As Raziel entered and explored the mansion he soon found an unusual chamber with a distinctive fountain at its heart. Above the fountain three Hylden gargoyles were positioned on the balcony, each channeling water into the pool below. Around the edges of the chamber several frescoes and murals were positioned depicting three Ancient Vampire champions impaling Hylden adversaries with unique spear weapons - with finding the three spears being a main objective to Raziel in that chapter.[Defiance][Defiance/8][Defiance strategy guide]
Exploring the Mansion, Raziel was forced to pass through a flooded crypt, where he discovered a distinctive sealed door marked with a mural of an ancient vampire with a skull face bearing a spear. The door itself was locked but a recess in the floor nearby and symbols on the door itself indicated that an artifact was required to unlock it. Soon after Raziel found and recovered the Heart Seeker spear from the Great Hall and the Blood Drinker spear from the Library and used those spears to impale the gargoyles in the fountain room - stopping the flow of water from them and turning murals relating to their heroes into Breakables.[Defiance][Defiance/8][Defiance strategy guide]
Returning to the Garden of the mansion Raziel discovered a cracked mural of the Blood Drinker champion which he could break and descend into an underground Cistern area filled with water. Using TK on a Telekinetic switch allowed him to raise a number of platforms so he could jump across them to reach a higher platform at the other end where he could find the Gold Half of Vorador's Crest.[Defiance][Defiance/8][Defiance strategy guide]
The crest itself consisted of a flat golden metallic artifact decorated with a golden dragon. The dragon had red eyes and a long tail which looped around forming a complicated knotted pattern in a manner reminiscent of Chinese and East Asian dragon depictions. Two loops of the knot protruded upwards and outwards from the center of the piece giving the impression of wings or arms and at the bottom and center of the piece a circular section beneath the dragon was missing - where the Silver Half of Vorador's Crest would fit.[Defiance][Defiance/8]
The Gold Half of Vorador's crest is never named as such in game and few sources actually distinguish between itself and the Silver half. In the inventory it is titled as "Half of Vorador's Crest". The Prima official guide uses similar language calling it "one half of Vorador's Crest" (with bold used for "Vorador's Crest") or "the first half of Vorador's Crest". Both sources use the same names for the Silver half, but the order used in the Prima guide means they specify the gold as the "first" half and the silver as the "second" - although this ordering is not necessarily true.[Defiance][Defiance/8][Defiance strategy guide]
The artifact is labelled in game files as "vd_key_a". A corresponding lock texture labelled as "vd_keylock_a" is included in textures but only includes a repeat of the artifact textures suggesting it was used for after the placement of the crest in its lock. Another duplicate artifact texture - possibly used for cutscenes - is present at "dupe_vd_key_a". The actual lock texture is counted as part of the background environment and is labelled as "vorador12a-0001" and "vorador_ruin12a-0001" in the regular and ruined versions of the mansion respectively. The gold crest is also featured as part of the completed crest on "chapeldoor" texture - a mural of a skull-faced female vampire armed with the Soul Stealer. Dragon symbology and similar motifs are relatively common throughout Vorador's Mansion, although none of the other symbols quite match the golden crest.[Defiance][Defiance/8][Defiance/12]
The Cistern where Raziel gains the gold crest can be seen in Bonus materials and behind-the-scenes documents which explain the collection of the artifact.[Defiance][Defiance/8]
The Silver Half of Vorador's Crest uses a similar animal symbology to associate itself with Vorador - this time using the Crow or Raven. Other artifacts in this chapter also use dragons and crow symbols such as the Library Seal. The deleted Unused artifact is another that features a dragon and crow design, with this perhaps suggesting it was intended to be gained in the mansion - its file name and designation also suggests this possibility.[Defiance][Defiance/8][Defiance/12]