The Dimension enhancement was the third Reaver enhancement gained by Kain in Defiance. Kain found the enhancement in Chapter 5 in a small set of ruins east of the Pillars. Collecting the fragment, Kain found it had endowed the Reaver with elemental Dimension upgrading its power and allowing Kain to clear the mists over the Lake of Tears revealing the Vampire Citadel.[Defiance][Defiance/5].
The Dimension enhancement caused the Reaver to glow with green energies. In combat its charged attacks would be mirrored onto nearby opponents, whilst its Reaver Spell allowed Kain to quickly teleport around a group of enemies, striking each one.[Defiance][Defiance strategy guide].
The Dimension enhancement is also associated with Dimension and the Pillar of Dimension and it is named the "Dimension Pillar" in the Debug Menu. Strangely it is referred to as "reaver_hylden" in game files[Defiance].
It is unclear how the Dimension fragment came to be in the precarious position it was found[Defiance/5]. Given Moebius' comments regarding the fragments of the Balance Emblem, it is possible that he placed the fragment there[Defiance/3].
The Dimension Fragment was a piece of the Balance Emblem . It was closely tied to the Pillar of Dimension . When charged, the attacks would effect not only the struck enemy, but also mirror on near by enemies.
When fully charged, Kain could use it to teleport and strike all near by enemies in close succession.