Kain's Proposed Dire Wolf Form. Hand drawn, scanned and painted in Painter and Photoshop
Raziel's face texture. This is the original painted at high res to show how detailed I can get.
Note the wireframe underneath which reveals how I paint over the wireframe to achieve accurate mapping results.
Kain younger version proposal painted in Painter and Photoshop
Kain's Legs Texture map painted in Painter and Photoshop
Small Demon concept http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:rab_X2z_RFsJ:spectraljin.com/Soul%2520Reaver/Small%2520Demon/small_demon.htm+www.spectraljin.com&cd=19&hl=en&ct=clnk
concept for Small Demon
Raziel Torso Texture from ingame asset
Grey Lightning Demon texturemap of the Head
Painted from scratch on Painter and Photoshop
Grey Lightning Demon texturemap of the Torso
Painted from scratch on Painter and Photoshop
Eldergod Texture Map SR2 http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:1BSqYTdObB8J:spectraljin.com/Soul%2520Reaver/ElderGod/ElderGod_SR2.htm+www.spectraljin.com&cd=25&hl=en&ct=clnk
Elder God texture map from SR2
Raziel as the Grand Inquisitor. The influence here was from the Roman Era. .
This mural was for the creation of the Reaver and its depiction as a holy relic
Grey Lightning Demon texturemap of the legs/pelvis
Painted from scratch on Painter and Photoshop
This is the Mural I created which depicts the Vampyre/Hylden war, the creation of the pillars, the fall of the Vampyre and the creation of the Reaver.
In the third mural, I imagined the poor fellow screaming "WHY?! Why must I kill a little calf?!" and in the last one its like
"Hey man, don't worry that you've gone from nature loving stewards to blood sucking immortals. 'Cause I've got this cool sword!!" :)
Incidentally, these were totally scarred and ripped up for the ingame, so I didn't bother rendering every little bit out, but focused on getting
it to look nice and weathered. This is the only place you can see the entire mural in its unadulterated form.
Pulling out Janos' heart of Darkness.
Kain's Proposed Feral Beast Form. Hand drawn, scanned and painted in Painter and Photoshop
Gray Demon SR2 Front http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:hGeYlhWcvn8J:spectraljin.com/Soul%2520Reaver/Grey%2520Demon/Gray_front.htm+www.spectraljin.com&cd=37&hl=en&ct=clnk
Grey Lightning Demon from SR2
Ariel 3D model
I directed the creation of this model
Ariel's Layout texture in SR1 for the original Playstation (before munging to 4bit color)
Moebius Staff
Created in Painter and Photoshop.
One of the nice things about re-inventing Moebius was designing the staff. Originally it only had the
sphere at the top of the staff, but I decided to wrap a snake around it and make like it was swallowing
a giant egg. Thats what happens when you watch discovery channel while painting concepts.
This also tied in with the oroboris concept of the snake eating itself, which is a primary theme in Soul Reaver 2.
Almost every image has some important symbology tying back to the storyline.
Kain Torso/Arm Texture painted in Painter and Photoshop
Kain's Modelsheet
Archon Concept: Proposed that they hide out as part of the scenery then emerge as glowing monstrosities
Defiance Sarafan Warrior http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:PVXxct5W7qYJ:spectraljin.com/Soul%2520Reaver/Sarafan/Defiance%2520Sarafan%2520Warrior.htm+www.spectraljin.com&cd=47&hl=en&ct=clnk
Painted the textures for this one too.
For Defiance we added Aikido style pants and color coding for the Sarafan.
It supposed to be a few years after SR2, so I evolved the armor from Roman to Crusader style armor
Moebius Modelsheet
Created in Painter and Photoshop.
When I was making this image, I blended parts of Peter Cushing and Patrick Stewart, then made it Holocust Skinny
Vorador killing nature guardian http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:A5o8f4uy_ukJ:spectraljin.com/Soul%2520Reaver/Murals/Vorador_Nature.htm+www.spectraljin.com&cd=51&hl=en&ct=clnk
This mural in Sarafan Stronghold of SR2. It shows Vorador killing another of Pillar Guardians. In the original pencil sketch, I had Vorador with a nasty
looking knife about to shank the Nature Guardian. After looking at it a while, I thought it was a bit too harsh of an image, so I took out the blade. In some ways its
worse because now he's got to do her in with his bare fangs. I also made his nose more batlike in the demonization of Vorador.
This mural was of the Vampyre/Hylden war.
Shadows Concept
Moebius Model Sheet
Created in Painter and Photoshop.
This is the original texture for the clockface in the Oracle's Cave of SR1.
Kain's Symbol
I created Kain's Clan Symbol to represent his arrogance (the Crown) and his vamprism (the Fangs)
I've had quite a few LOK fans actually tattoo this on their bodies! I'm flattered that they like the symbol enough
to do this. It makes me glad I put a lot of time into the design. (imagine if it was just a happy face lol)
Moebius 3D model
VH_Female_mdlsheet http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:iUliylWwwuQJ:spectraljin.com/Soul%2520Reaver/Hunters/VH_Female_mdlsheet.htm+www.spectraljin.com&cd=58&hl=en&ct=clnk
Modelsheet for Female Vampire Hunter
Texture Sarafan Head http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:QOdhqBWBStwJ:spectraljin.com/Soul%2520Reaver/Sarafan/SW_head_texture.htm+www.spectraljin.com&cd=59&hl=en&ct=clnk
Texture map for Sarafan head
Vorador killing bald Priestess http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:pJx9y85VhHYJ:spectraljin.com/Soul%2520Reaver/Murals/Vorador_priestess.htm+www.spectraljin.com&cd=60&hl=en&ct=clnk
This mural in Sarafan Stronghold of SR2. It shows Vorador killing another of Pillar Guardians. You can see it in the original LOK intro cine.
I've enclosed the pencil sketch to show more of my process.
Vorador killing old man http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:fnk2ekn5mcgJ:spectraljin.com/Soul%2520Reaver/Murals/Vorador_oldman.htm+www.spectraljin.com&cd=61&hl=en&ct=clnk
This mural in Sarafan Stronghold of SR2. It depicts Vorador's destruction of the original Pillar Guardians.
Since it was supposed to have been painted by the Sarafan, it completely demonizes Vorador. I wanted to have
a totally different mural appear when Raziel goes to spectral, but unfortunately he never goes back to that room ingame.
Priestess Sarafan Concept http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:tiZB15IbIMwJ:spectraljin.com/Soul%2520Reaver/Sarafan/Priestess_Sarafan_concept.htm+www.spectraljin.com&cd=62&hl=en&ct=clnk
Priestess Sarafan concept
Sarafan Female Warrior http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:I-puOJiXiPEJ:spectraljin.com/Soul%2520Reaver/Sarafan/Female%2520Warrior.htm+www.spectraljin.com&cd=65&hl=en&ct=clnk
Created in Painter and Photoshop
Vorador killing caped guardian http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8AyLIaEOpvwJ:spectraljin.com/Soul%2520Reaver/Murals/Vorador_Capedguardian.htm+www.spectraljin.com&cd=67&hl=en&ct=clnk
This mural in Sarafan Stronghold of SR2. It shows Vorador killing another of Pillar Guardians. I always felt that this one looked like a "Superman vs. The Hulk" comic
book cover. Incidentally I added the Pillar guardian symbols later on to help identify which guardian bit the dust.
Vorador killing 2 guardians
This mural in Sarafan Stronghold of SR2. It shows Vorador killing another of Pillar Guardians. I realized that I ran out of wallspace on this last one (six sided room with seven dead
guardians) So I decided to put two of them together. I can't tell you how much flak I got from the other team members on this one.
William and Kain
This stained glass depicts the fight between William the Just and Kain the Vampire. An interesting design note: the original design of William from LOK had him with red armor and black horns. It didn't make much sense, and I spent a few hours trying to think of why a guy called 'the Just' would have evil red armor and black horns. Then it hit me: ROSES! They're red and have thorns, so I restylized the armor to have more thornlike horns and rose designs on it. I just love coming up with visual solutions.