Legacy of Kain Wiki

Baziel Baziel 25 September 2024

LoK is Back! Soul Reaver 1&2 Remastered Announcement and More

Well, this has perhaps been the biggest week in Legacy of Kain history for a long time - and one that will live long in the memory. For the first time in over 20 years, a story based single player Legacy of Kain game has been officially announced with the revelations of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 1 & 2 Remastered at the Sony 'State of Play' show on September 24th. Truth be told, this is something that has been rumoured since the name tag unexpectedly appeared alongside some statues at San Diego comic-con in July, but like so many other rumours over the years it had appeared to be another false start as gaming shows came and went over the summer... Until PSN made a slip of their own and released the entire trailer before the show. What follow…

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Baziel Baziel 30 August 2024

The Dead Have Risen, Evercade & 25 Years of SR1

It seems to be perhaps the busiest the fanbase has been in 20 years. In the last couple of months there has been a level of activity that has been practically unprecedented in the last 20 years - and there is for once genuine official LoK content to back it up.So for all of you, welcome back. Here’s a summary of what has happen in the fanbase for the last couple of months:

First off I should mention that mid August was the 25th Anniversary of Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver’s release, and was the first anniversary in a while to get some large scale attention - and the days leading up to it and soon after were peppered with various revelations and exposures

After the reveal of the Dead Shall Rise graphic novel by Bit Bot Media and its associated …

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Baziel Baziel 6 July 2024

Soul Reaver Graphic Novel Announced! Tomb Raider Remastered and more

Okay, so twice yearly updates might be blown out of the water as 2024 seems to be the most active year for the LoK Fandom in a very long time.
Let's start with the big news that has triggered me actually writing a blog post for the first time in several months: Legacy of Kain is getting new official content! As reported in the gaming news media Crystal Dynamics has partnered with Bit Bot Media to produce a Legacy of Kain graphic novel titled Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - The Dead Shall Rise. The project will soon be up on kickstarter where fans will be able to help it get fully funded. Details so far include the following interesting snippets of info:

  • Prequel to Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
  • Set up how Raziel came to serve Kain but also has flashba…

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Baziel Baziel 2 January 2024

2024 New Year Update & 2023 Round Up

First off, apologies for the lack of updates this year. My partner ended up getting a new job in the gaming industry and it’s been epic and gruelling and I can’t wait to see what comes out of it, but for now it has meant that I've needed to pick up the slack on our projects a bit so I’m trying to do a lot of stuff for the Raina Audron channel on top of my previous commitments. Unfortunately that means I’m having less time for other things and keeping updates going is proving to be an even bigger challenge than normal.

Anyway here’s what’s been going on this year:

As part of the Raina Audron channel I’ve been posting several Youtube videos on the series. Roughly we’re beginning to split into three threads for videos: ‘Arcane Tomes’ for lore d…

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Baziel Baziel 20 November 2022

Embracer Survey Response, SR1 HD Remaster & Decompilation, Interactive Maps and more

It's been a long and eventful year for LoK, capped off with what may be the most interesting LoK news in decades.

So let's get that out the way first: as mentioned last time in early May a deal was announced for the LoK series to be sold along with other former Eidos properties to the Embracer group. In late August that sale was officially completed and LoK left Square Enix along with Tomb Raider, Deus Ex and Thief. Embracer wasted no time in reorganising their IP's and granting Crystal Dynamics stewardship of the LoK and Tomb Raider franchises (while Eidos Montreal got control of Deus Ex and Thief). Since then Crystal Dynamics unleashed a survey to measure the interest in the LoK IP and where it should be taken - full of all the right ques…

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Baziel Baziel 2 May 2022

Embracer Acquisition: Lok & SE western division changes hands. Developmental build videos

Lets get the big news out of the way first. This morning the SE era came to a close as Square Enix sold off most of its western division to Emrbacer Group - the media group that formally known as THQ Nordic that has been buying up devs, publishers and IP's of late. Notably known for reviving the Darksiders series.

Here's one article among many that have impacted the web this morning

Lok, Tomb Raider, Thief and Deus Ex have been treated as big names in the acquisition and have been frequently acknowledged throughout. For now SE's London offices, Life is Strange, Just Cause, Sleeping Dogs and Outriders will remain with SE - although there are hints that could change in future.

The relatively small reported price of the deal suggests that SE saw…

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Baziel Baziel 1 November 2021

Legacy of Kain's 25th Anniversary

2021 is a very important year for the Legacy of Kain franchise. 1st November marks 25 years since the release of Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain and the official start of the series. Not only that but 31st October is another important date as Soul Reaver 2 turns 20 years old.

To celebrate these milestones we thought we’d return to our partnership with the Ancient’s Den and produce some videos to turn the light on these games and illuminate some of the original features that have come out for them in the last couple of years.

For Soul Reaver 2 we’ll be going through the beta that was released earlier in the year and giving a detailed run through on the difference there. You can find that video here.

For Blood Omen we’ve got something a little more specia…

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Baziel Baziel 2 April 2021

Soul Reaver 2 beta and the post 2020 world

Well It's been an interesting year to say the least and as things are slowly starting to return to normal I thought it was about time to restart some of the round up blogs and cover some of the stuff that has happened since the Soul Reaver 1 alpha this time last year

By far the most interesting news of late is the unexpected discovery of a Soul Reaver 2 beta version that contains numerous cut content additions. This was dropped a couple of weeks ago thanks to the public reveal of 'Project Deluge' - a vast cache of gaming prototypes exposed by 'Hidden Palace' thanks to an anonymous contributor...We're told the project is ongoing so there remains the possibility that there may be more to come if other prototypes are discovered.

We're working o…

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Baziel Baziel 12 May 2020

Soul Reaver Alpha and extensive cut content updates

It's time once again for a mystery bombshell to drop from the heavens and blow open the Legacy of Kain Fandom. In the same vein as our previous expose on the Blood Omen alpha and Soul Reaver movie room updates from last year, this promises to be the single largest outpouring of cut content in the series history. As Ben Lincoln of The Lost Worlds once eloquently put it: “Every great story is pared down from a larger concept. The reasons vary, but the result is the same - a catalogue of the things that might have been.”

Infamously Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver had its final third cut as time pressures meant swathes of content was left on the cutting room floor – believed to be lost forever. For years a group of fans have been striving to recove…

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Baziel Baziel 30 April 2020

Spring 2020: The Calm Before The Storm

Well, so far 2020 has been an interesting year in the real world with things being both hectic and winding down, making for an unprecedented few months. Here at the wiki it's been relatively quiet - but there are good reasons for this and there is some furious work going on behind the scenes.

In terms of article updates the articles for Cenobite summoners, Guardian constructs and Vampire golems were concluded, finishing off the Defiance enemies category - while the article for the Turelim and Dumahim were polished to navigate us toward Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.

Away from the Wiki there have been a number of updates to the Magazine Archive: bringing to the fore a number of images apparently unknown to the wider community. Development on Den…

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Baziel Baziel 4 January 2020

Winter 2019-20 Round up

It's been another few months of slow progress at the wiki, but here's what's been happening in the fandom in the close of 2019 and what we can look forward to in 2020.

Primarily most of the work for the wiki for the last few months has been on the Defiance enemies with completed articles on Vampire hunter ascetics, Vampire hunter juggernauts, Vampire revenants, Human revenants, Hylden revenants, Possessed (enemies), Transformed, Fire demons (Defiance), Lightning demons (Defiance), Feral humans (male), Feral humans (female), Dreadnaught archons, and Cenobite acolytes - slowly bringing us towards the completion of this category.

Meanwhile in the real world, E3 passed again with nothing and official word seems to once again indicate that nothin…

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Baziel Baziel 12 May 2019

Summer 2019 - Cut Content Additions, Defiance enemies and more

As we roll towards yet another (probably unfulfilled) E3 season it's once again time to take stock of the situation.

Primarily the wiki work of late has been concentrated on Defiance enemies and enemy abilities, with updated articles on Sarafan archers (Defiance), Tentacles (enemies), Sarafan zealots, Sarafan templars, Sarafan inquisitors, Lesser shades, Greater shades, Vampire hunter mercenaries and Vampire hunter pillagers.

Ultimately for the future of the series that despite SE's recent attempts to induce interest from indie developers through the SE collective there is nothing currently in development at the moment: in the words of Phil Elliot ""there is nothing to say, unfortunately. Nobody came forward with a credible pitch, so there is…

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Baziel Baziel 1 December 2018

Blood Omen Alpha and Extensive Cut Content Updates

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Baziel Baziel 30 October 2018

October 2018 – Blood Omen bits, Defiance items & other yearly updates

It’s been a while and I keep meaning to do these more regularly. Since the last blog update the site has continued to rumble on and with a few interesting additions on the horizon I thought it best to update this now.

The main thrust of the last year has been the Defiance artifacts articles with the Category now completed, including finished articles for the Falcon Insignia, Malek's Shield, Malek's Sword, Decorative Sword, Ornamental Shield, Kain's Family Crest, Faceted Orb, Stone Disc, Bronze Disc, Howling Heartstone, Wheel of Life, Carved Stone Skull, Rusted Scales, Blood Drinker, Heart Seeker, Gold Half of Vorador's Crest, Silver Half of Vorador's Crest, Soul Stealer, Library Seal, Earth Globe, Sphere of Energy, Obsidian Sphere, Dark Scr…

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GokaiWhite GokaiWhite 20 January 2018

Duel of the Angels!

Who would win in a fight? Raziel or Sachiel ? Be sure to vote in the link below to my death battle contest in DeviantArt, where you'll also learn the meaning of this matchup.


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Baziel Baziel 17 December 2017

Winter 2017-18: Archives,Blood Omen articles, Crystal Dynamics and the SE Collective

Welcome to the Winter Update! As always I want to do it more regularly then end up with a massive bi-yearly one – but there is always the Facebook page and Wiki Activity to keep up with the more immediate happenings in the community and page.

So arguably our main thing – or should have been our main thing - was our 10th anniversary in July... erm just before the last update actually... Don't worry if you didn't notice it, to be honest we didn't either and there wasn't much to shout about at the time, but take the completed magazine archive and the ongoing work on the sources archive as a token of appreciation and gratitude. Hopefully I'll be more alert to the passage of time for the next one in 2022.

As for the wiki itself, we're still in the mids…

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Baziel Baziel 17 June 2017

Summer 2017: Wiki Style, Omen and the SE Collective?

Again apologies for the late showing, I seem to be getting pushed to bi-annually with these things, even though that's not really what I would have wanted, but when it's time these things have a way of getting away from me. Certainly work continues on the site in the meantime and the wiki rolls on.

To be honest there's perhaps not so much to mention in this edition Wiki-wise. I've been unsure of where to turn my attentions before eventually settling down to updating some Blood Omen locations and dungeons, leading to completed articles on the Mist Form Dungeon, the Lake of the Dead (and its sister article the Abyss), Kain's Mausoleum, the Energy Bolt Dungeon, the Light Dungeon, Wolf Form Dungeon, Stun Dungeon and the Cemetery.

On top of this …

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Baziel Baziel 16 January 2017

Winter 2016-17: 20th Anniversary and more

Well once again we have the traditional waiting period. I had intended to post this in time for October, but well this has been a tough year and things have once again gotten away from me. Apologies for that. So what's been going on? Well although the community has died down a little since the cancellation of Nosgoth, time marches on and there are still a number of ongoing fan projects and work, news and other sources of interest for LoK fans:

On the official side, GlyphX artist Boyd Lake has finally updated his website with his completed models for the vampires Dumah and Zephon as seen in the SR1 intro - these accompany those already released of Melchiah, Rahab and Turel. Denis Dyack has also been taking fans questions on Blood Omen: Legacy of…

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Baziel Baziel 9 June 2016

Summer 2016 - Updates, Nosgoth Cancelled, Maps and More

Well, I keep meaning to do these more often and keep finding distractions to hold me off. So apologies for the now almost routine delays in my bigger round-ups. As usual, there have still been a lot of things going on. So without further ado, let's continue.

First off in late January we reached 1000 likes on our Facebook page. It may be a drop in the ocean compared to the number that visit the main website every day, but the Facebook page is still our main outlet for news and work summaries. So a big thank-you to everyone that has followed us.

As for updates on the website, there is still a lot of work going on in many articles - particularly in the areas of general and recurring terms with completed pages on the World map, Ignis Fatuus, Rot…

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Smijes08 Smijes08 10 May 2016

No free will?

Just something I've been thinking about recently. It's made clear throughout the series that no one but Raziel truly possesses free will, right? That due to the Wheel of Fate, nothing anyone in Nosgoth does is of their own choosing?

Then that means Kain never really had a choice as to whether or not to refuse the sacrifice. The Pillars were doomed no matter what.

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Baziel Baziel 1 January 2016

Welcome to 2016

Welcome to 2016. I keep meaning to do these more often and spectacularly failing as real life catches up. Of course updates do continue in the meantime, it's just not always the best use of time to summarize big chunks of updates. So what's been happening? In short - a lot.

The Wiki updates march on, with the Soul Reaver 2 articles and categories now slowly approaching completion. Pages that have been completed recently include the articles on the Planar portals, Reaver fonts, Air Forge demo, Reaver bar, Health coil, Save altars, Sealed doors, Vampire Interview, Shadow bridges, Swamp (terrain), Ice, Rain, Vorador's crows and Snow. With some scrutiny a new article - Wheels - was also added dealing with the wheels turned in Legacy of Kain: Sou…

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Raylan13 Raylan13 27 August 2015

Introducing New Gaming Footers

The new game footers are brought to you by Encyclopedia Gamia and our very own Games Hub. The basic goal is simple: draw together Wikia communities in one location that enjoy the same genres and hopefully expose them to some new games and communities they might be interested in. Our secondary goal is to try and connect editors looking for help with members and administrators from other wikias who are interested in helping them out, whether it be with content, technical knowledge, or insight gleaned from running a community.

If you haven't already been approached, feel free to include your site in the submission section below in the genre you feel is most appropriate for the game you cover. Note that, with rare exception, a game should only…

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Baziel Baziel 8 July 2015

Pillars, Reavers and Paul Lukather

Okay this update must begin with some tragic news that surfaced over the last month, so please grab a seat if you haven't been keeping abreast:

It has been reported that the Paul Lukather - the voice actor behind Vorador and Bane - died in October last year, aged 88. The news had taken some time to filter through and was only widely known in the Legacy of Kain community when it was uncovered during routine check-ups last month. We are all extremely saddened by the news and hope you will join us in in extending our condolences. RIP Paul Lukather 1926-2014.

In happier news there has been a lot of progress on the wiki front with another few batches of new images added which showcase the Defiance forge locations, enemies, enemy abilities and many …

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Baziel Baziel 3 May 2015

Spring/Summer Updates

My apologies for the delay in summarising updates - I always resolve to do the big summary updates more frequently but end up with it being months later before I have the time to properly sit down and list what's been happening, but I'm going to aim for bi-monthly from now on. So what has gone on since November? The short answer is "a whole lot" - I just hope I can find/remember and type enough to explain.

Okay in terms of the fan community stuff - there have been a couple of interesting things of note with a brand new Legacy of Kain background design available on the Square-Enix forums and a brand new survey about future franchises (which is now closed). The big news in the last few months however was a slew of new information on the cancel…

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Baziel Baziel 13 November 2014

Winter Is Coming

Admin team update - the new search bar atop pages is not part of our redesign, but an unsolicited experiment on a new form of global navigation by our parent hosting service, Wikia. As it currently stands the new bar remains uncustomisable – against our will – and will remain in place until at least January. You can find out about it and give feedback on the changes here: http://community.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Rupert_Giles/Global_Navigation_Update

Please also direct complaints to this address: http://community.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Contact/general

Original text: Welcome back. Okay, first and most obviously you may have noticed a change on the front page and my usually humble update blog has taken centre stage on the main Legacy of Kain Wiki

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Ya Prinjos Tebya Bohl Ya Prinjos Tebya Bohl 16 September 2014

Thoughts on a Starcraft based LOK game??

Ok, I'm new to this wiki, but something I've thought of, I have heard of this 'Nosgoth' game, I'm not quite sure what the premises of it are, but; personally I think it would be awesome to see a Legacy of Kain game based with the Starcraft, Dawn of War, based gameplay, there would be like different teams, for me, I visualize it as like the exact type of game play, buidings, unit types, abilities armor and weapon upgrades, like for example teams, it would be based in post pillar destruction, with all factions of characters from the entire universe of the game, Mobius' Vampire Hunters, Dumah's clan, The Hylden, Demons, Ancient Vampires, etc, many more people could come up with in general, But for an example of how to distance out the faction…

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Baziel Baziel 18 July 2014

The Last Few Months

Time continues to march on in the world of Legacy of Kain and things are getting a little stretched, so apologies for the lack of recent updates on these blogs - though if you have access to Wiki activity, Recent Changes or our Facebook page you'll know that a lot is still going on - but we can always use people to lend a hand contributing to incomplete topics if you're knowledgeable or can research in the relevant areas.

First off, we have to mention that our Facebook page - now arguably used as our primary place for updates - had reached 500 likes and climbing (thought this may be a drop in the ocean compared to the several thousand hits accrued every day at this site), there are a few bonuses associated with this (some still in the works), …

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LoK-Aevum LoK-Aevum 6 April 2014

More Dead Sun concept art emerges

A veritable goldmine of concept artwork from cancelled game Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun has found its way to the Internet, alongside a few screenshots. Enjoy.

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Baziel Baziel 10 March 2014

Miscellanious article and Nosgoth closed beta updates

Well it's been a very busy time of late and since the last update many things have been updated on the site, with several of the terms articles updated to 'completed' status, these include Health recharges (SR1 environment/terms), Eldritch energy recharges (SR1 environment/terms), Scalable walls (SR1/SR2/Defiance environment/terms), Bells, (SR1/BO2 environment/terms) Malek's Helmet (recurring/BO1/SR2 environment/terms) the Ring menu (SR1/SR2 user interface/terms) and our favourite quote of the ancient tongue - Vae victis (recurring phrase) In other news, the Nosgoth juggernaut continues to rumble on and is now on closed beta which basically means that we're onto a stable build accessible by invitation and despite development and updates sti…

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Sarafan85438 Sarafan85438 4 March 2014

Nosgoth Comic Partition

These guys are requesting our aid in this endever. Its only right we fellow Legacy of Kain fans help out.


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Baziel Baziel 20 December 2013

Nosgoth and Wiki Updates

Well, since the launch of Nosgoth (or the community day even), it has been a roller-coaster ride and this has effected the usual updating of the site somewhat. Needless to say, site updates continue, but a few things are very much in the background in a space that’s a lot more crowded with genuine LoK news for the first time in a decade.

Firstly we have something of a secret project going on tied up with this symbol – We've laid down the gauntlet in other places, but I'll formally lay it down here as well: that symbol is very special to us at the moment, but can you spot where it came from? (bonuses for correct guesses). I will confirm it is an established symbol from the current LoK games, appears several times in the LoK wiki image galler…

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Baziel Baziel 23 November 2013

Nosgoth: Second Bite

Hello Again. This is Part 2 of an article detailing the Nosgoth Community Day and the first experience of Nosgoth for the fan-base – Part 1 available here covers the Nosgoth title itself. This article is of a more personal nature detailing the Community Day itself and my experiences.

For some time we've been keeping tabs on Nosgoth here at the wiki and we have had a fair amount of contact with George and the team regarding the game, but it was still a massive surprise to get invited to to an event where we'd get to see Nosgoth in action, and the presence of most of the big Legacy of Kain fan names that I've followed for years was an amazing added bonus. As dates and locations were decided it became amusingly clear that we were heading to Wimbledon…

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Baziel Baziel 25 September 2013

Nosgoth: First Looks

The time has finally come. Nosgoth has now been officially announced and the new website www.Nosgoth.com is officially up and running .As many of you may know, for some time we've been following the reports of new Legacy of Kain title Nosgoth and by now the big pieces of the puzzle should have begun to click together for everyone. For reference here is the FAQ on the Eidos Forums and the news that appeared earlier today.

So now that we all know, I can now reveal that a little while ago the lovely folks at Square Enix Europe kindly invited a few of us down for a Nosgoth Community Day. A fantastic experience for all where we got a detailed introduction to the world of Nosgoth, a trailer video (which is awesome) and of course, they let us get our gru…

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LoK-Aevum LoK-Aevum 14 August 2013

Redesign announcement

In the immediately foreseeable future, we intend to overhaul the graphic design of the wiki, replacing it with a new and (hopefully) sleeker interface. We have effectively remained with the current one for four years, and with the advances both in best design practices, our technical knowledge, and the prospects of more from the Legacy of Kain series alike over that time period, a change seems appropriate.

Though more minimalistic than our current style, I hope you will approve of it; it ought to enhance the focus on our content, and many subtle tweaks will perhaps prove more palatable to any readers with visual impairment.

While we will try to minimize disruption for our visitors, this is necessarily going to mean some mucking around with the…

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Baziel Baziel 31 July 2013

Locations, SR2 Bosses and the Vampire-Sarafan war

After the major news of the last few months, things have gone relatively quiet on the news developments recently, allowing us to get back to the good old article updates.

Continuing on with Soul Reaver 2 locations work, the articles on Janos Audron's Retreat and the Fire Forge (Soul Reaver 2) have been referenced and completed, with the same treatment given to Smokestack landmark from Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.

Articles dealing with the final 'boss' encounters of Soul Reaver 2 have also been referenced and finalized for Melchiah (Soul Reaver 2 boss), Zephon (Soul Reaver 2 boss), Rahab (Soul Reaver 2 boss), Dumah (Soul Reaver 2 boss), Turel (Soul Reaver 2 boss) and Raziel (Soul Reaver 2 boss) - completing the Soul Reaver 2 bosses category. Ad…

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Baziel Baziel 18 June 2013

"Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun" news and round-up

UPDATE: The article on recently revealed cancelled Legacy of Kain title is now up at Legacy of Kain: Dead Sun, containing all of Divine Shadow/Mama Robotnik's discoveries as well as subsequent comment and explanation by developers. As with the Nosgoth (cancelled game) article, this article will be updated as more information becomes available. ]] ORIGINAL POST: Well, there are certainly some big bombs dropping now. With the "Nosgoth" title recently confirmed and our own page about the Nosgoth game created but only properly completed and up for a few hours, there has been another major revelation in the Legacy of Kain universe - though again not necessarily what fans would hope for.

Once again, LoK researcher and historian Divine Shadow has been uncove…

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Liquid speaker Liquid speaker 10 June 2013

Pure Opinion:

Vorador: "but how? they killed you?"

Janos Audron: "No, far worse, but that is a story for another time."


Ok, this statement says alot. We know what we see happen to Old blue, and that a special item of his exists in 2 places at the same time ALL the way through BO2 (creating a sustained paradox). We also see something nifty from Kain The Barkey Headed (most likely hildan blood stuff). we have babble about 2 new games coming out. One being the completely vaporware "Obsidian Sun/Obsidian Blood/Revanent" and the other being the mystery title in the magic steam notes being "War for Nosgoth".

could one of these games give us the FULL run down of what when on be…

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LoK-Aevum LoK-Aevum 7 June 2013

"Nosgoth" news round-up coming

UPDATE: The new article on the upcoming multiplayer Legacy of Kain title is now up at Nosgoth (cancelled game). It largely speaks for itself, and little in the way of new information has happened since the original blog post, so I suppose we'll have to forget about that more extensive news round-up for now. In any case, we'll keep the article updated to the best of our ability.


ORIGINAL POST: Just a short post to say we are aware of today's announcement from VG247 and Square Enix's George Kelion that the project known as "Nosgoth" is indeed a game in development. Bear with us for a short while: we're currently gathering all available information, and will soon follow up with an article on the new title and a more extensive news post.

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Baziel Baziel 31 May 2013

More "War for Nosgoth"

Well this has been an interesting week. In case anyone has missed it, since last Sunday there has been a flurry of sources apparently related to a new game - bringing us to the stage where it is now almost certain that there is indeed activity going on in the world of Nosgoth, but unsure what form it will ultimately take. Here's a round-up of the information that has surfaced:

1)Initially, technology company AMD (essentially a processor optimization company) released an update for their systems (the Catalyst project), including options for several unreleased and unannounced games - and among the list of the titles supported were several references to "Nosgoth" and "War for Nosgoth" (the title of a website registered by Square-Enix back in Febr…
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Baziel Baziel 3 May 2013

Cabuco's lieutenants, Maps&Locations, Chat/Forum&Answers and more

Well, after the awe-inspiring start to the year there has been little in the way of definitive further developments on the LoK6 rumors as yet, but as ever E3 on the 11th-13th June could be promising, though don't hold me to that if it doesn't happen ;-). In other real-world news, Legacy of Kain won Pixlbits 'Missing in Action' gaming series knockout poll competition beating its closely related rival, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requim in the final. Former lead artist Daniel Cabuco has also been drawing come clearer images of the pre-devolved brothers of the Council and has completed designs for Rahab and Dumah.

As always we've been badgering away on articles, with a slew completed and referenced. To start with, very much inspired by Cabuco's…

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Baziel Baziel 21 February 2013

SR2 Locations, chapters and the "War for Nosgoth"

There's been a bit of a furore recently with the first verifiable evidence of activity on a new Legacy of Kain title emerging with the domain registry of "warfornosgoth.com" by Square-Enix and the discovery of a (hastily removed) 2011 storyboard for a "Legacy of Kain videogame animation pitch" in artist portfolios. At present there is yet to be any official comment on these, so only minor additions have been added to the Sixth game article. As mentioned in Dubiel's post our current "War for Nosgoth" article refers to the conflict between Kain's vampire army and the revived Sarafan (seen briefly in the Blood Omen 2 intro) - it is not related to this new information.

On the site-update front, a lot of work has been done on Soul Reaver 2 locations…

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LoK-Aevum LoK-Aevum 9 February 2013

Square Enix registers a domain named "warfornosgoth.com"

Hi internet, yes yes, we see it too. It has been reported all over the place that, last Thursday, Square Enix's registrars bought the rights to a new domain named warfornosgoth.com. Whatever this name signifies, it is almost certainly related in some way or another to the Legacy of Kain series (Nosgoth obviously being the setting/world of the games).

To recap on all the hubbub prior to this story, there has been a lot of talk since 2011 about a "Soul Reaver reboot", but literally no reliable evidence to confirm its existence. The blog VG24/7 continues to insist that Crystal Dynamics may be working on such a game, even though Crystal Dynamics has already told them that they are wrong.

Strictly speaking, there wasn't a war for Nosgoth in Legacy o…

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Baziel Baziel 9 January 2013

Christmas and New Year round-ups

A few updates over the seasonal period, most of which has already been noted on Facebook (sorry about the slower in-site round ups). Of highest note in actual 'news' was the release of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, Soul Reaver 2 and Legacy of Kain: Defiance on Steam in early December.

In terms of article updates, some digging by veteran fan detective Divine Shadow/Mama Robotnik has led to a new precursor project - Kain II - being added. Meanwhile, the Soul Reaver 2 abilities category has been filled and completed, for 29 articles of SR2 and (occasional SR1) knowledge.

Finally, rounding of our Anniversary updates, the Elder God has been massively revamped for a comprehensive gold-star analysis and current featured article, which includes some recen…

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Baziel Baziel 4 November 2012

Nosgoth, Chapters, Galleries and SR2 Items & Equipment

Apologies for the delay on the round-up, a lot of the work recently has been some necessary background improvements that weren't easily explainable. As always, a more up-to-date and detailed list of edits can be found on Wiki Activity or Recent Changes if I'm not quick enough in summarising.

The main core updates continue, with the article on the Land of Nosgoth reworked, referenced and completed - providing a detailed analysis of our favourite dying world and giving us our current featured article. Meanwhile in the SR2 Project the articles in the Soul Reaver 2 items and equipment categories have all been referenced and completed, providing a guide to all collectables and significant objects.

Continuing with the developments of our New Referen…

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LoK-Aevum LoK-Aevum 12 October 2012

Amy Hennig discusses Soul Reaver

Ardeth Silvereni, the creator of our ever-superlative fellow fansite, Dark Chronicle, notified the community that the PlayStation Blog has a new interview with Amy Hennig concerning Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.

Some of the information has been covered in earlier sources, but Amy has also revealed a few all-new facts:

  • Amy makes her first public acknowledgement of the original Shifter project.
  • Shifter's lead character "was essentially a fallen angel of death, a reaper of souls hunted by his former brethren, and now driven to expose and destroy the false god they all served". This character was not necessarily one and the same as Raziel; he was to "glide on the tattered remains of his wing-like coattails" (in contrast to Raziel's organic wings).
  • Shape-…
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Baziel Baziel 5 September 2012

Legacy of Kain, SR1, Vorador, Reaver enhancements, SR2 items and BO2 on gog

The ongoing work continues with some core content updates.

First off, the page summarizing the whole Legacy of Kain series has been updated and improved to provide a portal to the series and content at the wiki. Along with this, the page regarding Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver has been reworked with a thorough scrutiny of the game and its content. Also the page for Vorador has been updated and expanded.

In categories, content has been added and completed for each of individual Reaver enhancements in each game - including cut enhancements - and these can be found through the Equipment categories. The pages for Soul Reaver 2 puzzle objects have also had content added and completed.

Perhaps most significantly of late, Blood Omen 2 has recently been rel…

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Baziel Baziel 17 August 2012

Daniel Cabuco reveals...

The Ask Daniel Cabuco a Legacy of Kain related Question section on his new website is providing a fair share of BIG answers concerning missing plot pieces at the moment.

Here's a round-up of some of the interesting bits:

  • For SR1: The Lost City was "pulled down" into the Abyss by the Elder God source. The SR1 Glyph Shrines were intended to be "mysterious" to provoke discussion source. The Rahabim fired water bubbles and the Stone Glyph would have enabled the walk underwater ability of the later Earth Reavers source.
  • The character to resurrect Vorador in the original design of Defiance was... Raziel. He would have met the human sorceress Umah (who was already a vampire worshiper, much like the Priestess and already in Vorador's clan). She would have s…
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Baziel Baziel 16 August 2012

Main Page redesign and more Anniversary bonuses

I may have slightly left this update a bit later than I was planning; and that always tends to lead to a bit of a pain of update summaries. Anyway, first and foremost, the most significant and noticeable update is to our Main (Front) Page which has been totally redesigned and reworked. The new main page contains a lot more basic explanation of the site (like the previous community page updates), improved navigation options, news and update summaries and a host of links to social-media, the games on GOG, community websites and fan-hubs, as well as LoK fansites in other languages. We're quite proud of the new presentation and hope it should last us some time.

Of course, there have been many other things happening in the background for some time…

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Baziel Baziel 12 August 2012

New Daniel Cabuco Website and Defiance on GOG

some small news nuggets to go through.

As people following the forums or our Facebook page may already be aware, artist Daniel Cabuco is currently building a new online portfolio. Unfortunately, this move does mean that the former website hosted at spectraljin.com has been taken down (apologies for any broken-links caused by this) - the new website is something of a work-in-progress at the moment but should eventually contain some of the images from the previous site. Perhaps most significantly, the new site contains an accompanying forum, where he welcomes Legacy of Kain fans to ask him any and all questions about the series (however, please keep in mind that he is NOT working on a new game, and can only illuminate the past). On top of this …

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Baziel Baziel 21 July 2012

Anniversary Updates - Reintroduced and updated Introduction and Background Pages, Timelines and Factions

Some rather unexpected delays to our plans this week, but it has helped kick some of the background bits into order. The main hold-ups should be out of the way now and the site should be a bit better explained and easier to interact with.

To begin with, some of our explanation and 'starting point' pages have been refreshed and updated; to provide a more detailed explanation of the site and its ethos, as we are still concerned that people still don't quite 'get' the concept yet. For starters the Community Portal has been re-worked to provide a more detailed introduction to the site (and is now linked on the Front page as such). The improved portal continues to link to some of the most useful explanatory pages of the wiki; with many links adde…

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