Battle Kain
"The Reaver now blazed with purifying flame. But far from being enlightened, I found myself entangled in an even greater web of mysteries. What had Janos expected me to learn? And what of Ariel's cryptic message? If the sword was endowed for the Scion of Balance – for Kain – and he was now dead, what hope remained? I needed to find Janos, and soon. I dreaded to think what these ominous rumblings might portend."
Plot [ ]
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In this chapter, Raziel can collect 3 Health talismans , 2 Telekinesis rune and 2 Arcane tomes . Raziel can also collect the Spirit Reaver enhancement. Raziel also finds the Quest Items The Heart of Darkness and the Golden Ouroboros .
Enemies in this level include the returning Sluagh , Reaper archons , Dreadnaught archons , Vampire hunter pillagers , Vampire hunter mercenaries , Vampire hunter juggernauts , Vampire hunter sorceresses , Vampire revenants , Fire demons (Defiance) and Greater shades , alongside the debuting Vampire hunter ascetics , Hylden revenants , Transformed and Lightning demons (Defiance) . This chapter also features battles with the bosses Kain (Defiance boss) and the Possessed Janos .
Raziel has the main objectives "Defeat Kain" , "Return to Vorador's Mansion" , "Resurrect Janos" , "Investigate the inner chamber below" , "Solve the Spirit Forge" , "Return to Janos in the council chamber" , "Defeat the Hylden enemy possessing Janos" , and the minor objectives "Exit Avernus Cathedral" , "Find a path to Janos Crypt [sic]" , "Restore the heart to Janos' body" , "Unlock sealed door with Ouroboros" , "Proceed to lower chamber" , "Acquire the Spirit Reaver" . The Prima Guide identifies the main objectives (and chapter title) as "Battle Raziel [sic]/Resurrect Janos" - "Solve the Spirit Forge" and lists the other objectives as "Defeat Kain" , "Find a Path to Janos' Crypt" , "Acquire the Spirit Reaver" and "Return to Janos " .
Gallery [ ]
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The Heart of Darkness
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
Cutscene: The transformation of the Reaver
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