Das Offizielle Lösungsbuch for Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver is the German-language official strategy guide for Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver published by Eidos Interactive (Deutschland). It is particularly notable for inclusion of the Vorgeschichte comic.
- Editorial
- Basics
- Objects and Artifacts
- Sketches
- Abilities
- Chapter Sequence
- Combat
- Enemies
- Vorgeschichte comic
- Full Walkthrough (with large screenshots, explanations and illustration/guide sketches)
- Glyphs, Health power-ups and Eldritch energy power-ups collection guide.
- Promotional statue and model creation
- Credits
- Controls
- Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - Das Offizielle Lösungsbuch contains several features that are unique to this guide. The most obvious is the Vorgeschicte comic (see below), but several other unique features are present including a promotional piece on the creation of the limited edition Oxmox resin statue of Raziel, and a number of 'sketches' that alternate between detailed explanation and instruction for puzzles, to map/area layout and even include character art. The status of these artworks is unclear, but at least one piece of official concept art is included along with several official rendered images.
- In some areas the guide features images of green Blood and gore effects - this is likely not related to the development of the title or the green blood seen previously in Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain but is instead likely to be due to localization issues - specifically to German laws surrounding gore in video games.
- Patrick Dowling is credited as the author of the guide and the credits list a number of individuals and organisations responsible for the guide, including crediting the Crystal Dynamics team. Katja Krieglstein, Gerhard Fillei, Uta Hengst and Patrick Dowling are credited with the llustration work. Vorgeschichte itself includes credits for Delius, Geoffrey Delarvelle, Gilles Ferrand and Launier.
- ISBN 3933917093
Vorgeschichte, also known as The German Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver comic, features in Das Offizielle Lösungsbuch, the German-language official strategy guide for Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. It appears as the Vorgeschichte, or history to the game's events, and so re-caps much of the opening and background story to Soul Reaver. The comic does not seem to be associated with the other, promotional Legacy of Kain comics which were produced by Top Cow; it's unlikely it was ever published separately from the strategy guide, and it is only available in the German language (Deutsch).
Apparently shortly into his Wraith existence, Raziel recounts his 'creation' and Nosgoth's background history. He recalls Kain's resurrection of himself and the Council and how this led in turn to the raising of the vampire clans and the Vampires conquering Nosgoth, with Kain as the absolute ruler. Raziel also recalls his own downfall, after his newly grown wings lead to Kain ordering his execution in the Abyss. After centuries of agonized torture in the Lake of the Dead and deformed by his fate, Raziel finally heard the voice of the ancient Elder God and accepted his offer of vengeance, becoming a servant of the Elder and devourer of Souls.
Players (in order of appearance)[]
Dialogue | Translation | |
Raziel V:O | RAZIEL! Tief imAbgrund der Finsternis dröhnt der Name eines gefallenen Engels, verdammt in alle Ewigkelten... wie das Echo eines allerhöchsten Urtelis, das weiterklingen wird bis zur Nacht aler Zeiten... Am anfang war Kain der Herr der Säulen und allmächtiger Meister des Rates dessen Armee Nosgoth erobern und die Menschen verderben sollte... |
RAZIEL! Deep in the abyss of darkness drones the name of a fallen angel, banished for all eternity... just as the echo of a supreme verdict, which will continue to be heard until the night of all times... At the beginning was Kain, Lord of the Pillars and almighty lord of the council whose armies conquered Nosgoth and would doom humanity... |
Raziel V:O | Um seine Armen zu befehligen und sich zu einem Gott zu erheben, stieg Kain in die Unterweit hinab auf der Suche nach einer Seele, die er in einem Körper einkerkern könnte Und so erschuf er mich RAZIEL! |
To enable his armies and to make himself a god, Kain descended into the Underworld, in the search for a soul, which he could incarcerate in a corpse ... And so he created me... RAZIEL! |
Raziel V:O | ich war der erste Schüler, der den Funken des Lebens vomMeister empfing... Nach mir erschuf er noch neun weitere Apostei, deren Aufgabe es war, die Legionen von Kains Armee zu sammein... Also... durchforschten wir die Tiefen des Fegefeuers, um eine unbesiegbare Armee aufzustellen - aus dem Totenreich zurückgebracht... EINE ARMEE VON VAMPIREN! |
I was the first pupil, who received the breath of life from master ... After me he created nine other apostles, whose job it was to gather the legions of Kain's army... So... We searched the depths of purgatory, to assemble an unstoppable army - brought back from the realm of death... AN ARMY OF VAMPIRES! |
Raziel V:O | Der Sieg über Nosgoth zeigte der Welt, wie groß die Wut und die Macht der Krieger war, die wir ershaffen hatten. Der Widerstand der Soldaten aus der Stadt wurde von unseren rasended Truppen einfach hinweggefegt... Ein paar Sterbliche, die entkommen waren, versuchten fortzuseten, was sie den „Helligen Krieg" nannten. Aber ihr armseliger Kampf war von Anfang an verloren und half nur, die entsetzlichen Geschichten zu verbreiten, aus denen DIE LEGENDE DER VAMPIRE entstand. |
The conquering of Nosgoth, showed the world, how big the fury and might of the warrior was, which we had created. The resistance of the soldiers from the city was simply swept away from our troops... A few mortals that escaped attempted to continue what they called "the Holy War". But their pitiful war was lost from the beginning and helped only to spread horrible stories, from which THE VAMPIRE LEGENDS were created. |
Raziel V:O | Unter Herrschaft Kains erreichte die Dynastie der Vampire ihren Höhepunkt. Unser Meister war der alleinige Herrscher der ganzen bekannten Welt, und seine Macht wuchs und wuchs dank seiner Gabe, sich zu verwandein Die Fählgkeit der Verwandlung, die nur wenige Auserwählte besaßen erlaubte es Kain, seine Gestalt zu wechsein, unsichtbar zu werden, Gedanken zu lesen... Und so schlen es, als sei Kain fur alle Zeiten zum absoluten Meister bestimmt - bis zu dem Tag, an dem ich, ais sein Diener, die schwerste aller Sünden beging. |
Under Kain's rule the vampire dynasty reached it's peak. Our master was the sole ruler of the entire known world, and his power grew and grew thanks to his gift, to transform. The ability to change, which only few possessed, allowed Kain to alter his appearance, turn invisible, read minds ... And it appeared as if Kain was destined to be the absolute master for all eternity - until the day, on which I, his servant, committed the most terrible of sins. |
Raziel V:O | War es, weil ich der erste unter Kains Jüngern war? Oder trieb mich meine Unsterblichkeit zur Perfektion? Eines Tages entdeckte ich, daß auch ich die Gabe der Verwandlung hatte! Und ich, Raziel, verfügte über eine weitere Gabe, die nicht einmal Kain selbst besaß - die Gabe zu fliegen! Meine goldenen Flügel waren zugleich mein Himmelreich und mein Verhängnis. |
Was it because I was the first of Kain's disciples? Or did my immortality lead me to perfection? One day I discovered that I had the gift of transformation. And I, Raziel, possessed a gift that not even Kain did - the ability to fly! My golden wings were my salvation and also my damnation. |
Kain | Kreatur des Nichts! Wie kannst du es wagen? Ich gab dir das Leben... aber ich kanndich auch zerstören! | Creature of the night! How dare you? I gave you life ... but I can also destroy you! |
Raziel V:O | In der strafe Kains lag seine ganze Grausamkeit. Er befahl seinen Jüngern, mich zu ergreifen...und ich sah den Wahnsinn in den Augen meiner Brüder flackern... als sie mich in den See der verlorenen Seelen warfen, den grauenhaften Abgrund, die Strafe der Verräter... dessen höllisches Wasser die Körper der Verdammten verbrennen! |
In his punishment lay all of Kain's cruelty. He ordered his disciples to seize me ... and I saw the madness flicker in the eyes of my brothers ... as they threw me in the Sea of Lost Souls, the horrifying abyss, the punishment for traitors ... whose hellish water burned the bodies of the damned. |
Raziel V:O | Schmerz, Qual, Verbrennungen... Ich fühlte, wie mein Körper vonder Säure des Sees zerfressen wurde...meine Pein zog sich über Ewigkeiten hin... Und doch entstieg ich dem verfluchten See - lebendig! Entstellt, verstümmelt meine flügel, das Verlangen nach Rache in meine Seele gebrannt... Keiner, nicht einmal Kain selbst, hätte gedacht, daß dieses graunhafte Ende... ...nur der Anfang war... ...von einer langen Geschichte, die beides übersteigen würde: Den Glauben der Sterblichen und die Vorstellungskraft der Götter...RAZIELS SUCHE. |
Pain, torture, immolation... I felt how my body was corroded by the acids of the lake ... my agony stretched over ages... And still I emerged out of the cursed lake - alive! Disfigured, my wings mutilated, the urge for revenge burned into my soul ... Nobody, not even Kain, would have thought that this gruesome ending ... ...was just the beginning... ...of a long tale, that would exceed both: the belief of mortals and the imagination of the gods ... RAZIEL'S SEARCH. |
Raziel V:O | Ich wanderte endlos am Ufer des verfluchten Sees entlang, dessen Säure mein Gesicht verbrannt und meine Flügel zerstört hatte. Zeit hatte keine Bedeutung mehr für den ewigen Ausgestoßenen, der ich geworden war. Und doch, gerade als es so aussah, als hätte ich alle Hoffnung verloren, fühlte ich seine Gegenwart. |
I wandered endlessly along the shores of the cursed lake whose acids burned my face and destroyed my wings. Time had no meaning for the eternally exiled that I had become. And yet, just as I was about to lose all hope, I felt his presence. |
Raziel V:O | In der Oberwelt hatte ich die Legende von einem bösartigen Wesen gehört, das im Herzen der Dunkelheit lebte. Ich hatte immer gedacht, diese vielarmige Kreatur existierte nur in der Vorstellung der Vampire... Der Ältere! |
In the overworld I had heard the legend of a malignant creature, that lives in the heart of darkness. I had always thought, this many tentacled creature existed only in the imagination of the vampires... The Elder! |
Raziel V:O | Am Ende meiner Kräfte machte ich mich bereit meinen letzten Kampf aufzunehmen. Und doch, als ich seine Stimme dröhnen hörte, schlen sie mir fast so vertraut wie die, die ich anderswo gehört hatte, als ich noch unter den Lebenden weilte. |
At the end of my powers, I prepared myself for my final battle. And yet, as I heard his voice booming, it felt familiar to a voice I had heard, when I was still among the living. |
The Elder God: | Fürchte dich nicht, Raziel. Auch ich habe die Rache Kains zu spüren bekommen. Der Haß auf den Herrn der Vampire eint uns! Ich lebe im Herzen der Finsternis, wo ich seit undenklichen Zeiten auf den warte, der meinen Rachedurst zu stillen vermag. |
Fear not, Raziel. I too have felt Kain's vengeance. Our hatred for the vampire lord unites us. I live in the heart of darkness, where I have waited countless ages for the one who can quench my thirst for revenge. |
Raziel V:O | Der Ältere war mein Verbündeter und wurde mein Führer im Geiste. Er weihte mich in das Geheimnis der Geheimnisse ein, das mir erlauben würde, die Oberwelt zu erreichen und Kain herauszufordern. Er lehrte mich, wie ich so mächtig werden könnte wie der Meister seibst - ich sollte mich nicht mehr vom Blut meiner Opfer nähren sondern ihre Seelen verschlingen und so ihre Kraft zu der meinen machen. Der Ältere sagate mir, wie ich den irdischen Pfad finden könnte, der mich nach Nosgoth führen würde. Jetzt ist die Zelt gekommen, den langen Weg anzutreten, der zu Rache und Vergeltung führt - die Zeit ist reif für Raziels Suche. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. |
The Elder was my ally and my guide in spirit. He initiated me into the secret of secrets, which would allow me reach the overworld and challenge Kain. He taught me how to become so powerful as the master himself - I was not to nurture myself from the blood of my victims, but from their souls and make their strength my own. The Elder told me, how I could find the earthly way that would lead me to Nosgoth. The time has come, to begin the long journey, that would lead to revenge and retribution - the time is ripe for Raziel's Search. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver |
- As with the other comics the artistic style of the German comic can lead to some visual inconsistencies; Raziel and the Elder God are notably depicted with the wrong colours (Green and Pink respectively) and with the Elder simply referred to as a "tentacled creature" he is depicted as more 'Octopus-like' then 'Squid-like' - It is however, worth noting that chronologically this was the first clear depiction of the Elder, before Raziel identified him as a "Giant Squid" in Soul Reaver 2.
- The comic uses the St George's Cross to represent the "Holy War" of the last humans against the Vampires, matching up with real-world associations of the symbol during the 'Crusades'. The symbol would eventually appear again in Blood Omen 2, in a stained glass window nearby the Bishop's Manor in Chapter 4:The Upper City.
- The German comic states Kain has entered the Underworld and this was necessary to trap the souls of his lieutenants before raising them. The Material Realm is referred to as "The Overworld"
- The Comic states there were 9 Vampire lieutenants created after Raziel (for a total of ten). This obviously contradicts the established total of six (including Raziel).
- The comic depicts the last major Human resistance against Kain's empire being the Human Citadel, however it is conquered during Kain's rise to power.
- Kain possesses several abilities because of his 'evolution' including the abilities to 'alter his appearance', 'turn invisible' and 'read minds'. The comic suggests that vampiric 'evolution' may be a power possessed by only a few individuals.
- The "Abyss" is referred to as the "Sea of Lost Souls", instead of the "Lake of the Dead"; this is likely a reference to earlier draft of the Soul Reaver story, where it was the Lake of Lost Souls, not the Lake of the Dead that was home to the Abyss.
- In this comic the Elder is depicted as a something of a known fairytale and he has spoken to the living (including Raziel) before, as Raziel recognises his voice. Interestingly the Elder literally claims to reside in "the Heart of Darkness" (though this is likely to be a metaphor).
See also[]
- Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
- Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
- Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver comic
- Soul Reaver 2 - Das Offizielle Lösungsbuch
- "SR Comic GERMAN version?" and Official Confirmation Thread at Eidos Forums.
- "Soul Reaver Comic German Edition?" and Translation Thread at Nosgothic Realm Forums.
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