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Blood Omen 2 soundtrack[]

Back from the grave and crunch mode hell, I'm back to annoy you all. I just wanted to announce that entire Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2 soundtrack is available for download. For those of you who missed any of the tracks while I was rotating them, get them now while they're spicy hot!!

Blood Omen 2 Soundtrack

Anyone looking for the Sould Reaver 1 and 2 soundtracks should post here as well. We may be able to find a way to host them or see about getting more released if enough people want them. - Mike AV Crystal D
―Cynyc., 11/6/02 3:29pm[1]



Why isn't this board under game boards? I never would have know it was here if Prof hadn't told me.
―Desdemon, Sep 11, 2002[2]
Fantastic you are. :) Thank you Skizo.
―Desdemon, Oct 8, 2002[3]

What? No Warp Gates?![]

Don't worry, SR3 is being made. happy.gif
―Desdemon, 10/14/02 11:05am[4]

hey! new to this board.. but very familiar with most of the lok games! board related..[]

A visit at Crystal Dynamics[]

LOK Art Contest[]

―Desdemon, 10/14/02 11:20am[7]
―Desdemon, 10/14/02 2:17pm[8]
―Desdemon, 10/14/02 5:53pm[9]

Is this board dead?[]

Kain on Cube[]

Defiance Balance question[]

Pre-Ordering Defiance[]

Soul Reaver Question (About the sword itself)[]

Question for Desdemon[]

It is mostly the Soul Reaver 2 team, infused with some of the best people that worked on the Blood Omen 2 team as well as some new blood. :)
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[10]
Generic information that has already been printed in magazines. [face_silly]

Oh yeah, and that all will be revealed in time.

You guys can ask me questions, and I'll try and answer what I can, but you probably wont get much more information then what has already been answered on the eidos boards by Chris. We are very careful with what information gets released before the game comes out. :)
―Desdemon, Jul 9, 2003[11]
The story lines have always been kept pretty secret. The reason to keep the story secret is because no one wants to know the ending of something before they see it. :)
―Desdemon, Jul 9, 2003[12]
I see what your saying, and part of that is due to things having to be "scaled down" do to time constraints.

"For example, I read an artice on Soul Reaver 2 months (and well over four) before it came out, and in it they had a quote from CD: "In it you will have to kill two Kains; one in the future, and one in the past." You actually read this in a mag? Cause that isn't even something that was planned for SR2.

―Desdemon, Jul 10, 2003[13]
Your probably right Prof. Its also possible that the author of the article misinterpreted information that was given to him. I suppose its possible that I didn't know about it and it was something that was going to happen, but that seems unlikely. [face_plain] Oh well. In general, you get good info from mags. Just remember that the information ususally is getting passed from us to our marketing people then to the mags, with all that there is bound to be some mistakes here and there.

Shadow, you'll just have to wait and see. :)
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[14]
In regards to the camera, I can say that we are making every possible effort to keep the gameplay smooth and you shouldn't find it difficult to navigate through the levels with the new system. Controlling the characters should feel just as intuitive as it did before, only you'll get to see more of the areas now without having to stop and look around.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[15]
I am working as a environmental artist, so I get to make all the pretty background that you will run around in. After the game comes out I will be able to tell you what area's I worked in (don't want to spoil anything by mentioning what area are mine now). I can say that the screen shots with the "winged janos-like creature" is one of the rooms I made (and no I wont comment on who or what the creature is [face_silly])
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[16]
Last game I did a lot of things, I was more of a grunt type person. I did clean up art, places enemies, did lighting, you name it I had my hands in it. This time I am a full fledged Environmental Artist. :D

The environment artist use 3DStudio Max (We are using version 5) for our 3d work. The animators use Maya (I keep hoping we all will switch over to Maya, maybe next project). And for textures we us Photoshop (we're on 7 now) and Painter (we're on 7 here as well).

Our computers are custom PC's.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[17]
"which one PS2 or X-Box...why are there two variations are you guys just experimenting with which looks best at the moment? " I don't quite know what you mean here. It is the same room in all the screen shots I have seen (which is the room I made) just different angles. [face_confused]
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[18]
Thats interesting ^^^ never heard of it before. I think I will go look up more info on that when I have the time.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[19]
Ah yes, that is very likely the cause of the misunderstanding.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[20]
First let me start with saying that SR2's environments were done differently then Defiances. In SR2 we had texture artists, and mesh artists (and then a couple people in my position where we applied most of the textures to the mesh). This time each artist is in charge of both the texture and mesh for each unit they work on. With that said, my best answer is that it really depends on the size of the unit (a unit is one "area/room" in a level roughly). For example, right now I am working on a couple of hallways for the level I am working on, for the two of them I expect to spend only 5 days on them (texture and mesh). The room that the janos-like creature is in I think I spent 8 or 9 days in.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[21]
Well, keep in mind that the number of days I spend on an area includes mesh, texture and lighting. Plus there is some going back and forth with designers to make sure that the puzzles will work, and getting art direction from my leads.

I love what I do. Everyday, I get to create something, and then run the game and watch Raziel run around in it. Plus our game has such great fans, which make you feel appreciated. :)

Ah, our different realms. Well, not to give away to many trade secrets, but its all in one unit with some advanced morphing. ;)
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[22]
Nice work.

I like the 3d models, may I ask how many polys are in each? I would recommend buying some anatomy books and nude figure books to work from. An understanding of the human body goes a long way in modeling characters.

I really like your 2d work. It has a very different style and I like that. I think it would be very interesting to see the first drawing you posted up there as a 3d model.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[23]
All though there are always limits to where we can allow the player to go, in general we try to follow this rule:

If it looks like you should be able to go there, let the player go there. If it looks like they shouldn't be able to get there, don't let them go there. (by being able I mean with the player characters abilites).

Hopefully you will feel that you can explore more in this game. :)
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[24]
Right now, to me, it feels like there is more exploration in this one (much like SR1) but with better artwork then SR2 ;) I don't think it has the same feel as SR2, but it certainly looks prettier then SR1. I think you guys will be happy with what we have done.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[25]
You no longer have the ability to pick up weapons. Only the soul reaver for Raz and the material "blood" reaver for Kain.

I went to an art school for training. At the time I studied Computer Animation, but a lot of art schools now have game art and design programs. I highly recommend them, they wont teach you everything you need to know, but you get a good basic knowledge.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[26]
The engine is more robust, allowing us to do more. We also have some better artists (IMO) this game then we did last game.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[27]

Very cool looking model, can't wait to see it finished. :) All of our textures are done in photoshop, they are a combination of photos and hand painting in the computer (thank goodness for wacom tablets).

greyfox88: Wait and see on all of your questions. I promise you will be happy with the answer to all of them. ;)

LennyLilac: 1. Keep in mind that Raz was in the abyss a long time, his brothers had a long time to evolve. 2. I don't know how many of the LOK games you have played so I don't want to give away to much, but Raziel and his "brothers" were part of the sarafan (a "holy" order that saught to destroy vampires). 3. They were the next in line after his first lieutenant.


I will check out your ideas.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[28]
"Des doesn't really feel comfortable answering plot-related questions"

Thats because I know a lot more about the story then you guys do and I'm always afraid I'm going to refer to something that you guys don't know yet. :) I don't want to ruin anything for you guys n'gals.

Edit: I'll see if I can find anything out about that DVD.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[29]
Kain got that scar when he was mudered in BO as a human.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[30]
Kind of a combination of the two. You can save anywhere, but it will take you to the last check point you crossed when you re-load (which are NOT few and far between).
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[31]
If I answer that, you will know for sure, one way or the other, if Janos is in the game.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[32]
Thanks. [face_silly] It occured to me to change it a little to slowly I guess.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[33]
No, I'm not Amy, but I will pass on your compliment. :)
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[34]
I don't actually know, I will see if I can find out. I apologize if I don't get back to you to quickly, I am very busy right now.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[35]
I'm not going to make any promises on how long the game is, but I am pretty sure it will take you longer to complete then SR2. I guess it depends on how quickly you guys figure out stuff [face_silly]

Thank you for the words of encouragement. The LOK team has always been interested in what our fans have to say and we will continue to listen to your suggestions, compliments and complaints.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[36]
I hate to give away much about the bonus material. I will say, however, that there aren't any interviews with teammembers. But there is plenty of stuff that should interest old and new fans alike.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[37]
1. That was a PR decision, so I don't have an answer for it.

2. I don't know the final number of codes that was decided on to be honest, but I do know of at least 3 or 4 codes that should be released (that includes the tube code)

3. I am pretty sure they are all like the tube code in that if you punch in the buttons a second time it deactivates it.

Sorry I can't be more specific on the codes, I wasn't involved in them so I don't know to much about them.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[38]
I do know what he is writting in the dirt. And if you want to know, read past the spoiler warning (though I don't think it is much of a spoiler I am sure some people might want to figure it out on their own)

                  • Spoiler********
Raziel draws his clan symbol in the dirt.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[39]
We did not impliment this kind of code in the final version of the game because it would allow you to get to areas before you are suppose to.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[40]
I worked on the indoor cemetery units, a couple of rooms in Vorador's Mansion and underground Avernus, plus a whole lot of art clean-up throughout the levels.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[41]
I am alive, and I apologize for not posting here in a while.

The LOK brand is currently under review by Eidos. I'll let you know more when I can.

About the Rahab screen shot. You are correct negativecreep. Rahab's vulnerablity to sun did happen while Raziel was in the abyss.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[42]
I did go to E3 this year. Overall the show was ok. You can definitly tell that we are nearing the end of the current generation of consoles; everything is looking the same. If any of you like FPS's please check out Snowblind. It was the Crystal Dynamics entry at E3 this year and is due out this fall.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[43]
I haven't seen any footage avaiable yet. I will let you guys know when some gets put up.
―Desdemon, Jul 7, 2003[44]
No I didn't do any work for this game (have had other things to keep me busy). Its a very solid team though and I am very excited about the game (I'm an FPS nut though).
―Desdemon, May 26, 2004[45]


All cinematics are being handled in-game this time.

By the way, I am only a VIP, so I can't lock or delete posts if that was what you were asking for.
―Desdemon, Aug 8, 2003[46]
I completely understand. I even checked with my producer to make sure it was common knowledge before I said anything. All good. :)
―Desdemon, Aug 13, 2003[47]
I only checked because I hadn't thought it was a widely known fact. Since i was given the ok on the answer, I would guess its ok for you to talk about it then. But I will leave that up to you.

Feel free to ask me other questions (though I would prefer to keep them to one thread) and I will answer what I can. :)
―Desdemon, Aug 14, 2003[48]

Additional info regarding the ECTS Demo[]

We have a fantastic animation team.
―Desdemon, Aug 31, 2003[49]
Our lead animator hates motion capture. [face_silly]
―Desdemon, Aug 31, 2003[50]
That's about right Inrezairo. :)
―Desdemon, Sep 2, 2003[51]
Its top secret ;)
―Desdemon, Sep 4, 2003[52]

Official Legacy of Kain Site[]

The new site is up, hope you guys enjoy it. I'm gonna go ahead and put a spoiler warning, because there may be features and such some of you don't want to know about until you get the game.

Legacy of Kain

―Desdemon, Sep 3, 2003[53]
Sorry about that, don't know how I forgot to do that.
―Desdemon, Sep 3, 2003[54]

Some info regarding the X-Box version of Defiance[]

Jurjen, who is the programmer working on the Xbox version, posted this information on the Eidos Legacy of Kain forum. You don't get any more official then that, though keep in mind that nothing has been finalized yet.
―Desdemon, Sep 20, 2003[55]

Creating Vampires in LoK (Major LoK Spoilers)[]

Kain is only able to create vampires by giving them part of his soul. He is the only vampire that can do this as well (do to his becoming a vampire through necromancy). Vorador basically created the vampire army in BO2 (or at least started it).

And no the army wasn't waiting for Kain after he refused the sacrafice, when the army came about... well only time will tell. ;)

―Desdemon, Sep 25, 2003[56]
We have never really gone into it, but I have always assumed that the vampires bite their "victims" in order to pass it on.
―Desdemon, Sep 25, 2003[57]

After 8 years Finally Everything comes full Circle. Thanks SK and CD.[]

I am very happy you all enjoyed this game. I will be sure to share this thread with the team. :)
―Desdemon, Nov 27, 2003[58]

Silicon Knights[]

IGN/Why Baldur? Blog #27[]

Names? We don't need no steenking names![]


  1. Blood Omen 2 soundtrack at the IGN Boards (by Cynyc.), post #1 (by Cynyc.)
  2. Question at the IGN Boards (by Desdemon), post #1 (by Desdemon)
  3. Question at the IGN Boards (by Desdemon), post #9 (by Desdemon)
  4. What? No Warp Gates?! at the IGN Boards (by Ms.Dante), post #4 (by Desdemon)
  5. to be added
  6. to be added
  7. to be added
  8. to be added
  9. to be added
  10. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  11. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #5 (by Desdemon)
  12. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #7 (by Desdemon)
  13. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #10 (by Desdemon)
  14. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  15. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  16. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  17. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  18. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  19. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  20. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  21. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  22. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  23. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  24. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  25. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  26. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  27. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  28. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  29. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  30. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  31. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  32. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  33. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  34. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  35. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  36. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  37. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  38. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  39. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  40. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  41. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  42. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  43. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  44. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  45. Question for Desdemon at the IGN Boards (by VedicKings), post #177 (by Desdemon)
  46. THIS IS FOR DESDEMON ONLY PLEASE IGNORE!!!! at the IGN Boards (by Inrezairo), post #2 (by Desdemon)
  47. THIS IS FOR DESDEMON ONLY PLEASE IGNORE!!!! at the IGN Boards (by Inrezairo), post #4 (by Desdemon)
  48. THIS IS FOR DESDEMON ONLY PLEASE IGNORE!!!! at the IGN Boards (by Inrezairo), post #6 (by Desdemon)
  49. Additional info regarding the ECTS Demo at the IGN Boards (by embla), post #3 (by Desdemon)
  50. Additional info regarding the ECTS Demo at the IGN Boards (by embla), post #6 (by Desdemon)
  51. Additional info regarding the ECTS Demo at the IGN Boards (by embla), post #10 (by Desdemon)
  52. Additional info regarding the ECTS Demo at the IGN Boards (by embla), post #13 (by Desdemon)
  53. Official Legacy of Kain Site at the IGN Boards (by Desdemon), post #1 (by Desdemon)
  54. Official Legacy of Kain Site at the IGN Boards (by Desdemon), post #5 (by Desdemon)
  55. Some info regarding the X-Box version of Defiance at the IGN Boards (by embla), post #8 (by Desdemon)
  56. Creating Vampires in LoK (Major LoK Spoilers) at the IGN Boards (by HGLatino), post #5 (by Desdemon)
  57. Creating Vampires in LoK (Major LoK Spoilers) at the IGN Boards (by HGLatino), post #9 (by Desdemon)
  58. After 8 years Finally Everything comes full Circle. Thanks SK and CD. at the IGN Boards (by HGLatino), post #15 (by Desdemon)

