focusing on two very different characters (Kain and Raziel), both series definitely intertwined amongst themselves, helping to paint a more detailed picture of the world of Nosgoth. However, in the end, it looks that the decision to split up the franchise might not have been the best one. Both Blood Omen 2 and Soul Reaver 2 seemingly suffered from the split focus, and an apparently limited development time. There were definitely elements that were cool and innovative, but both titles lacked a bit of that spark, that polish that separates a good game from a truly great game.

Hoping to recapture that spark, the development team at Crystal Dynamics felt they had to take one major step forward and take a closer look at the game's design. Just simply pumping out another sequel wouldn't cut it. After all, Legacy of Kain: Defiance was going to be the fifth game in the series. It had to be something special, something quite... revolutionary.

Right off the bat, everyone decided to "reunite the series under the Legacy of Kain banner, and to include both Raziel and Kain as playable characters. Kain's and Raziel's stories are already so intertwined, [they] thought it would be intriguing if this next installment played out from both perspectives." After that decision was made, there was no turning back, and the first step in the creation of what will probably be one of the best PS2 action/adventure titles ever, was taken.


When asked about the biggest differences between Defiance and its predecessors, the team definitely wasn't lacking of responses. According to them, the essence of the game needed to be action, but without "sacrificing the adventure elements which have always been a hallmark of the series." There won't be any "dumbing down," but there are definite elements that should hopefully make this game appeal to a broader audience. The puzzles are more environmentally-based, and not just your run-of-the-mill "find the key" sort of challenges. The overall pacing of the title is faster, and the story, while still grand in scope, has been more tightly focused. Fans of the series definitely won't be disappointed in the improvements, as they look to make the overall experience that much more enjoyable and unforgettable. From refining the combat to tweaking the camera system, a lot of work is being done based on comments from players just like you. See, you can make a difference.


In the past, Raziel and Kain have only been playable in their own perspective games. However, that's about to change. You'll now actually be able to control both characters, witnessing the unfolding story through both pairs of eyes. This game directly follows the events that occurred in Soul Reaver 2, but the player doesn't necessarily have to have played that game in order to understand everything that's going on.

Time-wise, the story takes place mainly in Nosgoth's "dark age", the period chronicled in the original Blood Omen title. The relationship between Raziel and Kain is "as murky as ever — it's not clear whether they are adversaries or reluctant allies, though it will become clear to the player that there are dark forces striving to manipulate both of their destinies."

Akin to a traditional book, the game is split up into chapters, alternately focusing on Kain and Raziel. Throughout the game, the two tragic figures will cross paths numerous times and their actions will have definite repercussions, affecting both of their futures. However, it's the present storyline that you readers will probably be most interested in. Raziel has discovered that he's a prisoner of the Spectral realm, and that the deity he once served is no longer willing to help. He'll have to "rely on his dark side in order to survive", but that in turn is slowly making him more cynical and sinister. He trusts no one and it seems that the spark of good within him is slowly fading away. Kain, on the other hand, has always been quite evil in his methods, but it hasn't been until now that he's realized "his actions have played into his enemies' hands." For the first time ever, the blood sucker "finds himself faced with uncertainty" as he attempts to confront enemies who have yet to reveal themselves.

Unwilling to spoil any of the twists and turns that this story might unravel, the team has yet to reveal much of it. However, they have promised a grand tale that's bound to leave a lasting effect on gamers everywhere.


From the start of this project, the main focus has been on getting the camera system to work in a smooth, yet unique manner. According to the team, "so many 3rd-person action/adventure games look the same, because most developers are just using the same camera [system]." So, for this LoK, they really wanted the camera to be something really cinematic and fluid. Taking inspiration from such games as ICO, the team worked hard on a camera that "seamlessly flows to present the action." Instead of just being locked behind the character or "elastically" following them, the camera in this game will intelligently track the on-screen events, while utilizing more Hollywood-esque angles and fades.

A classic example of this, which was shown to us, happened when Raziel walked around the corner to a set of stairs leading to a spacious garden area. Instead of the camera just following him down the stairs, it actually quickly faded to a more distant perspective, showing the entire area (which was quite impressive looking), as well as the handful of enemies that were waiting to attack. In this case, not only was the camera useful, but it also used some tricks that made the situation feel that more cinematic.


Along with the camera system featured in the past LoK games, one of the other main areas internally scrutinized by the team at Crystal Dynamics was the combat system. Over the last few games, the fighting had become "somewhat tedious" and a bit too "drawn-out and tactical." Basically, it had too much emphasis on strategy and patience rather than satisfaction and just plain coolness. The feature of being able to pick up any weapon (e.g. spears, torches, swords) and use it, while a bit innovative, was just something carried forth from the first Soul Reaver, and actually ended up making the combat "too broad and shallow." There simply wasn't enough depth or over-the-top moves to keep players constantly interested.

With that insight firmly planed in their minds, the team set out to change the very structure of combat, turning to games like Capcom's Devil May Cry for the basis of some grander ideas. Right off the bat, all of the minor weapons and items were dropped and Raziel and Kain were given only one main weapon each — "a different incarnation of the legendary Reaver blade." It may seem a bit limiting, but the exact opposite is true. With the abilities and size of the weapons set in stone, the animators can easily create some truly impressive combo chains and character-specific attacks. They no longer have to create a generic set of moves that have to work with a large variety of offensive items. They actually have carte blanche to create attacks that are just plain cool; attacks that even Dante would be jealous of. Air juggles, specialized charge moves, crowd clearing attacks—that's just the tip of the iceberg. "Both characters are also able to integrate telekinesis and feeding mechanics into combos and finishing moves within combat." In fact, it seems that telekinesis will play a very important role in both the combat and puzzle-solving.


To supplement their standard attacks and vampiric powers, both Kain and Raziel will be able to perform an assortment of telekinetic (TK) feats, the most powerful of which can be used in combat. "With supernatural grace and effortless power, they are able to blast enemies into deadly or damaging environmental elements. TK'd enemies may slam into blunt obstacles (like a wall or column), be impaled on sharp objects or [burned] by fire, smashed into breakable objects, or be thrown off ledges to their deaths."

Of the two characters, Kain's TK powers are more developed and powerful. He can pick up objects or enemies with far greater ease than Raziel, and propel them with both superior force and precision. He can also perform more impressive actions, such as "toppling mighty pillars, tearing down architecture, and forcing open otherwise-sealed barriers."


Thanks to a talented pool of artists, the Legacy of Kain games have always featured fairly detailed environments and a great number of architecturally impressive building designs. It was the bitter irony, then, that the cameras in these games were generally drawn in so closely (mainly due to technical challenges) that players weren't easily able to grasp the breadth and scope of each new area they came upon. Constraining the environments and the player's views of them was a major factor in keeping the framerate consistent and the number of on-screen characters decently high. Ah, the joys of a first-generation game engine, right? Fortunately, things are a lot better this time around.

Because this is the second LoK game utilizing this engine, the programmers have been able to spend a lot more of their time improving and optimizing the visual side of things. These enhancements have allowed the team to not only "enrich" the visuals, with better lighting effects, more realistic shadows, and what not, but also (more importantly) to create larger, more expansive environments than were ever possible before. The game has been completely opened up and the world that you'll be traveling through come off far more epic and grand. Enclosed hallways and rooms, while still present in some form, now appear to be in the minority. Countless breathtaking vistas and panoramic views hint at the possibilities of exploration and denounce the idea of a strictly linear path.

Diversity was also the name of the game, as the team is working hard to "provide a balance between organic terrain and architectural settings. There's a variety of levels and styles throughout the game, including fortresses and caverns, cathedrals and forests, mansions and catacombs." Some of these locations might be familiar to dedicated fans of the series, but there are plenty of new areas that will feel completely unique and different than what's been seen in the past titles." Just check out these screenshots to get a juicy taste of some of them.


With around six more months of development time left, Defiance unfortunately won't be rising from its coffin anytime soon. That might disappoint some of you, but it also means that plenty of polish, fine-tuning, and balance can still be introduced. Several of the environments still need to be created as well, but if they're anything like what we've seen already, everyone is truly going to be blown away. It's definitely a sight to behold. There's almost a night and day difference between the ambition level of this title and all the past games in the Legacy series, which is easy to see just by sitting down and spending a few minutes with it. There's no doubt in our minds that Defiance will leave a memorable impact on the genre, once it releases this Fall. Other adventure titles had better watch out, because this game's going to head straight for the jugular.


Fighting Coolness[]

Thanks to a vastly improved fighting system and a little inspiration from Devil May Cry, our two lead characters are now able to pull of some pretty neat stuff. From air juggles to devastating combos, this dirty pair are armed to the teeth.

I Gave At The Office...[]

Being vampires and all, both our "heroes" need to absorb blood and/or spirits in order to sustain their lives. The challenge, though, is in the fact that their weapons also need to feed in order to become stronger. Balancing out this feeding frenzy will be a necessary strategy in the game.

The Special Shift[]

Raziel retains his ability to shift between the Spectral realm (the land of the dead) and the Material plane (the realm of the living), and he'll need to use it often in order to solve various puzzles and traverse impassible areas.

Telekinetic TKO[]

In addition to their fighting prowess, Kain and Raziel also have an assortment of telekinetic (TK) abilities that can be used for combat or puzzle solving. Of the two, however, Kain has a greater and more precise control over his TK powers. He can actually topple pillars.

Conceptual Spaces[]

Since the game still has a ways to go in its development cycle, we were only able to get screens from a few of the many areas. However, here's some concept art of some of the other major locations that you'll end up traveling to. Make no mistakes about it... this game will be large.


  • The developers have made significant strides in improving and reinvigorating the Legacy of Kain series. This game will, by far, be the most ambitious of the franchise and include many important changes.
  • These environments are so large that you'll want to explore every little inch, and try to discover hidden areas for special bonuses.
  • You won't find many one-on-one battles anymore...
  • ...but you'll have plenty of attacks to take on the slavering hordes.
  • While Raziel needs to absorb souls in order to survive, Kain just prefers to go for the neck. There's nothing funny, at least to vampires, about feeding time.
  • It's impressive how the environments have changed. With the camera pulled back further, you can truly appreciate the designs.
  • The lush forest environments contrast nicely with the stone-like building interiors.
  • It will now be rare for you to have one-on-one battles. Enemies attack in groups.
  • Despite the increase in polygons and texture detail, the character models haven't changed that much. They do showcase better facial and attack animations, though.
  • The architectural differences between the two worlds seems even more warped this time around.
  • This may look like a cathedral, but you'd never find Kain or Raziel in a place like that. After all, they're vampires...
  • Just like a Jedi Knight, you'll be able to pick up opponents and send them hurtling in whatever direction you want. Cause the most damage by impaling them on wall spikes.
  • The Elder Cavern
  • The Garden
  • The Ruins
  • The Citadel
  • Raziel retains his ability to glide, using his "broken" wings, and will have to rely on it far more often in this game.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Archive Legacy of Kain: Defiance in PSM issue 72

