Legacy of Kain Wiki

Archive An Interview With Richard Lemarchand at CGMagazine (by Wayne Santos)


... CGM: How did the decision to make Nathan Drake vulnerable and flawed come about?

RL: I couldn’t say who originally came up with the idea, but I do know, having worked with Amy for a long time, that this is an ongoing interest of hers. If you look at the Soul Reaver games, the heroes of those games, even though they’re super-powered, they are, both Raziel and Kain, guys who struggle with themselves. In part because they’ve become monsters. This points to Amy’s interest in that aspect of human experience. And she’s done a really great job of bringing those ideas of vulnerability and characters you can relate to, because they’re completely confident, because they don’t feel like they have all the answers, which is something that nearly every human can relate to. ...

―Wayne Santos[1]


  1. Archive An Interview With Richard Lemarchand at CGMagazine (by Wayne Santos)

