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Black Demons, also known as Black Fire Demons were a Demon variant enemy encountered by Raziel in Nosgoth's early history of Soul Reaver 2.


Black Demons were black-skinned demons with many horns and spikes. They were incredibly powerful, dangerous, and hostile creatures and were arguably the most powerful enemies encountered by Raziel in Soul Reaver 2. Black Demons appeared visually similar to the red-skinned Fire demons and shared their attacks and affinity for fire[Soul Reaver 2].

Black demons were extremely powerful enemies at all ranges, employing a range of devastating attacks that could easily drain Raziel's Soul Spiral completely; including powerful lunge and charge attacks at close-range, fire-breath at medium range and (fast moving) fireballs at longer ranges. Black demons were however incredibly slow and could be easily sidestepped and outflanked[Soul Reaver 2 strategy guide (Prima)].[1] Like all the demons Raziel fought in Soul Reaver 2, Black demons could follow him into the spectral realm and could also create combat barriers to prevent Raziel from escaping[Soul Reaver 2 manual][Soul Reaver 2 strategy guide (Prima)].[1]

Black Demons were the last of the Demon variants encountered by Raziel in Soul Reaver 2, making only a few appearances towards the end of the game. Shortly after Raziel witnessed the murder of Janos in Nosgoth's early history, he was able to encounter the first of these Demons in the Mountains nearby Janos' Retreat[2][Soul Reaver 2]. Black Demons also confronted Raziel in the Swamp[3][Soul Reaver 2] and three would confront him in an epic battle at the Pillars[4][Soul Reaver 2], on each occasion the demons would openly taunt Raziel.[2][3][4]


  • The Black Demons notably highly resemble Fire Demons (even sharing the same attacks), except that the Black demons have more spikes and darker skin[Soul Reaver 2]. When the Fire Demons reappeared in Legacy of Kain: Defiance, the variant notably featured extra horns and darker patches reminiscent of the Black Demons[Defiance]; it is possible the variants may be related and the Black demons may be older, more powerful members of this same species.
  • Black demons, like other demon enemies, are presumably native to the Demon Realm and affiliated with the Hylden.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Bestiary: GameFAQs. Soul Reaver 2 FAQ/Walkthrough/Soul Reaver 2|Online (by Celtic Wolf).
  2. 2.0 2.1 Icon Soul Reaver 2 (~More fire barriers seal Raziel within a passage through the canyons, and a huge black demon rises from the ground.~) Black Demon: "Come closer, Raziel." Crystal Dynamics. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2. (Eidos Interactive). PlayStation 2. (October 31, 2001) Transcript.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Icon Soul Reaver 2 (~Another black demon rises from the muck as Raziel passes through the swamp.~) Black Demon: "You shall not pass!" Crystal Dynamics. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2. (Eidos Interactive). PlayStation 2. (October 31, 2001) Transcript.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Icon Soul Reaver 2 (~As Raziel runs past the Pillars, and numerous corpses of the Sarafans' vampire victims, three black demons rise from the ground to surround him.~) Black Demon 1: "He thinks he can change his destiny."//Black Demon 2: "What a fool." Crystal Dynamics. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2. (Eidos Interactive). PlayStation 2. (October 31, 2001) Transcript.
  5. Icon Soul Reaver 2 (~Raziel is trapped between two energy barriers. Two purple demons teleport in and drop down before Raziel.~) Purple Demon: "We have been expecting you, little Raziel."//Raziel (VO): "So, these demonic pests were not merely the product of Nosgoth’s corrupted future – for here they were, hurdling back over five centuries to pursue me. These creatures, I suspected, were minions of the unseen forces that had hoped to control me. This was the tangible expression of their displeasure – these demons were unleashed as the penalty for my disobedience." Crystal Dynamics. Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2. (Eidos Interactive). PlayStation 2. (October 31, 2001) Transcript.

