Legacy of Kain Wiki
Legacy of Kain Wiki

The Impaler Axe was a weapon for the Vanguard class in Nosgoth. It was an alternative to the default Kama.

Behind the scenes[]

The Impaler Axe was described as "a cruelly barbed throwing axe that causes victims to bleed for additional damage over time."[NOS]

The alternatives to the Impaler Axe were:

Four Impaler Axe variations with unique visual and audio effects were produced: spectral; balefire; magma; and witchfire. These were respectively named:

  • Vanguard28Medium Devil's Impaler Axe
  • Vanguard37Medium Winter Impaler Axe
  • Vanguard20Medium Molten Impaler Axe
  • Vanguard24Medium Occult Impaler Axe

The Impaler Axe is referred to as "Weapon_Kama_Bleed" in the Nosgoth game data.

Immortal Wrath[]

Immortal Wrath was a unique variation of the Kama.

Immortal Wrath is referred to as "Weapon_Kama_Bleed_Cracked" in the Nosgoth game data.


See also[]

