Debug menus are a secret menu system that exists in the code of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2 and Legacy of Kain: Defiance (as well as a number of non-Legacy of Kain titles). They are typically used by developers to test features, locations and a number of other item by allowing instant access to change or alter these parameters. Debug menus are usually removed or their access blocked prior to a retail release, however in the case of the Legacy of Kain series, it is possible to re-enable access to them through various methods.
Debug menus are developer tools that are implemented in a large number of videogames to allow developers to test functions and features for the purposes of fixing bugs. Within the Legacy of Kain series, three titles - Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2 and Legacy of Kain: Defiance are known to have such debug menus hidden within their code.
Typically they consist of a large menu of diverse features - such as levels, areas, items, abilities and other powers, camera options, audio, visual effects and a variety of statistics - which can be turned on or off at will; however these menus are usually not intended for use by the general public and as such they are usually blocked or otherwise hidden or disabled in the final release of most games.In addition they often utilize coded entries, have incomplete or broken features and can make drastic undesirable changes, such as deleting data or crashing the system.
Although hidden these menus can be re-enabled through a variety of methods including the use of cheat console codes and special software, allowing access to some powerful tools to access and manipulate the game. Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance (and several related betas and demos) all have such menus hidden which can be enabled through different methods.
Known Options[]
There are several versions of the debug menu, each with their own unique entries and options, however the general appearance and basic options remain the same across titles. The entries for each title include the following: - items with a "..." indicate sub menus, items marked with a ??? indicate unsure or unknown effects, items in italic indicate entries that are known to have been changed, moved or removed in the course of development.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver[]
- Fill Er Up - fills Raziel's Health Coil
- Keep Info Between Loads (Yes/No) - 'Remembers' set options in the debug menu between loading events (will reset to 'no' at each load).
- Levels... - A list of rooms and areas to load.
- Riley's Test Area - areas relating to Push
- Test1
- Test2
- Test3
- Test4
- Test5
- Test6
- Test7
- Test8
- Test9
- Test10
- Test11
- Test12
- Test13
- Test14
- Test15
- More Test Areas
- Test16
- Test17
- Test18
- Test19
- Test20
- Test21
- Test22
- Test23
- Test24
- Test25
- Test26
- Test27
- Test28
- Test29
- Test30
- Aluka... - areas relating to the Drowned Abbey
- Aluka 1
- Aluka 4
- Aluka 6
- Aluka 8
- Aluka 12
- Aluka 19
- Aluka 27
- Aluka 29
- the Ruined City of the Dumahim... - areas relating to the Ruined City of the Dumahim
- NightA 1
- NightA 2
- NightA 4
- NightB 3
- NightB 5
- Oracle's Cave... - areas relating to the Oracle's Cave
- Oracle 3
- Oracle 5
- Oracle 10
- Oracle 13
- Oracle 15
- Oracle 17
- Oracle 18
- Oracle 22
- Pillars... - areas relating to the Sanctuary of the Clans and the Pillars of Nosgoth (Soul Reaver)
- Pillars 3
- Pillars 4
- Pillars 7
- Pillars 9
- TomPil 3
- Silenced Cathedral... - areas relating to the Silenced Cathedral.
- Cathy 1
- Cathy 3
- Cathy 5
- Cathy 8
- Cathy 19
- Cathy 34
- Cathy 42
- Cathy 47
- Cathy 49
- Cathy 68
- Skinner... - areas relating to the Necropolis
- Out 1
- Out 4
- Skinnr 7
- Skinnr 1
- Skinnr 9
- Stone Glyph... - areas relating to Nupraptor's Retreat and the Stone Glyph Altar
- Stone 1
- Stone 5
- Stone 10
- Sunlight Glyph... - areas relating to the Sunlight Glyph Altar
- Fill 1
- IntValy 1
- Sun Rm 1
- Piston 1
- Hto Rm 1
- Tomb of Seven... - areas relating to the Tomb of the Sarafan
- Boss 2
- Tomb 1
- Conectc 1
- Add 1
- Undercity… - areas relating to the Undercity
- Undrct 1
- Undrct 2
- Undrct 9
- Undrct 12
- Undrct 17
- Water Glyph... - areas relating to the Human Citadel and the Water Glyph Altar
- Tower 1
- Tower 7
- Lair… - areas relating to the internal areas Turel's Clan Territory
- Lair 2
- Lair 4
- Lair 10
- More Areas... - further areas
- Push - areas relating to Push
- Push 1
- ''Push 2''
- Push 3
- Push 4
- Push 5
- Push 6
- Push 7
- Push 8
- Push 9
- Push 10
- City... - areas relating to the Human Citadel
- City 2
- City 9
- City 10
- City 14
- Cliff... - areas relating to the Abyss and the Lake of the Dead
- Cliff 1
- Under... - areas relating to the Underworld (Soul Reaver)
- Under 1
- Morlock... - areas originally relating to the final valleys of the frozen wastes (some reshuffling between builds)
- Mrlock 1
- Mrlock 3
- HubA... - areas relating to the first hub area (Raziel's Clan Territory)
- HubA 1
- HubA 6
- HubA 10
- HubB... - areas relating to the second hub area (outside the Ruined City of the Dumahim)
- HubB 1
- Training... - areas relating to the training areas of the Underworld (Soul Reaver)
- Train 1
- Train 7
- Train 9
- Retreat… - areas relating to Kain's Mountain Retreat
- Retreat 1
- Retreat 3
- Dark Eden... - areas relating to the Fire Glyph Altar
- Fire 3
- Boss Areas... - areas relating to Bosses
- Anterooms... - areas preceding boss encounters.
- Skinnr 12
- Cathy 54
- Pillars 2
- Aluka 46
- Aluka 47
- NightB 8
- Chrono 2
- Undrct 16
- Mrlock 5
- Retreat 2
- Skinnr 9
- Cathy 55
- Pillars 1
- Aluka 6
- NightB 3
- Chrono 1
- Underct 17
- Mrlock 6
- Retreat 3
- Anterooms... - areas preceding boss encounters.
- Demo Area - areas relating to the Fire Glyph demo
- Demo 2
- Demo 3
- Demo 4
- Demo 5
- Demo 6
- Demo 7
- Demo 8
- Demo 9
- Push - areas relating to Push
- Riley's Test Area - areas relating to Push
- Short Short Stats (Yes/No) - displays a list of basic information about the current area/options and debug status.
- Short Stats (Yes/No) - displays a longer, more complicated list of present debug information.
- Camera Menu... - a list of attributes related to the camera.
- Debug Camera (Yes/No) - ???
- Ghost Camera (Yes/No) - ???
- Lock Camera (Yes/No) - ???
- Camera Stats (Yes/No) - provides a lists of information about the in-game camera
- Move Camer Focus - ???
- Center Delay (Numerical) - adjusts the delay before the camera centers itself
- Camera Override (Yes/No) - ???
- AI/Script Menu... - a list of attributes related to enemies and events
- Disable Monster AI (Yes/No) - ???
- Monster Stats (Yes/No) - ???
- Cinematic Switch - ???
- Send Cinematic Command - ???
- Raziel Menu... - a list of attributes relating to Raziel and his powers and abilities.
- Health System... - a list of attributes relating to Raziel's Health coil and other options.
- Enable Health (Yes/No) - toggles the presence of the health coil in the HUD
- Health Level (Numerical) - select a level of Health; raising the number increased the capacity of the health coil, effectively gaining a set of Health power-ups
- Health Stats (Yes/No) - toggles a display of information regarding Raziel's health
- Mana Level (Numerical) - select a level of Eldritch energy; raising the number effectively increased the capacity of Eldritch energy, effectively gaining Eldritch energy power-ups.
- Invincible (Yes/No) - prevents Raziel from dying (does not effect health loss or switching to spectral when Material coil is depleted)
- Hurt Raziel - manually causes a small amount of damage, depleting the health coil.
- Special Abilities... - a list of gained abilities
- All (Yes/No) - grants the use of all abilities
- Pass Through Barriers (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Phasing through gates ability
- Wall Crawling (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Scaling walls ability
- Force (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Telekinetic force projectiles
- Soul Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Wraith Blade
- Swim (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Swimming ability
- Constrict (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Constricting ability.
- Shift Any Time (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Shift At Will ability
- Possess (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Possess ability
- Amplified Force (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Amplified Force Projeectile ability
- Amplified Soul Reaver - (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Amplified Reaver
- Forged Abilities... - a list of gained Wraith Blade enhancements
- All (Yes/No) - grants the use of all wraith blade enhancements
- Spectral Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Spectral Reaver
- Material Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Material Reaver
- 'Sunlight Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Sunlight Reaver (or Stone Reaver)
- Water Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Water Reaver
- Stone Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Stone Reaver
- Fire Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Fire Reaver
- Spirit Reaver' (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Spirit Reaver
- SoundReaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Sound Reaver
- Glyph Abilities... - a list of gained Glyphs
- All (Yes/No) - grants all of the Glyphs
- Sunlight Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Sunlight Glyph
- Water Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Water Glyph
- Fire Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Fire Glyph
- Stone Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Stone Glyph
- Spirit Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Spirit Glyph
- Force Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Force Glyph
- Sound Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Sound Glyph
- Plane Shift Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Shift Glyph
- Imbue Soul Reaver... - a list of active wraith blade enhancements
- Hold Soul Reaver (Yes/No) - activates/deactivates the Wraith Blade
- Spectral Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Spectral Reaver
- Material Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Material Reaver
- Fire Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Fire Reaver
- Water Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Water Reaver (unfinished)
- Sunlight Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Sunlight Reaver (or Stone Reaver) (unfinished)
- Sound Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Sound Reaver (unfinished)
- Ariel Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Ariel Reaver (unfinished)
- Kain Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Amplified Reaver (unfinished)
- Shift Any Time (Yes/No) - allowed Raziel to shit at any time without using Planar portals; effectively activating the Shift At Will ability
- Health System... - a list of attributes relating to Raziel's Health coil and other options.
- Ghost Camera (Yes/No) - ???
- Goodies Menu... - a list of attributes relating to graphics and general options
- Fog Menu... - manipulates fog values
- Fog Far (Numerical) - ???
- Fog Near (Numerical) - ???
- Fog Red (Numerical) - ???
- Fog Green (Numerical) - ???
- Fog Blue (Numerical) - ???
- Restore Fog - ???
- Shrink Cells (Yes/No) - ???
- Decouple (Yes/No) - ???
- Frame Rate Lock (Numerical) - ???
- Ignore Object Scripts (Yes/No) - ???
- C_Code (Yes/No) - ???
- Stop Action (Yes/No) - ???
- View VRam - ???
- Capture Screen (Yes/No) - ???
- Signal Stats (Yes/No) - ???
- Signal Logic Values (Yes/No) - ???
- No Optional Signals (Yes/No) - ???
- VV Stats (Yes/No) - ???
- Voice On (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Music Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Quit Game - Exits the current game.
- Fog Menu... - manipulates fog values
- Sound Menu... - a list of options relating to the sounds and audio of the game.
- Play Music - ???
- Music Volume (Numerical) - set the volume of background music
- Music On (Yes/No) - turn music on/off
- SFX Volume (Numerical) - set the volume of sound effects
- SFX On (Yes/No) - turn sound effects on/off
- Voice Volume (Numerical) set the volume of spoken dialogue
- Voice On (Yes/No) - turn spoken dialogue on/off
- Voice Test Index (Numerical) - select voice samples
- Voice Test - play voice samples
- Sound Debug (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Music Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Print SRam Usage - ???
- Debug CD Loads (Yes/No) - ???
- Stats Menu…
- Print Vram Stats
- Print Memory Map
- Print Global Object
- Rearrange Vram
- Save Menu... - a list of options relating to saving and loading the game.
- Save Current Game - save the current game
- Restore Game - restores a previously saved game
- Debug Events - ??
- Show Event Vars
- Show Event Debug
- Show Game Time
- Game Time Mult
The Debug menus for the alphas version bear a number of entries for deleted areas, abilities and enhancements that are removed from later builds. Some entries are reshuffled after this build and more complex mechanics are added.
The most obvious change in the beta development process of Soul Reaver is the absence of Push from later menus - with the rooms labelled under "Riley's test area" (likely a reference to designer Riley Cooper) and "Push" only available in early betas. In addition a section of levels is labelled as "Demo" in early versions that is also absent - these relate to areas from the Fire Glyph demo and are virtually identical to their retail counterparts listed under "Dark Eden" - most of these areas are missing in the retail debug menu ,although the rooms themselves are still divided in the same way in the short stats, albeit with different names.
In different areas, a number of camera related options are removed and the duplicated "Ghost Camera" option in the same menu is removed, probably due to it already having its own entry on the main menu. In the health section entries are removed for "enable health" and "health stats" while additions are made for "mana level" and "hurt Raziel". The option to "Quit Game" is added to the Goodies menu, whilst "Play music" is removed from the sound menu.
In the section for imbuing Reavers, only the Material, Spectral and Fire Reaver are included in early beta lists, while the retail has all but the Stone Reaver - however none of the deleted Reavers are finished or fully functional and Stone is incorrectly attributed due to the reconstruction process to access the debug menus: Stone is actually listed as Sunlight and Sunlight is the missing blade No version has all the known Reavers available: the alpha lists Spectral, Material, Sunlight, Water, Stone, Fire, Spirit, Sound and has the Amplified Reaver as an ability - later beta builds remove the Amplified Reaver ability and swap the Sunlight and Spirit Reavers for the Ariel and Kain Reavers respectively.
Soul Reaver 2[]
- Menu 1
- Fill Er Up - fills Raziel's Health Coil
- Keep Info Between Loads (Yes/No) - 'Remembers' set options in the debug menu between loading events (will reset to 'no' at each load).
- Levels... - A list of rooms and areas to load.
- Dark... - A list of areas relating to the Dark Forge (Soul Reaver 2).
- Dark1 -
- Dark2 -
- Dark3 -
- Dark4 -
- Dark5 -
- Dark6 -
- Dark8 -
- Dark9 -
- Dark 10
- Dark11 -
- Dark12 -
- Dark13 -
- Light... - A list of areas relating to the Light Forge (Soul Reaver 2).
- Light 1
- Light 3
- Light 6
- Light 7
- Light 8
- Light 9
- Light 14
- Light 15
- Light 16
- Light 17
- Light 18
- Light 20
- Light 21
- Air... - A list of areas relating to the Air Forge (Soul Reaver 2).
- Air 1
- Air 2
- Air 4
- Air 6
- Air 8
- Air 11
- Air 13
- Air 14
- Air 15
- Air 16
- Air 17
- Air 18
- Air 20
- Air 21
- Air 22
- Air 23
- Air 26
- Pillars... - A list of areas relating to the Pillars of Nosgoth (Soul Reaver 2)/Subterranean Ruins in the Pre-Blood Omen era.
- Pillars 1
- Pillars 2
- Pillars 3
- Pillars 4
- Pillars 5
- Pillars 6
- Pillars 7
- Pillars 8
- Pillars 9
- Pillars 10
- Pillars 11
- Pillars 12
- Brian 12
- Jake 33
- Swamp... - A list of areas relating to the Swamp (location) in the Pre-Blood Omen era.
- Swamp 1
- Swamp 2
- Swamp 3
- Swamp 4
- Swamp 5
- Swamp 66
- Swamp 77
- Mountains - a list of areas relating to the mountainous region nearby Uschtenheim/Janos Audron's Retreat
- Aaron 23
- Aaron 24
- Janos... - A list of areas relating to the mountains/Uschtenheim/Janos Audron's Retreat in Nosgoth's early history.
- Janos 1
- Janos 2
- Janos 3
- Janos 4
- Janos 5
- Janos 6
- Janos 7
- Janos 10
- Janos 11
- Janos 12
- Janos 13
- Janos 14
- Janos 15
- Janos 16
- Janos 171
- Janos 98
- Fire... - A list of areas relating to the Fire Forge (Soul Reaver 2)
- Fire 1
- Fire 2
- Fire 3
- Strong... - A list of areas relating to the Sarafan Stronghold in the Pre-Blood Omen era.
- Strong 1
- Strong 2
- Strong 3
- Strong 4
- Strong 5
- Strong 6
- Strong 7
- Strong 8
- Strong 9
- Strong 10
- Lake... - A list of areas relating to the Great Southern Lake in the Pre-Blood Omen era.
- Lake 1
- Lake 2
- Lake 3
- Lake 4
- Lake 6
- Lake 7
- Lake 8
- Lake 9
- Lake 10
- Lake 11
- Sub Pil
- TSD... - A list of areas relating to the Time-streaming chambers.
- TSD 1 A
- TSD 1 B
- JanosB... - A list of areas relating to the mountains/Uschtenheim/Janos Audron's Retreat in the Era following Blood Omen.
- JanosB 1
- JanosB 2
- JanosB 3
- JanosB 4
- JanosB 5
- JanosB 6
- JanosB 7
- JanosB 8
- JanosB 9
- PillarsB... - A list of areas relating to the Pillars of Nosgoth (Soul Reaver 2)/Subterranean Ruins in the Era following Blood Omen.
- Pillars 1 B
- Pillars 2 B
- Pillars 3 B
- Pillars 4 B
- Pillars 5 B
- Pillars 6 B
- Pillars 7 B
- Pillars 8 B
- Pillars 9 B
- Pillars 10 B
- Pillars 11 B
- Pillars 12 B
- SwampB... - A list of areas relating to the Swamp (location) in the Era following Blood Omen.
- Swamp 1 B
- Swamp 2 B
- Swamp 3 B
- Swamp 4 B
- Swamp 5 B
- Swamp 10 B
- LakeB... - A list of areas relating to the Great Southern Lake in the Era following Blood Omen.
- Lake 2 B
- Lake 4 B
- StrongB... - A list of areas relating to the Sarafan Stronghold in the Era following Blood Omen.
- Strong 1 B
- Strong 2 B
- Strong 3 B
- Strong 4 B
- Strong 5 B
- Strong 6 B
- Strong 7 B
- Strong 8 B
- Strong 9 B
- PillarsC... - A list of areas relating to the Pillars of Nosgoth (Soul Reaver 2)/Subterranean Ruins in Nosgoth's early history.
- Pillars 1 C
- Pillars 2 C
- Pillars 3 C
- Pillars 4 C
- Pillars 5 C
- Pillars 6 C
- Pillars 7 C
- Pillars 8 C
- Pillars 9 C
- Pillars 10 C
- Pillars 11 C
- Pillars 12 Cc
- SwampC... - A list of areas relating to the Swamp (location) in Nosgoth's early history.
- Swamp 1 C
- Swamp 2 C
- Swamp 3 C
- Swamp 4 C
- Swamp 5 C
- Swamp 10 C
- LakeC... - A list of areas relating to the Great Southern Lake in Nosgoth's early history.
- Lake 2 C
- Lake 4 C
- StrongC... - A list of areas relating to the Sarafan Stronghold in Nosgoth's early history.
- Strong 1 C
- Strong 2 C
- Strong 3 C
- Strong 4 C
- Strong 5 C
- Strong 6 C
- Strong 7 C
- Strong 8 C
- Strong 9 C
- Dark... - A list of areas relating to the Dark Forge (Soul Reaver 2).
- Short Short Stats (Yes/No) - displays a list of basic information about the current area/options and debug status.
- Raziel Menu... - a list of attributes relating to Raziel and his powers and abilities.
- Health System... - a list of attributes relating to Raziel's Health coil and other options.c
- Health Level (Numerical) - select a level of Health; raising the number increased the capacity of the health coil, effectively gaining a set of Health power-ups
- Mana Level (Numerical) - select a level of Eldritch energy; raising the number effectively increased the capacity of Eldritch energy, effectively gaining Eldritch energy power-ups.
- Invincible (Yes/No) - prevents Raziel from dying (does not effect health loss or switching to spectral when Material coil is depleted)
- Hurt Raziel - manually causes a small amount of damage, depleting the health coil.
- Do No Damage (Yes/No) - stops Raziel damaging enemies
- Special Abilities... - a list of gained abilities
- All (Yes/No) - grants the use of all abilities
- Pass Through Barriers (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Phasing through gates ability
- Wall Crawling (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Scaling walls ability
- Force (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Telekinetic force projectiles
- Soul Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Wraith Blade
- Swim (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Swimming ability
- Constrict (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Constricting ability.
- SR2 Health (Yes/No) - grants the enhanced wraith blade, allowing the blade to be summoned at will, but also adding the Reaver bar mechanic
- Blood Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the final invincibility associated with the Reaver blade
- Forged Abilities... - a list of gained Wraith Blade enhancements
- All (Yes/No) - grants the use of all wraith blade enhancements
- Spectral Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Spectral Reaver
- Material Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Material Reaver
- Dark Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Dark Reaver
- Light Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Light Reaver
- Air Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Air Reaver
- Fire Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Fire Reaver
- Water Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Water Reaver (unfinished)
- Earth Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Earth Reaver (unfinished)
- Spirit Reaver (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Spirit Reaver (unfinished)
- Glyph Abilities... - a list of gained Glyphs
- All (Yes/No) - grants all of the Glyphs
- Plane Shift Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Shift Glyph
- Soul Reaver Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the Soul Reaver glyph on the Ring menu, enabling manual summoning of the Wraith Blade
- Dimension Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Dimension Glyph (unfinished)
- Time Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Time Glyph (unfinished)
- Mind Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Mind Glyph (unfinished)
- Conflict Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Conflict Glyph (unfinished)
- Death Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Death Glyph (unfinished)
- States Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the States Glyph (unfinished)
- Nature Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Nature Glyph (unfinished)
- Energy Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Energy Glyph (unfinished)
- Balance Glyph (Yes/No) - grants the use of the Balance Glyph (unfinished)
- Imbue Soul Reaver... - a list of active wraith blade enhancements
- Hold Soul Reaver (Yes/No) - activates/deactivates the Wraith Blade
- Spectral Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Spectral Reaver
- Material Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Material Reaver
- Dark Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Dark Reaver
- Light Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Light Reaver
- Air Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Air Reaver
- Fire Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Fire Reaver
- Water Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Water Reaver (unfinished)
- Earth Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Earth Reaver (unfinished)
- Spirit Reaver (Yes/No) - manually imbues the Spirit Reaver (unfinished)
- Disable Soul Reaver (Yes/No) - disables the use of the wraith blade
- Debug...
- Draw Puzzle Cone (Yes/No) - ???
- Autoface Toggle Mode (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Tap and Hold (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Autoface Trail (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Collide Info (Yes/No) - ???
- Fast Puppet Shows (Yes/No) - increases the speed of cutscenes
- Shift Any Time (Yes/No) - allowed Raziel to shit at any time without using Planar portals; effectively activating the Shift At Will ability
- Fast Puppet Shows (Yes/No) - increases the speed of cutscenes
- Slide Angle (Numerical) - ???
- Reaver Soul Suck (Yes/No) - turns on and off the ability of the Reaver to devour souls independently of Raziel when aroused
- Health System... - a list of attributes relating to Raziel's Health coil and other options.c
- Camera Menu... - a list of attributes related to the camera.
- Center Delay (Numerical) - manipulates the delay before the camera centers
- Camera Override (Yes/No) - ???
- Projection Distance (Numeric) - alters the field of vision
- 16X9 Widescreen Mode (Numeric) - ???
- Vertigo! (Numeric) - alters 'vertigo'/'displacement' effect, notably used in Reaver convergences
- Vertigo Amount (Numeric) - ???
- Vertigo Speed (Numeric) - ???
- Vertigo Pulse (Numeric) - ???
- Vertigo Speed 2 (Numeric) - ???
- Music On (Yes/No) - turn music on/off
- Sub Menu - New Combat Camera
- New Combat Camera (Yes/No) - activates a modified autoface camera (similar to Blood Omen 2
- Distance (Numeric) - ???
- Speed (Numeric) - ???
- Tilt (Numeric) - ???
- Sub Menu - Cheats
- Disable Monsters Loading (Yes/No) - Disable enemy spawning
- Skip First Puppet Show (Yes/No) - skips the opening cutscene
- Skip All Puppet Shows (Yes/No) - skips all cutscenes
- Sub Menu - Fog
- Fog Far (Numeric) - ???
- Fog Near (Numeric) - ???
- Fog Red (Numeric) - ???
- Fog Green (Numeric) - ???
- Fog Blue (Numeric) - ???
- Restore Fog
- Sub Menu - Goodies
- Screen Shot (Yes/No) - ???
- Project Shadows (Yes/No) - ???
- Decouple (Yes/No) - ???
- Frame Rate Lock (Numeric) - ???
- Time Mult (Numeric) -???
- Ignore Object Scripts (Yes/No) - ???
- Stop Action (Yes/No) - ???
- No Optional Signals (Yes/No) - ???
- VV Stats (Yes/No) - ???
- Voice On (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Music Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Disable Hints (Yes/No) - ???
- Sub Menu - Stats
- Print Memory Map
- Print Gloabl Object
- Print Stream Units
- PS2 Stats (Yes/No) - ???
- Sub Menu - Save
- Save Current Game
- Restore Game
- Sub Menu - AI
- Disable Monster AI (Yes/No) - ???
- Monster Messages (Yes/No) - ???
- Monster Stats (Yes/No) - ???
- Physics Lines (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Planning (Yes/No) - ???
- Planning Messages (Yes/No) - ???
- Cinematic Switch - ???
- Send Cinematic Command - ???
- Draw Monster AI (Yes/No) - ???
- Disable Monster Health (Yes/No) - ???
- Disable Monster Radar (Yes/No) - ???
- Monsters Have No Enemy (Yes/No) - ???
- Monster Stream Name (Yes/No) - ???
- Sub Menu - Events
- Show Event Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Event Var Page (Numeric) - ???
- Event Trace Level (Numeric) - ???
- Show Event Debug (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Spline Info (Yes/No) - ???
- Sub Menu - Flag Drawing
- FaceBurrowAttr (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceStickAttr (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceNobleNDAttr (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceDamageAttr (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceNavigableAttr (Yes/No) - ???
- FacePassThroughAttr (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceNotSolidFlag (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceCamTransFlag (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceCamSolidFlag (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceLiquidFlag (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceTSignalFlag (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceShadowFlag (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceTFaceFlag (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceQuadFlag (Yes/No) - ???
- FaceSignalFlag (Yes/No) - ???
- Sub Menu - Drawing Debug
- Poly Lines (Yes/No) - ???
- Instance Names (Yes/No) - ???
- Collision Geometry (Yes/No) - ???
- Radar Map (Yes/No) - ???
- Local Axis (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Bones (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Object Radius (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Object Flags - ???
- No Main Unit (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Normals (Yes/No) - ???
- Num Occluded (Yes/No) - ???
- Disable Weighting (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Soft Bodies (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Markers (Yes/No) - ???
- Show ESP (Yes/No) - ???
- Texturing (Yes/No) - ???
- Frame Blend (Yes/No) - ???
- Frame Blend Alpha (Numeric) - ???
- MipMapping (Yes/No) - ???
- Trilinear (Yes/No) - ???
- MipMap K (Numeric) - ???
- Show Strips (Yes/No) - ???
- Old VU1 Code (Yes/No) - ???
Perhaps the most noticeable developments in the debug menus of Soul Reaver 2 are the changing area lists. The early U.S. Air Forge demo has a number of areas that are moved, renamed, added or removed from the more complete version seen in the later European list; which is itself almost identical to the menu in the final release. At the time of the US demo release there were no alternate time periods for the lists that would become apparent in the final list. In addition an area named "mountain" is present which is absent from later lists - it is unclear if the areas listed with it "Aaron 23" and "Aaron 24" (presumably named after designer Aaron Hausmann) were removed or were absorbed into the start or end of the wider "Janos" area. Many of the areas have extra rooms listed that were either removed, absorbed or were just not listed (but were still present) in later lists; or alternatively room are absent that were not added until later - because of the restricted nature of the demo, none of the areas could be loaded to check their content. Other notable rooms include rooms named "Brian 12" and "Jake 33" in the "Pillars" area (presumably named for Brian Morrisroe and Jacob Wendler), and a room named "SubPil1" in the more extensive "Lake" area - perhaps indictaing a connection to the Subterranean Ruins and Subterranean Pillars Chamber or the planned Spirit Forge, or simply an exchange of rooms between the lake and wider Pillars area.
Other areas where there are noteable changes include the top-level sub menus which seem to be entirely absent from the early demo and are greatly rearranged between the later demo and the final version. Also added later is the "SR2 Health" option in the health menu which deals with the effects of the Reaver bar and the "Blood Reaver" option which deals with the invincibility gained by carrying the Reaver blade in the final chapters of the game. Both the "Forged Abilities" and "Imbue Soul Reaver" options feature all of the Wraith blade enhancements - including the cut wraith blades - even though most are incomplete and arguably the furthest developed versions of the cut wraith blade is seen in the early demo. Similarly the glyph list is complete in all three versions even though most of those were removed from the game - triggering them in the demos will show placeholder images or dots in the Ring menu (depending upon which version); they cannot be dded to the retail version and are unusable in all. In addition, the "Fast Puppet Shows" option is added "debug" sub-menu, allowing developers to speed through cutscenes.
Legacy of Kain: Defiance[]
- Player Menu... (same as "Raziel Menu" see below)
- Give Health Up
- Give All Ups
- Keep Info Between Loads (Yes/No) - 'Remembers' set options in the debug menu between loading events (will reset to 'no' at each load).
- Units... - a list of rooms and areas
- Reload Current Unit - reloads the current room
- Artifact.../StoreRoom - special item test areas
- Artifact 1a - the special "artifact1a" area containing all the items from the game
- Avernus... - a list of areas relating to Avernus Cathedral and Avernus Catacombs
- Avernus 1a
- Avernus 2a
- Avernus 3a
- Avernus 4a
- Avernus 5a
- Avernus 6a
- Avernus 99a
- Batflight... - a list of areas seen in the batflight loading screens
- Batflight 1a
- Batflight 2a
- Batflight 3a
- Camtst - ???
- Camtst 1
- Camtst 2
- Camtst 4
- Camtst 69
- Cemetery... - a list of areas relating to the Cemetery
- Cemetery 10a
- Cemetery 11a
- Cemetery 12a
- Cemetery 13a
- Cemetery 14a
- Cemetery 15a
- Cemetery 16a
- Cemetery 17a
- Cemetery 18a
- Cemetery 1a
- Cemetery 2a
- Cemetery 3a
- Cemetery 4a
- Cemetery 5a
- Cemetery 6a
- Cemetery 7a
- Cemetery 8a
- Cemetery 9a
- Cit_Early... - a list of areas relating to the Vampire Citadel as it appears in Nosgoth's early history
- Cit_Early 10a
- Cit_Early 11a
- Cit_Early 12a
- Cit_Early 13a
- Cit_Early 14a
- Cit_Early 1a
- Cit_Early 2a
- Cit_Early 3a
- Cit_Early 4a
- Cit_Early 7a
- Cit_Early 8a
- Cit_Early 9a
- Citadel... - a list of areas relating to the Vampire Citadel as it appears in the events of Blood Omen
- Citadel 10a
- Citadel 11a
- Citadel 12a
- Citadel 13a
- Citadel 14a
- Citadel 1a
- Citadel 2a
- Citadel 3a
- Citadel 4a
- Citadel 5a
- Citadel 6a
- Citadel 7a
- Citadel 8a
- Citadel 9a
- ElderGod... - a list of areas relating to the Underworld
- ElderGod 1a
- ElderGod 2a
- ElderGod 3a
- ElderGod 4a
- ElderGod 5a
- Logo... - ???
- Logo 1a
- MdlView... - ???
- MdlView 1a
- Pillars... - a list of areas relating to the Pillars of Nosgoth in the events of Blood Omen
- Pillars 10a
- Pillars 11a
- Pillars 12a
- Pillars 1a
- Pillars 4a
- Pillars 5a
- Pillars 6a
- Pillars 7a
- Pillars 8a
- Pillars 9a
- Push... - ???
- Push 2a
- Shold.../Strong... - a list of areas relating to the Sarafan Stronghold
- Shold 10a
- Shold 11a
- Shold 12a
- Shold 13a
- Shold 14a
- Shold 15a
- Shold 16a
- Shold 17a
- Shold 18a
- Shold 19a
- Shold 1a
- Shold 20a
- Shold 21a
- Shold 22a
- Shold 23a
- Shold 24a
- Shold 2a
- Shold 3a
- Shold 4a
- Shold 5a
- Shold 6a
- Shold 78a
- Shold 79a
- Shold 7a
- Shold 80a
- Shold 8a
- Shold 9a
- Strong 1
- Strong 2
- Strong 4
- Strong 8
- Strong 24
- Strong 32
- Strong 53
- Strong 100
- Snow Pillars... - a list of areas relating to the Pillars of Nosgoth in Nosgoth's early history
- Snow_Pillars 10a
- Snow_Pillars 11a
- Snow_Pillars 1a
- Snow_Pillars 4a
- Snow_Pillars 6a
- Snow_Pillars 9a
- Vorador... - a list of areas relating to the inital encounter with Vorador's Mansion
- Vorador 10a
- Vorador 11a
- Vorador 12a
- Vorador 13a
- Vorador 14a
- Vorador 15a
- Vorador 16a
- Vorador 17a
- Vorador 18a
- Vorador 19a
- Vorador 1a
- Vorador 20a
- Vorador 21a
- Vorador 22a
- Vorador 23a
- Vorador 2a
- Vorador 3a
- Vorador 4a
- Vorador 5a
- Vorador 6a
- Vorador 7a
- Vorador 8a
- Vorador 9a
- Vorador 1
- Vorador 2
- Vorador 5
- Vorador 6
- Vorador 7
- Vorador 99
- Vorador 101
- Vorador_Ruin... - a list of areas relating to the return to Vorador's Mansion
- Vorador_ruin 10a
- Vorador_ruin 11a
- Vorador_ruin 12a
- Vorador_ruin 13a
- Vorador_ruin 14a
- Vorador_ruin 15a
- Vorador_ruin 16a
- Vorador_ruin 17a
- Vorador_ruin 18a
- Vorador_ruin 19a
- Vorador_ruin 1a
- Vorador_ruin 20a
- Vorador_ruin 21a
- Vorador_ruin 22a
- Vorador_ruin 23a
- Vorador_ruin 24a
- Vorador_ruin 2a
- Vorador_ruin 3a
- Vorador_ruin 4a
- Vorador_ruin 5a
- Vorador_ruin 6a
- Vorador_ruin 7a
- Vorador_ruin 8a
- Vorador_ruin 9a
- Warp... - a list of areas seen in brief cutscenes relating to warp gate travel
- Warp 101a
- Warp 102a
- Lesson...
- Lesson 2
- Lesson 4
- Lesson 7
- Glidetst...
- Glidetst 5
- Glidetst 6
- Glidetst 7
- Team...
- Brando 10
- Brando 20
- Brando 21
- Jeff 5
- Jeff 7
- Jon 14
- Jon 19
- Jake 40
- Jake 91
- Jake 93
- Jake 100
- Jesse 10
- Tony 8
- Tony 13
- Chapters...
- Chapter 1 - loads Infiltrate the Stronghold
- Chapter 2 - loads Escape from the Elder God Chamber
- Chapter 3 - loads Pursue Moebius
- Chapter 4 - loads Find the Path to the Pillars
- Chapter 5 - loads Reveal the Guardian Citadel
- Chapter 6 - loads Find the Location of Vorador's Mansion
- Chapter 7 - loads Explore the Citadel
- Chapter 8 - loads Find Vorador
- Chapter 9 - loads Open the Spirit Forge Chamber
- Chapter 10 - loads Seek Mortanius
- Chapter 11 - loads Stop Raziel
- Chapter 12
- Chapter 13
- Chapter 14
- Chapter 15 - loads the Spirit Forge
- Short Short Stats (Yes/No) - displays a list of basic information about the current area/options and debug status.
- Short Stats (Yes/No) - displays a longer, more complicated list of present debug information.
- Raziel Menu... (same as "Player Menu" above) - a list of attributes relating to characters and their powers and abilities.
- Switch Player Character - switches player character from Raziel to Kain and vice versa.
- Health System... - a list of attributes related to the health of the characters
- Enable Health (Yes/No) - ???
- Health Stats (Yes/No) - ???
- Health Level (Numerical) - select a level of Health; raising the number increased the capacity of the health coil, effectively gaining a set of Health power-ups
- Mana Level (Numerical) - select a level of Eldritch energy; raising the number effectively increased the capacity of Eldritch energy, effectively gaining Eldritch energy power-ups.
- Invincible (Yes/No) - prevents Raziel from dying (does not effect health loss or switching to spectral when Material coil is depleted)
- Hurt Raziel - manually causes a small amount of damage, depleting the health coil.
- Do No Damage (Yes/No) - stops Raziel damaging enemies
- Switch Reaver... - a list of Soul Reaver and Wraith Blade upgrades available
- Raziel's Reavers - grants the usage of all Raziel's Wraith Blade enhancements
- Kain's Reavers - grants the usage of all Kain's Balance Emblem Reaver enhancements
- Spectral Reaver - grants the usage of the Spectral Reaver
- Material Reaver - grants the usage of the Material Reaver
- Dark Reaver - grants the usage of the Dark Reaver
- Light Reaver - grants the usage of the Light Reaver
- Air Reaver - grants the usage of the Air Reaver
- Fire Reaver - grants the usage of the Fire Reaver
- Water Reaver - grants the usage of the Water Reaver
- Earth Reaver - grants the usage of the Earth Reaver
- Spirit Reaver - grants the usage of the Spirit Reaver
- Dimension Pillar - grants the usage of the Dimension Reaver
- Conflict Pillar - grants the usage of the Flame Reaver
- Time Pillar - grants the usage of the Time Reaver
- Energy Pillar - grants the usage of the Lightning Reaver
- Blood Reaver - grants the usage of the initial 'vacant' Reaver used by Kain
- SpiritKain Reaver - grants the usage of the final Soul Reaver containing Raziel's soul
- Plane Shift - manually switches from the Spectral Realm to the Material Realm and vice versa
- Raziel Autoface Menu...
- Autoface Toggle Mode (Yes/No) - ???
- Autoface XY Delta (Numeric) - ???
- Autoface Z Delat Min (Numeric) - ???
- Autoface Z Delat Max (Numeric) - ???
- Toggle TK Acquire Ability - swtches on and off Enhanced telekinesis: i.e. the ability to 'hold' and 'throw' opponents with Telekinesis
- Toggle ChargeMove Ability - toggle the ability to use Charged attacks and Special attacks
- Toggle Infinite Reaver Charge - permanently fills the Reaver charge gauge
- Give All Earned Abilities - gives all Special attacks
- Shift Any Time (Yes/No) - allows the ability to Shift between realms without any cost, similar to Shift At Will.
- Noninverted Lookaround Z (Yes/No) - inverts the usual 'look' controls
- Debug... - sub menu ???
- Draw Puzzle Cone (Yes/No) - ???
- Autoface Toggle Mode (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Tap and Hold (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Autoface Trail (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Collide Info (Yes/No) - ???
- Fast Puppet Shows (Yes/No) - increases the speed of cutscenes
- Controller Configs - ???
- Fast Puppet Shows - increases the speed of cutscenes
- Slide Angle (Numeric) - ???
- Disable Inter p (Yes/No) - ???
- Disable Turn Anim (Yes/No) - ???
- Standing Turn Rate (Numeric) - modifies the rate of turning when stood still
- Moving Turn Rate (Numeric) - modifies the rate of turning when moving
- Jumping Turn Rate (Numeric) - modifies the rate of turning when jumping
- Disable Foot Lock (Yes/No) - ???
- Disable Jump Compression (Yes/No) - ???
- Attack Steer Distance (Numeric) - ???
- Disable Look Around (Yes/No) - removes the ability to manually 'look' around
- Speedometer (Yes/No) - displays a readout indicating the speed of motion of the character
- Altimeter (Yes/No) - displays a readout of the relative altitude (or 'height') of the character
- Speedo/Alt Update Rate (Numeric) - increases/decrease the update frequency of the speedometer and altimeter
- 'Sound From Anim (Yes/No) - ???
- Start Without Earned Abilities (Yes/No) - toggles whether earned abilities are already gained at the start of the game.
- Camera Menu... - a list of attributes related to the camera.
- Behind Cam Override (Yes/No) -
- Debug Camera (Yes/No)
- Ghost Camera (Yes/No)
- Lock Camera (Yes/No)
- Camera Stats (Yes/No)
- Move Camera Focus
- Matrix Camera (Yes/No)
- New Combat Camera Menu...
- Distance (Numeric) - ???
- Speed (Numeric) - ???
- Tilt (Numeric) - ???
- New Look Camera Menu...
- Max Rotation (Numeric) - ???
- Max Tilt (Numeric) - ???
- Max Speed (Numeric) - ???
- Acceleration (Numeric) - ???
- Center Delay (Numerical) - manipulates the delay before the camera centers
- Camera Override (Yes/No) - ???
- Projection Distance (Numeric) - alters the field of vision
- Wide Widescreen (Yes/No) - ???
- Vertigo! (Numeric) - alters 'vertigo'/'displacement' effect, notably used in Reaver convergences
- Vertigo Amount (Numeric) - ???
- Vertigo Speed (Numeric) - ???
- Vertigo Pulse (Numeric) - ???
- Vertigo Speed 2 (Numeric) - ???
- Spline Camera Lead (Numeric) - ???
- Parachute Tilt Angle (Numeric) - ???
- Parachute Tilt Speed (Numeric) - ???
- Parachute Tilt Delay (Numeric) - ???
- Shiva Menu...
- Projected Shadows (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Input Actons (Yes/No) - ???
- Decouple (Yes/No) - ???
- Frame Rate Lock (Numeric) - ???
- Time Mult (Numeric) - ???
- Ignore Object Scripts (Yes/No) - ???
- VV Stats (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Music Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Music Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Attack Wave Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Attack Waves (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Attack Wave Groups (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Combat Doors (Yes/No) - ???
- Don't Show Attack Wave Warnings (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Goal Point (Yes/No) - ???
- Monster Attack Wave Page (Numeric) - ???
- Disable Hints (Yes/No) - ???
- Switch Wing Code - ???
- Enable Screenshot (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Count (Yes/No) - ???
- Test Font (Yes/No) - ???
- I am become Shiva, Destroyer of Worlds (Yes/No) - ???
- Give All Cinematics (Yes/No) - unlocks all of the Dark Chronicle cutscene replays
- Perfact Game NOW - instantly gives a 100% completed game with all items gained.
- Fog Menu...
- Debu Draw Menu...
- Old Blit (Yes/No) - ???
- Poly Lines (Yes/No) - ???
- Instance Stats (Numeric) - ???
- Collision Geometry (Yes/No) - ???
- Terrain Collision (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Signals (Yes/No) - ???
- Local Axis (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Bones (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Constraints (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Object Radius (Yes/No) - ???
- No Main Unit (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Normals (Yes/No) - ???
- Disable Weighting (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Soft Bodies (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Markers (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw VMarkers (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw PMarkers (Yes/No) - ???
- Show BSP (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Portals (Yes/No) - ???
- Texturing (Yes/No) - ???
- MipMapping (Yes/No) - ???
- MipMap K (Numeric) - ???
- QWC Adjust (Numeric) - ???
- Brightness (Numeric) - ???
- Old BG Draw (Yes/No) - ???
- Hide HUD (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Stream Signals (Yes/No) - ???
- AI/Script Menu...
- Disable Monster AI (Yes/No) - ???
- Monster Messages (Yes/No) - ???
- Monster Stats (Yes/No) - ???
- Physics Lines (Yes/No) - ???
- Disable Monster Health (Yes/No) - ???
- Disable Monster Radar (Yes/No) - ???
- Monsters Have No Enemy (Yes/No) - ???
- Monster Stream Name (Yes/No) - ???
- G2 Anim Stats (Yes/No)
- Goodies Menu...
- Draw Sun (Yes/No) - ???
- Project Shadows (Yes/No) - ???
- Decouple (Yes/No) - ???
- Frame Rate Lock (Numeric) - ???
- Time Mult (Numeric) -???
- Ignore Object Scripts (Yes/No) - ???
- VV Stats (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Music Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Music Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Attack Wave Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Attack Waves (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Attack Wave Groups (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Combat Doors (Yes/No) - ???
- Don't Show Attack Wave Warnings (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Goal Point (Yes/No) - ???
- Monster Attack Wave Page (Numeric) - ???
- Disable Hints (Yes/No) - ???
- Switch Wing Code - ???
- Enable Screenshot (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Count (Yes/No) - ???
- Test Font (Yes/No) - ???
- I am become Shiva, Destroyer of Worlds (Yes/No) - ???
- Give All Cinematics (Yes/No) - unlocks all of the Dark Chronicle cutscene replays
- Perfact Game NOW - instantly gives a 100% completed game with all items gained.
- Sound Menu...
- Sound Debug (Yes/No) - ???
- Unloaded Sounds (Yes/No)
- Show Stream Stats (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Music Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Monster Music Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Show SRAM Usage (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Reverb (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Music Volumes (Yes/No) - ???
- Disable Dist Attenuation (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Cinematic Time (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Streams Levels (Yes/No) - ???
- Show ASLD Queue (Yes/No)
- Debug CD Loads (Yes/No)
- Stats Menu...
- Print AniTracker Info (Yes/No) - ???
- PS2 Stats (Yes/No) - ???
- Debug Events
- Show Event Vars (Yes/No) - ???
- Event Var Page (Numeric) - ???
- Event Trace Level (Numeric) - ???
- Show Event Debug (Yes/No) - ???
- Show Spline Info (Yes/No) - ???
- Physbob Draw Menu...
- Draw Watcher Box (Yes/No) - ???
- Draw Engagement Prop (Yes/No) - ???
- Artifact Menu... - gives specific items
- Blood_Spear - gives the Blood Drinker
- Heart_Puller - gives the Heart Seeker
- Soul Stealer - gives the Soul Stealer
- Vd_Key_a -
- Vd_Key_b -
- Vd_Key_cd -
- Ce_MetalShield - gives the Ornamental Shield
- KainsCrest - gives Kain's Family Crest
- Ce_LightArtifactKey - gives the Faceted Orb
- Shold_Artifact_One -
- Shold_Artifact_Two
- Shold_Artifact_Three
- Shold_Artifact_Four
- Pillars_Gate_Key
- Pi_Key
- Vor_LibraryKey - gives the Library Seal
- Cit_Artifact_One
- Cit_Artifact_Two
- Cit_Artifact_Three
- Cit_Artifact_Four
- Cit_Artifact_Five
- Cit_Artifact_Six
- Cit_Janos_Key - gives the Golden Ouroboros
- Pillars_AirArtifactKey - gives the Howling Heartstone
- Av_EarthArtifactKey - gives the Earth Globe
- Av_AltarKey - gives the Dark Scripture
- Janos_Heart - gives the Heart of Darkness
The debug menu of Defiance was more sucessfully removed than previous debug menus, meaning that in places whole entries have been taken out between the beta and retail versions, several pieces required reconstruction efforts and many that remain are non-functional.
Notably only the "Vorador" section of units (formerly called 'levels' in previous games) has areas that will load and many areas are listed only in one or other version of the menu, with notable areas listed for the warp gate, the bat-flight effects, at least on push room, rooms for testing glidding and the camera and a whole section labelled "team", with rooms presumably named after Defiance crew including
- The Debug menus which are present in Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2 and Legacy of Kain: Defiance are arguably a development of the practices first seen in the Blood Omen Developers' level select - all were originally intended to aid developer during production and had access removed in the retail games which could be reactivated through various means; all also contained functions to manipulate the game location and abilities, along with many more options in the debug menus. One notable difference however, is that the Debug menus are literal menus, navigated through button presses, making them much quicker to use than moving a character through the corridors of the developer's level select area.[Soul Reaver][1][Soul Reaver 2][2][Defiance][3] The only title which does not have a discernible Debug menu is Blood Omen 2 which instead contains a similar Bonus mode; again allowing accesses to any levels with items, attributes and abilities usually gained later in the story. By contrast, the listing of bonus mode suggests that it was intended as a completion bonus which was ultimately unfinished.
- Not all rooms are included in the debug menu and some must be identified using the 'short stats' display
- Certain conditions in debug menus can be manipulated by the possession of certain artifacts or skills, for example entering the early history pillars area in Soul Reaver 2 with the Fire Reaver will make the game assume that Raziel is returning from Janos's retreat in "[[Blade of Vengeance".
- A number of interesting, somewhat unintended effects can be observed by manipulation of debug menus, these include:
- Malek can be fought as a regular enemy in Soul Reaver 2 - this is achieved by reloading the "pillars 5c" area while the 'cornered in the stronghold' cutscene plays and 'keep info between loads' is selected - first spawning Malek as a regular enemy (but without colision detection) and on the second load allowing him to be fought as normal.
See also[]
- Developers' level select
- Bonus mode
- Cheats
- Debug menu at Wikipedia
- The Debug Menu (Soul Reaver) at The Lost Worlds (by Ben Lincoln and Andrew Fradley)
- The Debug Menu (Soul Reaver 2) at The Lost Worlds (by Ben Lincoln, Andrew Fradley, Warpsavant, Hellion00, Hanimar and Kajapon no Oheya)
- The Debug Menu (Defiance) at The Lost Worlds (by Ben Lincoln, Andrew Fradley and CMX)
- ↑ Soul Reaver - The Debug Menu at The Lost Worlds (by Ben Lincoln).
- ↑ Soul Reaver 2 - The Debug Menu at The Lost Worlds (by Ben Lincoln).
- ↑ Defiance - The Debug Menu at The Lost Worlds (by Ben Lincoln).